Thelone reviews OVW TV Episode 1140

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Thelone reviews OVW TV Episode 1140

Post by Thelone » Jun 21st, '21, 19:30

Oh, another date tonight I guess, sounds... fascinating.

Tom Coffey (w/ Doug Basham) vs. Reverand Ronnie Roberts (w/ Jessica Snow) - *1/2
Basham still with the "40yo truck driver" look that Corny made (in)famous in one of his shoots, except he's 50 nowadays. Jessica is actually Al Snow's wife. This match was really odd because it felt more like Roberts had two managers with Basham taunting Coffey with the metal offering bowl and actually sliding it to Roberts (while Snow was distracting the referee on the other side) who knocked Coffey and pinned him.

Out of nowhere during this match, the main announcer mentioned that Godderz will defend the National title against Elijah Burke at Chained Carnage. That's... very random to say the least and isn't Pope currently a champion in the NWA? *checks Cagematch* Yeah, TV champion. That's pretty telling about how far the NWA has fallen in the last year or so if one of their champions is doing the job in fucking OVW of all places.

We have a vignette next with Luscious driving an old car and he's with his date who's only shown from the back so far.

Pope cut a pre-recorded promo next, saying that he'll add more gold to his waist at the special.

Tony Gunn vs. Jared Kripke - *1/2
This was a rather long squash with Gunn dominating the match while Kripke hit three or four moves at best.

Back with Luscious and his date in a restaurant/hotel (I think) and not much is happening really.

Charlie Kruel vs. Ellie - *
Oh good, MINDGAMES from budget Solo Darling here. Kruel is actually not that bad when she's not yelling and acting like a goof, but she does schtick a lot. Ellie botched a second rope... something (crossbody?) at one point, then did a few moves on Kruel and hit a german suplex for the win.

Back to Luscious and his date drinking wine. Again, Haley is somehow watching that backstage and gets mad at the cameraman because she thinks he knows who the girl is. Bizo arrives and is wondering why Haley cares about Luscious still, then they bicker a bit and Haley wants Bizo to prove himself in a match tonight.

Tony Bizo vs. Freddy Hudson - Squash
At one point, Bizo said something that was bleeped out.

Luscious finally starts kissing the girl. I don't know why, but I'm half expecting the "girl" to be Bizo or Haley's mom.

Kennison and Shannon talk a bit about the upcoming Amir vs. Flo match at the special, then Shannon goes to the ring to talk about his upcoming tournament match against Shera. Oh he actually calls him out and here he is. He starts by being nice to Shera and wanna give him a peace offering (HIS HOSPITAL BILL, ok no) and it's a box with PLV 280 written on it, so let's see what's in that box by searching online first because I'm that kind of crazy person *checks* LED video lights? That's actually how the box for this thing looks like, but I kinda doubt it will be that here. Anyway, back to serious mode because it's... a plush toy of the tiger from Winnie the Pooh, because he couldn't find a lion and that was the closest thing he could get. Shera isn't too happy and starts ripping the toy apart (then misses kicking both parts of it), but now Shannon has plane tickets to Vegas for him... on the day of the special and match between them. Shera throws the tickets away, but now Shannon just wanna give him a bunch of money, and he can still take the tickets as well. Of course Shera throws the money as well, grabs Shannon by the collar and says that he's here to win the tournament and everyone believes in him, and he finally throws Shannon in the ropes like a sack of shit. All my dumb humor aside, that was a pretty solid segment.

Luscious is dancing with the girl and he's going to bring her to Thunder Island. Haley is still looking at this and gets mad again because this is where he brought her the first time. Haley is actually using some common sense here and since she knows where that place is, she's going there right now.

Big Zo (w/ Josh Ashcraft) vs. Star Rider - **
Non-title and no DQ match after that heinous attack last week. Match was going fine with the weapons not being used too much, then Zo wanted to break Rider's neck with a pillmanizer, but Jackson and Herro came out to stop him and save Rider. Flo comes out and clotheslined those two, then Amir is out to fight Flo off the ring. Anyway, Amir did his finisher on Zo and held him in place for Rider to do a splash on him for the win.

Epilogue of the whole Luscious date thing is Haley finding the happy couple in a hotel room and she is Haley's mom.

This felt very much like a filler show where not much happened at the end of the day. Not bad, but mostly skippable.

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