Impact Wrestling 6.22 Review: Patron/Storm vs ECIII/Lashley

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Impact Wrestling 6.22 Review: Patron/Storm vs ECIII/Lashley

Post by cero2k » Jun 22nd, '17, 15:48

Impact Wrestling
June 22, 2017

Intro - Good feel good video and promo from Sonjay Dutt after his big win last week.

Sienna and Van Ness Backstage - Sienna says that Rosemary is not in the building and she's trying to get Van Ness to focus and get revenge on Allie.

X-Division Sony-Six-Way Elimination Match
Trevor Lee vs Davey Richards vs Suicide vs Braxton Sutter vs Eddie Edwards vs "Reborn" Matt Sydal - 7.5/10
Not a No. 1 contendership match, but you have to think that winning this trophy puts you up there. Eddie and Davey obviously went at it from the get go, they would fight other people in between, but they would always go back to each other. Lee and Richards had a small alliance for a while taking out everyone else. Lee eliminated Sutter first. Lee eliminated Suicide next after catching him with the standing position foot stomp after Suicide dodges Richard's own foot stomp. Davey Richards then was DQ for using a chair on Eddie Edwards (DQ in a multi-man match!!), to which Eddie then dropped Davey with a Northen Lights Suplex on a chair for the second DQ elimination.

Sydal and Lee went at it for a while as the final two. Some great spots and a few near falls. Finish saw Sydal hit the SSP for the win to capture the Sony-Six (Irrelevant?) Trophy. Sydal vs Dutt for the X-Division title soon maybe? Good match overall, only Sutter felt unnecessary in this match, or better said, his elimination was lackluster.

It is announced that Davey/Love vs Eddie/Alisha in a first time ever Mixed-Tag Full Metal Mayhem match for Slammiversary. Also confirmed that Robert Flores is calling the action.

We got a video of Spud walking around the streets of India, he finds Swoggle hanging out with locals and starts persecuting him. Someone stole Spud's cellphone. Spud and Swoggle are about to fight and a third Indian midget got inbetween them, is he gonna be the special guest ref?

Allie Promo? - She's talking to herself, Rosemary is not here and she's insecure she'll show up at all.

There were Slammiversary commercials with Lashley and Patron talking, I really liked them. They felt like the things that LU is doing with Mundo vs Rey rey, making the match seem like a huge deal.

Low-Ki talking Impact Hall of Fame - This has me really confused, my understanding is that Storm is the HOFer this year, but Low-Ki talking about Konnan and Homicide (LAX as a team I guess) got me wondering, why mention it if they won't do it.

Joseph Park and JB Vignettes - Park is worried and dramatic, JB has pizza and soda. JB talks Park into believing in himself, they're gonna work together and overcome BIG POPPA PUMP! This is the stupidest thing ever, but I NEED to watch this match.

Sienna and "Hot Mess" Laurel Van Ness vs Allie and Rosemary - 3/10
Allie came out with her bundle of sticks. Rosemary's music played, but she didn't come out, so Sienna and Van Ness walked up the ramp. Rosemary came out from under the ring and attacked him, and the match is on. Crowd is super behind Allie. Match was super short, Van Ness took out Rosemary and left her ready for Sienna to finish her off. The little I got to see of Van Ness's offense, I loved it. I believe this is the first time in a while that Rosemary has been pinned.

At one point KM came out, Braxton Sutter attacked him at the ramp.

Don West promotes Slammiversary XV - Suddenly the show was sold out! JK, I don't know, he was promoting the VIP packages. $200 for the PPV, Impact tapings, DVD, Special Meet and Greet, plus other stuff. Travel Package includes hotel and food. Don West will be in fan interaction? SOLD!

LAX Segment - Konnan and Co. go to several LA promotions, attacked their wrestlers, and steal the promoter's bank.

Sonjay Dutt Celebration - He's riding in a little motorbike in the streets, followed by like 20-30 fans, he's dressed in Indian attire. He's headed to the arena. In the ring, Mahabali Shera receives Sonjay and his Indian themed entrance, everyone in the crowd is dancing! You deserve it chants.

Sonjay cuts a good babyface promo jumping from English to Hindi (?). Low Ki comes out. Ki actually congratulates Sonjay, but he thinks there was a little bit of luck last week, yet he acknowledges that a victory is a victory nonetheless. Ki says that since he gave Dutt the match upon request, he thinks it's fair that Ki gets a rematch in the same way. Dutt agrees, but he wants to do it at Slammiversary, and he wants it to be a 2-out-3 Falls!!

Low Ki and Dutt shake hands, but attacks Dutt and Shera before taking off. Low Ki hits the Warrior's Way on Shera. Ki is about to hit Dutt with another WW, but Sydal makes the save. Sydal vs Ki? PLEASE!! Anyway, good segment.

Halfway through the year, Low Ki is in my top 3 promos. I'm loving what they're doing with the X-Division!

