BRM Reviews ROH Supercard of Honor

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews ROH Supercard of Honor

Post by Big Red Machine » Jan 17th, '11, 19:47

ROH Supercard of Honor (3/31/2006)- Chicago, IL

The show starts off with ROH Commissioner Jim Cornette telling everyone that he has found out that the person who knocked his tooth out back at Tag Wars 2006 was Low Ki, and so Cornette has decided to give Low Ki a “lifetime suspension” from ROH. Cornette’s promo contained some shoot stuff, which is the real reason that Low Ki left/was fired from ROH.

We then got a good video package hyping up the main event, followed by some footage of Chris Hero outside of the arena, harassing some ROH fans.

OPENING SEGMENT & SQUASH- Cornette & Whitmer come out and give a more storyline explanation for Whitmer's injury (blaming a parking lot attack by CZW guys rather than that scary fall last night), then they introduce and mock some masked "Hardcore Wrestlers" who are then squashed by Peace & Whitmer. An okay segment.

FOUR CORNER SURVIVAL MATCH: Shane Hagadorn vs. Flash Flanagan vs. Delirious vs. Ricky Reyes (w/Julius Smokes)-5/10. A fun match. Reyes and Smokes beat Delirious down after the match. Reyes then cut a promo telling Delirious (who was winless as a singles wrestler, and had ever pinned or submitted anyone to this point) “YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!,” which would build to a match the next night at Better Than Our Best

PROMOS TO HYPE UP THE FIRST BLOOD MATCH: Collyer's was good, Ace Steel's was GREAT!

CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI & JIMMY YANG vs. THE EMBASSY (Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley) (w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze)- 6.5/10. Good tag team wrestling. On commentary, Lenny Leonard called Daizee Haze a “trollop.” It was hilarious.

After the match, Chris Hero cuts a promo on Claudio, then starts throwing fan’s chairs towards the ring, until security removes him from the building.

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: Ace Steel vs. Chad Collyer- 6/10. This suffered from the same problem that most First Blood matches suffer from: the finish felt so dull after some of the other bumps that worked their way towards it.

HOMICIDE PROMO- good for the angle.

AJ STYLES & MATT SYDAL vs. AUSTIN ARIES & JACK EVANS- 8.25/10. AWESOME finishing sequence!

ALLISON DANGER PROMO- good hype for the SHIMMER match.

DANIELS PROMO- Good. It set up his next angle perfectly: “When will Daniels finally follows the Code of Honor and shake hands with someone?

DRAGON GATE RULES MATCH WITH TWO MEMBERS OF THE WINNING FACTION RECEIVING AN ROH WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH TOMORROW NIGHT: Blood Generation vs. Do Fixer- 10/10. Tons of great, past-paced action, and unlike last night, there was good selling in this match. I don’t know much about Dragon Gate, but the announcing managed to sell me on the importance of their feud. Even if you know nothing about Dragon Gate, this match is outstanding, and you should definitely go out of your way to see it.

NIGEL MCGUINNESS PROMO- AMAZING! It perfectly set up the "who is the best champion" subplot that would be a major part of the first half of the year in ROH, and set up for the Nigel vs. Dragon feud, as well as the “Title vs. Title” feud that Gabe had been wanting to do for over two years.

SIX WOMAN MAYHEM MATCH: Lacey vs. Rain vs. Allison Danger vs. MsChif vs. Daizee Haze vs. Cheerleader Melissa-6/10. Oodles of fun though. Also, this is, I believe, Melissa’s only appearance on an ROH main show (rather than a pre-show) so far.

HOMICIDE (w/Julius Smokes) vs. MITCH FRANKLIN- Good Squash, with an awesome post-match segment, setting up for the blow-off between Cide and Cabana tomorrow night.

CZW INVASION AND ROH-CZW BRAWL- Necro and Hero come in through the crowd and start to run their mouths. Pearce and Claudio come out to deal with them. Claudio chases Hero away, while Pearce and Necro brawl. Hero came back and hit Pearce with a chair, giving Necro the advantage. Eventually, Jim Cornette came out and hit Neccro with the baseball bat he has been carrying around with him for the last few shows (a Louisville Slugger, of course). Hero put Cornette in a Fujiwara Armbar until Samoa Joe came out ad made the save. Hero wanted to fight with Joe, but got hit with a chairshot from Pearce. Hero and Necor tried to leave, but a steel chair-wielding BJ Whitmer blocked their path! Necro escaped, while Hero ate a few more chairshots! The ROH students came out to take Hero away… and Cornette told them “I think there’s a dumpster out back… so if you don’t mind pissing off the rest of the garbage, take the trash out and dump it! This was a GREAT segment, and was the first time that what would eventually become the core of Team ROH at Death Before Dishonor IV were shown together as a unit.

SAMOA JOE vs. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. JIMMY JACOBS (w/Lacey)- 7/10. GREAT storytelling here, both the Jimmy Loves Lacey part and the overall story of the match, which saw Jacobs as little more than an annoyance to Joe and Daniels, who were just interested in each other.

This show also had a few fun firsts in the Jimmy Loves Lacey angle, including the first time fans pulled out their cellphones (I doubt lighters are allowed in the building) during “Ballad of Lacey” (Jimmy's entrance music), and the first chants of “JIMMY LOVES YOU!”*clap!* clap!* clap!* clap!* clap!*

ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: Bryan Danielson(c) vs. Roderick Strong- 8.25/10. While the work was smooth, this really wasn’t too exciting for the first half hour or so, until Roddy hit the ring ringpost with a chop aimed for Dragon.

LANCE STORM PROMO- Good. It will be Storm vs. Danielson tomorrow night for the ROH World Title!

BONUS MATCH: Erick Stevens vs. Jerrelle Clark-6.75/10. Pretty good stuff. The point of including this match on the disc was fairly obvious, though: 1. Fill up some space on Disc 2 of this 2 disc set, and 2: SELL FIP DVD’S (Gabe and Prazak spent the entire match on commentary hyping up for FIP, rather than the guys in the ring).

Overall, this show kicked ass! It has a 10/10 match, a fun women’s match (including Melissa’s only ROH appearance), an awesome tag team match, and one great marathon of world title match. Everything on this show that isn’t at least great does a great job of furthering an angle. A must-buy for any wrestling fan. It is hard to expect more out of a show than this!
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews ROH Supercard of Honor

Post by badnewzxl » Jan 17th, '11, 20:29

Glad you liked this show; It's the best Show I've seen from ROH.

As for the Dragon v. Roddy match: I REALLY marked out when Dragon bridged back onto his feat with Strong on top of him in the Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock!

One question though: What made the Do Fixer/Blood Gen 1.5 better than the Gen Next/Blood Gen match from Dragon Gate Challenge?

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Big Red Machine
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Re: BRM Reviews ROH Supercard of Honor

Post by Big Red Machine » Jan 17th, '11, 22:36

badnewzxl wrote:Glad you liked this show; It's the best Show I've seen from ROH.

As for the Dragon v. Roddy match: I REALLY marked out when Dragon bridged back onto his feat with Strong on top of him in the Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock!

One question though: What made the Do Fixer/Blood Gen 1.5 better than the Gen Next/Blood Gen match from Dragon Gate Challenge?

Also, it had some importance from a Dragon Gate PoV, since it was a grudge match between two factions that are the longest running rivalry in compny history.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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