BRM Reviews wXw We Love Wrestling #30 (great!)

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews wXw We Love Wrestling #30 (great!)

Post by Big Red Machine » May 14th, '22, 19:03

wXw We Love Wrestling #30 (4/13/2022)- Papenberg, Germany

They’ve got a really cool-looking set up here.

Hektor Invictus was not at ringside with Dennis. This was fine. Dennis won cleanly, but seemed to injure his knee. He finished the match, but immediately pulled his kneepad down, pounded the mat in frustration, and was helped to the back by an EMT.

MICHAEL KNIGHT vs. TRISTAN ARCHER- no rating, okay segment
They did a bit of stuff for about three minutes for Rott & Flott ran in for the DQ. Bobby Gunns tried to make the save but also fell victim to the numbers game. Jurn Simmons finally came out to chase the heels off, so I assume this will be our new main event. I will often say that in a situation like this, you’re better off just announcing the six-man tag from the get-go and not doing 1) a DQ finish and 2) a bait-and-switch which also in this case 3) requires you to announce and thus sell tickets based on a card where two top names (Bobby Gunns and the freakin’ world champion Jurn Simmons) don’t have matches announced, but in this case I was fine with it, as it created the opportunity for Gunns- a long-time heel until his current slow babyface turn based off of mutual respect with Knight- to give thanks (i.e. show a babyface quality) to Jurn, who has been a babyface for most of the time Gunns has been a heel.

The Rotation won a fine match in nine minutes.

wXw SHOTGUN TITLE MATCH: Maggot(c) (w/Baby Allison) vs. Norman Harras- 7/10
Look at that. Norman Harras has inexplicably been given booking power for two shows so far, and he has won the lottery for the Shotgun Title on both nights. Who could have seen that coming? The clear incompetence of management in choosing Norman as Director of Sport is easily the worst thing about wXw right now. The booking of the Shotgun Title hasn’t been too far behind, either, and now that those two are merging, it’s even worse.
These two had a great match, but for all of the reasons I detailed last week, this storyline doesn’t work for me at all. Yes, Norman is now a hypocrite and that is worthy of condemnation, but Norman was already a heel, so that’s nothing new. And seeing his cheating backfire to favor a man who would happily cheat on his own does not give me any satisfaction in Norman getting his comeuppance. All this is doing (aside from making management look stupid for allowing the Norman to be in this position in the first place) is giving some fans a reason to cheer the otherwise heel Maggot, who doesn’t need to turn babyface. The openings on the babyface side of thing after the turns of Archer and Avalanche and the eventual turn of Tischer (which they could still pull back on) need to go to guys who wXw needs to elevate as their next generation. Michael Knight, Senza Volto, Levaniel, Anil Marik (I’ve left Stephanie Maze and Fast Time Moodo off this list because they have cemented that spot in the tag division, but they would both fit into this spot as singles wrestlers, too). It doesn’t need to be jammed up with Maggot, who is best placed teaming with Baby Allison as the heel minds manipulating the monster Heisenberg.

Rott & Flott explain their actions as a response to perceived unfairness against them. They say that they were cheated out of a title shot in their gauntlet match at 16 Carat Gold because they were attacked by Hektor and Dennis, and then in Frankfurt where they were originally scheduled in a main event big tag team match but Levaniel having COVID resulted in the match being changed to a wXw Unified World Wrestling Title match and them not being involved.
The six-man tag main event that was proposed by Jurn earlier has been made official.

They announced the return of both World Tag Team Festival and Femme Fatales in their usual October weekend spot.

This was an awesome, dramatic, athletic match between two tag partners, with a finish that felt like it was a huge moment for Aigle Blanc. Until now, he has always felt like Senza Volto’s sidekick. Now, with this win, he feels like an equal. Senza Volto, as always, was a great sport about it, letting his friend celebrate on his own, giving him a quick fist bump of respect, and then leaving the ring so Aigle Blanc could bask in the cheers of the fans a little more.

They had a fun big-man match. Heisenberg won by count-out after he threw Oskar into a big metal support beam.

Ava is a good heel promo, but she is now yet another heel complaining that management is screwing her (in her case by making her defend her title against two people at once).
Also, the whole idea that she would “take the belt with her to Florida” and not defend it in wXw is kind of silly, as defending her title in wXw is where she would get the most money, so why would she even make this threat?

wXw WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Baby Allison(c) vs. Ava Everett- 4/10
The story here was that Ava was confident in her superiority (which was set up in her pre-match promo, saying that she would be favored in a singles match), which resulted in her not following up on opportunities that she should have followed up on, which allowed Allison to come back and get the submission victory.

There was a post-match interaction between them where I guess the idea was that Allison was going for a handshake, but Ava was down on the mat and Allison is really still a heel, so a handshake was about my third though, after taunting her or trying to force a mocking handshake. Ava responded to this by shoving her away. If the idea was that Allison was being a babyface, it utterly failed because she hasn’t turned in any way. She’s still the same person she was two months ago, with the only difference being that the fans have decided to start cheering her now.
Ava grabbed a mic and told everyone that today was her last match in wXw. She talked about how much she hated wXw and everyone in it. I don’t know how far in advance either the booking or the length of her run was planned, but if they knew she was only going to be around for such a short time (she wrestled seven matches) and put the belt on her without a REALLY good storyline reason to do it, that’s really bad booking.
(Yes, I can see an argument where they wanted to have Iva Kolasky lose the belt and go heel out of frustration and turn Baby Allison babyface, and they did use Ava’s title reign to put those wheels in motion, but I still think that 1) like with Maggot, turning Baby Allison babyface is a bad idea, 2) if you absolutely had to turn her babyface, you need to set seeds for it, and 3) you could have gotten to the same place by just having Iva Kolasky lose the belt directly to Baby Allison.)

I don’t like the “Only Friends” name for Knight and Gunns. It’s too goofy for guys who are arguably your #2 and #3 babyfaces right now.
This was an awesome, action-packed six-man tag. I could have done without Dennis getting involved by throwing the Rott & Flott back into the ring, and especially without him holding onto one of their legs to stop him from being able to break up a pin. I also just don’t understand why the babyfaces won here. We’re building to Archer challenging Jurn, so Jurn really doesn’t need a win (aside from the idea that it’s good to give your world champion wins, I guess), and Knight and Gunns just lost two tag title matches cleanly, so there is really no damage done in having one of them get pinned here, as they’re already at their bottom point (or, conversely, if you want to rebuild them, at least have one of them get the pin). Rott & Flott desperately need the credibility a win would give them, and it’s never a bad idea to give the world title challenger a win heading into the title match, so why not give one of the heels the win here? (Yes, I’m sure Rott & Flott will be able to complain about Dennis interfering, but you can easily find something else for them to complain about).

This was another great episode of We Love Wrestling from wXw, though certainly with some caution flags about the booking. This one felt even less like your typical We Love Wrestling episode and more like a “normal” show than usual because we only had one backstage interview and no interviews right after the match. I guess they’re just calling everything that isn’t a major show “We Love Wrestling” at this point, and giving the bigger episodes of We Love Wrestling a subtitle, like last week’s 16 Carat Gold Revenge, or next week’s Slam in den Mai.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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