BRM Reviews the 8/13/2019 205 Live

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 8/13/2019 205 Live

Post by Big Red Machine » Aug 18th, '19, 00:34

JACK GALLAGHER vs. AKIRA TOZAWA (w/Brian Kendrick)- 6.75/10
They had a very solid opener with a rather interesting finish. Tozawa hit the big senton and Gallagher seemed to get his foot on the ropes, but as Kendrick was pounding on the apron in excitement, hit accidentally hit the ropes, causing Gallagher’s foot to bounce off. Or maybe it wasn’t an accident at all. We’ll have to stay tuned and find out. It definitely looked a little more purposeful on the replay, and the announcers had reminded us earlier on the Gallagher was part of Drew Gulak’s crew when kicked Kendrick out of the group, so there is likely at least a bit of animosity there.

ONEY LORCAN PROMO- He’s still holding his throat to sell the apparently heelish finish to their match two days ago. Thankfully I have never been punched in the throat so I don’t know for sure, but I’m skeptical that Lorcan would be still experiencing pain two days later.

If you’re wondering why Kalisto and Lincé are teaming with Humberto Carrillo instead of the third member of their stable, it’s because Gran Metalik was found laid out backstage earlier tonight and isn’t able to compete. And person who found him laid out was Humberto Carrillo. Lincé is suspicious of Carrillo because he already doesn’t like him, but I think Ariya Daivari should be the mora likely suspect, based off of his interaction with Lincé and Gran Metalik backstage last week.
This was fine for what it was, which was an excuse for Carrillo to be forced to team up with Dorado, to get the Daivari/Dorado thing over a bit more by having Daivari walk out of the match after a shouting match with Dorado, and then Dorado doing the slightly heelish thing on the finish, tagging himself in as Carrillo was coming off the top with his finisher, then hitting his own finisher and the pin, stealing the glory.


TONY NESE PROMO- foreboding
He vows to learn from his past mistakes and “do anything to win back the Cruiserweight Title.

WWE CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Drew Gulak(c) vs. Oney Lorcan- 8/10
Lorcan is getting a rematch because Hunter is annoyed that his guy got such a short amount of time at SummerSlam because Gulak hit him in the throat during their match right before the finish. Gulak won a hard-hitting match here more work on Lorcan’s throat, so aren’t we in the same place we were before this match?

A very good episode of 205 Live both in the ring and in terms of moving storylines along, although the booking of the main event has me a little confused, as it really doesn’t seem to solve the problem it was kayfabe intended to solve (can Gulak beat Lorcan without resorting to a cheap tactic like going after the throat). That aside, I’m eagerly looking forward to next week’s show, which will apparently feature handpicked teams captained by Gulak and Lorcan facing off in a big ten-man tag.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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