BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

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BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by Big Red Machine » Aug 14th, '18, 13:33

RONDA TELLS US THAT HER FRIEND NATALYA’S FATHER DIED- This was something that actually felt real; like stuff Ronda would actually say in this situation.
As for transitioning from that into a promo on Alexa the way she did… that was rough. It really felt like they were trying to take sympathy for Nattie and turn it into heat for the Ronda/Alexa match. If Roman Reigns were in Ronda’s spot, people would be rioting. I don’t say this to bring up some sort of gender issue, but rather to point out that I’m quite worried they’re setting Ronda on the same path that has increasingly hurt Roman even with non-hardcore fans: that of someone who they are clearly manipulating you into liking. And in this case, I think that label qualifies, as they are taking real-life sympathy for Nattie and seemingly trying to transfer it to Ronda in a way that would otherwise outrage us.

Anyway, Ronda tells us that she has found a replacement-Nattie for tonight’s match against Alexa Bliss!, “the She-nom” Ember Moon. Hopefully the fact that they’re back to using the “She-nom” moniker means they’ll stop forcing her to make all of those atrocious moon puns whenever she gets the chance to cut a promo.
Alexa came out with Alicia Fox, who is back to being a crazy woman who wears branches on her head. The problem with having Alicia do things like that is that between the leaves on her head and the 19th century military dress jacket she was wearing on one shoulder, when I saw her other arm all taped up it never occurred to me that it had anything to do with Ronda Rousey putting her in the armbar last week. It was just another “oh that kooky Alicia Fox dressing up all weird” thing to me until Alexa brought attention to it.
Alexa cut a promo in which she actually made some really solid heel points about her getting treated unfairly. Using the fact that “Roman got removed from the building to 'protect the main event at SummerSlam'” but no such courtesy has been extended to Alexa, with Ronda allowed to remain at ringside despite her history of rule-breaking and attacking people.
Alexa says she went to Corbin, who suggested she hire her own security forces, so she did, and out came four big burly security guards. Well… two big burly security guards, one guy who was at least broad-shouldered and had some tattoos to make him look tougher, and a fourth guy who had what looked to be about the same physique and build as Coach. Either way, though, this does nothing for me tonight. I have no interest in seeing Ronda toss around some jobbers. They already blew their load on that one when she did it to TRIPLE H in her first match.
Compounding this problem is the man-on-woman violence issue: specifically the part where WWE won’t let it happen. This means that these guys just don’t register to me as any sort of threat to Ronda, so there is no danger here, which makes it feel all the more like they’re spinning their wheels on this story, which it feels like they’ve been doing for a long time already (even if they haven’t). This just does nothing to excite me for either tonight’s show or for SummerSlam, and those were the two main goals of this segment.
Also… it’s not WWE’s fault, but seeing both of the principals in this feud stand there with clear replacements as their seconds made this whole thing feel hollow. I think it would have been a lot better to just rebook everything they had for this feud tonight rather than making it feel like such a find/replace situation.

EMBER MOON (w/Ronda Rousey) vs. ALEXA BLISS! (w/her private security force & Alicia Fox)- 5.75/10
Alexa shoved Ember from behind, sending her into Ronda, knocking Ronda off the apron. Ronda immediately got up, beat up all of the security forces, and then Fox, completely erasing both the threat of the security guards and the heat Alexa just got. Why would you not have that shoving spot be the start of your match?
Then we went to a commercial, and only then did the match start. Shortly thereafter, the match was demoted to picture-in-picture status so they could hype Brock vs. Roman on the bigger screen. But as annoying as these things used to be, they’ve now found a way to make them even more annoying: Rather than just zooming out, they temporarily cut away from the match entirely so they can show us a graphic of their offensively generic SummerSlam logo flying across the screen (over a poorly stylized NYC skyline in an effort to make it less generic) before throwing both screens up, meaning that in order to get over their graphics department, there is now a point during these where I cannot see the match at all. And, of course, after they get their hype package in, they once again have to cut away from everything to use that graphic as an outro, too.
Alexa and Ember had a decent match, but the real story was always going to be what happened with Ronda on the outside. She wound up pulling Fox off the apron and then getting grabbed from behind by Alexa and thrown into the barricade, which appears to be the only bump Ronda knows how to take. This gave Ember time to recover and hit Alexa with the Eclipse but Fox ran in for the DQ. Ronda then came in and tossed Fox around while Alexa escaped her wrath, which feels like something we’ve seen a million times already.