KM vs Mahabali Shera - 2/10
Shera comes out with doctors telling him he shouldn't come out to wrestle, doctors are pleading, and while Shera is trying to talk to them, KM attacks him and throws him to the ring steps, to which the ref says "Can't you see he's hurt?", well ref, you better not call for the bell (which he did). Match was 3 minutes of KM dominating Shera, then Shera hitting the Sky High and pinned KM with one move, it was a weird reversed squash.

Post-match - Kongo Kong comes out, Shera tries to fight both men off, but falls to the power of Kong and KM combined.

More Park and JB stuff - More training, this time actually doing proper workout routines. Still stupid. This doesn't really work without comparing it with Josh/Steiner's training. Missed opportunity for a Rocky/Drago build.

Moose Reveals his Slammiversary XV partner - Eli Drake and Adonis come out and call out Moose. First ever 'Shut The Hell Up" chant, these fans are so polite to not say Fuck. Drake says that Moose rhymes with Bruce, so Bruce Prichard is likely his partner. Moose eventually comes out (with a DEFY Wrestling shirt), Moose says he doesn't have a partner in that locker room, but from another locker room: D'Angelo Williams. Moose fucked the reveal saying that he didn't have a partner, also, I'm in the US and have no idea who the fuck D'Angelo Williams is, so I can't imagine anyone in the India crowd knew who his was either. After a small vignette, Drake and Adonis attack Moose and leave him for dead.

Alberto El Patron & James Storm vs E-Singh-III & Lashley - 7/10
Standard heels vs Faces match. Faces start the match with the upper hand, but heels turn it around when they come back from commercials. They work Patron for a while, Storm gets the hot tag, then heels work on Storm, eventually Patron gets the hot tag. From that point on, babyfaces run wild. Finish saw ECIII get his team get DQd after he starts attacking the ref with a strap he was gonna use on Storm. Good match.

Post-match - Each feud brawled on the outside as the show goes off the air. Storm and ECIII went to the back. Patron took both titles and was hanging out with the fans after taking out Lashley.

Two good matches, two abysmal matches, and the X-Division segment that I loved. This show did a better job at building Slammiversary, and we still have one more show before the PPV, but I do believe they're still in India, so god knows how they build the LAX match and whatever stuff is missing. I don't believe they announced any matches for next week (during the broadcast), so there's a chance it will be mostly small matches and more segments next week.

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Big Red Machine
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Re: Impact Wrestling 6.22 Review: Patron/Storm vs ECIII/Lashley

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 22nd, '17, 16:07

cero2k wrote: Jun 22nd, '17, 15:48

X-Division Sony-Six-Way Elimination Match
Trevor Lee vs Davey Richards vs Suicide vs Braxton Sutter vs Eddie Edwards vs "Reborn" Matt Sydal - 7.5/10
Not a No. 1 contendership match, but you have to think that winning this trophy puts you up there. Eddie and Davey obviously went at it from the get go, they would fight other people in between, but they would always go back to each other. Lee and Richards had a small alliance for a while taking out everyone else. Lee eliminated Sutter first. Lee eliminated Suicide next after catching him with the standing position foot stomp after Suicide dodges Richard's own foot stomp. Davey Richards then was DQ for using a chair on Eddie Edwards (DQ in a multi-man match!!), to which Eddie then dropped Davey with a Northen Lights Suplex on a chair for the second DQ elimination.

How could Eddie possibly get DQed for using a weapon on someone who isn't in the match anymore? Why would you do this when you could just have Davey get DQed for hitting Eddie with the chair and then make that chairshot actually mean something but having some heel come along and get the cheap pin on Eddie?

Low-Ki talking Impact Hall of Fame - This has me really confused, my understanding is that Storm is the HOFer this year, but Low-Ki talking about Konnan and Homicide (LAX as a team I guess) got me wondering, why mention it if they won't do it.
Why not have two? They've done it before with Jarrett and Hebner (although the idea that TNA put Earl Hebner in its hall of fame shows just how much their hall of fame really matters).

Moose Reveals his Slammiversary XV partner - Eli Drake and Adonis come out and call out Moose. First ever 'Shut The Hell Up" chant, these fans are so polite to not say Fuck.
This chant has happened many times before.

Alberto El Patron & James Storm vs E-Singh-III & Lashley - 7/10
Standard heels vs Faces match. Faces start the match with the upper hand, but heels turn it around when they come back from commercials. They work Patron for a while, Storm gets the hot tag, then heels work on Storm, eventually Patron gets the hot tag. From that point on, babyfaces run wild. Finish saw ECIII get his team get DQd after he starts attacking the ref with a strap he was gonna use on Storm. Good match.
What a f*cking stupid finish. If you can't book a worthwhile finish then don't book the match, and don't book a DQ in a main event stipulation match. This is why so many people have given up on this company. They'll never learn.

Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: Impact Wrestling 6.22 Review: Patron/Storm vs ECIII/Lashley

Post by cero2k » Jun 22nd, '17, 16:43

Big Red Machine wrote: Jun 22nd, '17, 16:07
How could Eddie possibly get DQed for using a weapon on someone who isn't in the match anymore? Why would you do this when you could just have Davey get DQed for hitting Eddie with the chair and then make that chairshot actually mean something but having some heel come along and get the cheap pin on Eddie?
because it's davey and eddie that have a match at the PPV, not any of the other guys left. The other guys don't need cheap heat right now, it's Davey and Eddie that need to keep the fuel to their feud going by brawling. As to why Eddie gets DQd, if two guys start brawling with weapons, you remove both guys from the match, just because you DQ one before the other doesn't mean the latter is free to do whatever he/she wants.

Why not have two? They've done it before with Jarrett and Hebner (although the idea that TNA put Earl Hebner in its hall of fame shows just how much their hall of fame really matters).
it's not the usual MO, but sure. Also, if there is any ref that deserves a HOF induction at this point, it was Hebner, and it's a Hall of Fame, it's meaningless like every other, it matters to them and that's all that it's there for.

This chant has happened many times before.
I've always heard 'shut the fuck up', never the polite version

What a f*cking stupid finish. If you can't book a worthwhile finish then don't book the match, and don't book a DQ in a main event stipulation match. This is why so many people have given up on this company. They'll never learn.
what stipulation? it's a tag match, one team got DQd, that's it. It's what ECIII has been doing for the last 3-4 weeks, going crazy with a belt, attacking eveyone.

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Re: Impact Wrestling 6.22 Review: Patron/Storm vs ECIII/Lashley

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 22nd, '17, 21:39

cero2k wrote: Jun 22nd, '17, 16:43
Big Red Machine wrote: Jun 22nd, '17, 16:07
How could Eddie possibly get DQed for using a weapon on someone who isn't in the match anymore? Why would you do this when you could just have Davey get DQed for hitting Eddie with the chair and then make that chairshot actually mean something but having some heel come along and get the cheap pin on Eddie?
because it's davey and eddie that have a match at the PPV, not any of the other guys left. The other guys don't need cheap heat right now, it's Davey and Eddie that need to keep the fuel to their feud going by brawling. As to why Eddie gets DQd, if two guys start brawling with weapons, you remove both guys from the match, just because you DQ one before the other doesn't mean the latter is free to do whatever he/she wants.
The heat in terms of the Eddie-Davey angle would be on Davey for hitting Eddie with a chair and costing him the match. The heat the other guy would get for a pinfall he didn't earn would be a (small) bonus. They don't need to "keep their feud going by brawling." They've got another week's worth of TV during which they can have a cliched brawl or cut their money promos on each other or do a heavy heat angle where Davey & Angelina jump them from behind, beat the sh*t out of them, steal their wedding rings and throw them into the ocean or whatever else you want to do.
As for the logic behind the actual DQ of Eddie, I totally disagree. You haven't done anything wrong until you've broken the rules of the match. Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't use a weapon to beat up someone who isn't in the match. And clearly just holding a weapon in the ring isn't grounds for a DQ or else they'd never be able to do that spot where the heel gets a weapon and tries to come into the ring with it but the referee stops him and takes it away and while the referee is putting it back the heel hits the babyface with a second weapon.

Why not have two? They've done it before with Jarrett and Hebner (although the idea that TNA put Earl Hebner in its hall of fame shows just how much their hall of fame really matters).
it's not the usual MO, but sure. Also, if there is any ref that deserves a HOF induction at this point, it was Hebner, and it's a Hall of Fame, it's meaningless like every other, it matters to them and that's all that it's there for.
Hebner I would argue would be worthy of induction into a pro wrestling HOF or a WWE HOF, sure, but TNA? What did he do other than be in a bunch of bad angles that were just the same angle over and over. As for another referee who would deserve induction into a hall of fame: Tommy Young.

This chant has happened many times before.
I've always heard 'shut the fuck up', never the polite version
If I recall correctly, I've mostly heard it on WWE or TNA shows where the crowd was being kind of cognisant of the fact that using the f word could get the promotion in trouble, but I've heard it at some ROH and FIP shows, too, mostly back in the 2005-2008 era. And CHIKARA has always used "shut the heck up!"

What a f*cking stupid finish. If you can't book a worthwhile finish then don't book the match, and don't book a DQ in a main event stipulation match. This is why so many people have given up on this company. They'll never learn.
what stipulation? it's a tag match, one team got DQd, that's it. It's what ECIII has been doing for the last 3-4 weeks, going crazy with a belt, attacking eveyone.

I thought I read someone that this was an "Indian Strap Match." Maybe that's what they're doing at the PPV. But stip or no stip it's still a dumb finish. Why would attack the referee? This comes off to me like they did a DQ because they didn't want to beat anyone rather than to do anything that helps the story. If you don't want to beat anyone cleanly then don't book the match. And even if it did help the story, if you're going to do DQ, don't make that match the main event.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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