BRM Reviews Straight Shootin' with Christian Cage

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews Straight Shootin' with Christian Cage

Post by Big Red Machine » Sep 13th, '11, 02:43

Highlights include he and Edge jumping the barricade as fans at a local indy promotion, being thrown into the ring with no training and accidentally knocking his brother out, what Kizarny usually did at lunch during school, why he always wears elbow pads, where his ring name comes from, discovering Rhino, trying to get noticed by the big leagues, Stone Cold's work ethic, E&C vs. the Hardys, the Lockerroom reaction to their tag team ladder match, the origin of the five second poses, TLC, and other subjects.

This shoot was fun, but lacked a lot of the usual stuff that people want in their shoots, especially good stories.
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