“UNLESS” VIDEO- they actually did air the “unaired” ending of the Renee/Heyman interview

KURT & CORBIN BACKSTAGE- Kurt is upset that Corbin went directly to Steph to get a match approved. Well maybe if you weren’t an asshole who steals people’s phones so he can get away with playing favorites when he knows he’s doing something wrong then your coworkers would be more inclined to work with you instead of going straight to the boss, asshole.
They don’t tell us what this match is, of course, because they want to build up the mystery. The problem with that logic is that it requires fans to give a sh*t about something Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royale winner Baron Corbin is involved in.

KURT, DREW, & DOLPH BACKSTAGE- waste of time
Can someone in management please order Dolph to immediately get a haircut and stop wearing suits? He looks like someone cosplaying as Triple H from that terrible period in 2003 when Hunter thought that look was cool.
Rollins apparently isn’t here yet because he was doing a P.R. tour in China for WWE. Dolph and Drew try to... make fun of Kurt for this? Or maybe they were trying to get Kurt angry at Rollins? I don’t know what they were doing, but this whole thing was pointless and stupid. Kurt assured us that Rollins would be here, which is nice… but if you hadn’t told us he had travel problems, we wouldn’t have ever been concerned that he wouldn’t be here in the first place.
Also, to pick a nit that I probably wouldn’t pick with any other company for reasons that will be obvious by the end of this paragraph, I can’t believe they actually called it a “P.R. tour” rather than a “promotional tour” or something with else without the same negative connotation as “P.R.” A promotional appearance is sending Charlotte to a radio station to talk about her upcoming title match; P.R. is screaming “WOMEN’S EVOLUTION!” at me every time a female wrestler is on the screen. You’d think that a company that is mostly (as Vince Verhei once lambasted it) “a public relations firm run amok” rather than an actual professional wrestling company would have a good enough grasp of these things to know to call it a “promotional tour” rather than a “P.R. tour,” but apparently not.

According to Cole, Gargano vs. Ciampa is now Last Man Standing.

I guess the gimmick here was supposed to be that Corbin has picked an easy opponent for himself, but that was seemingly completely undermined by both babyface announcers being completely accepting of it, with Cole even extolling the strategic virtues of Corbin booking himself against an opponent of similar size to Balor. I’m guessing they got yelled at, though, because Cole then immediately reminded us that Corbin received his constable’s job because evil heel Steph appointed him to provide “checks and balances” for virtuous babyface Kurt Angle, and Renee was immediately jumping down Corbin’s throat for doing “controversial” things. Graves challenged Renee to name one, and she claimed that Corbin telling Alexa to hire her own security was controversial, but I fail to see how that is in any way controversial. Carmella did it a few months ago and no one had any problem with it.
Cole and Renee then spent the rest of the match ensuring that we knew how terrible of a person Corbin is. The problem with this whole thing is that, while Corbin is indisputably a dick, all of the times he has overruled Kurt have felt like completely reasonable objections, if not Corbin outright picking up the booking ball that Kurt dropped through incompetence and laziness. Cole referred to Balor’s post-match attack on Corbin last week as Balor deciding to “have a little fun.” I’ll remember that the next time a heel attacks a babyface, Cole.
Corbin then announces that Balor will have to face both Jinder and Owens. Hooray for Corbin finally actually doing something heelish by booking a…

HANDICAP MATCH: Finn Balor vs. Kevin Owens & Jinder Mahal (w/Sunil Singh)- never happened
Kurt Angle came out and added Braun Strowman to the match to make it a tag team match. If he could fix the problem that easily then why did Kurt get so pissy at Corbin before?

Corey Graves referred to Strowman as “the meat castle.” I don’t care if Braun called himself that; it’s way too stupid for you to repeat it on TV. This match went on FOREVER (apparently under fourteen minutes according to, but it still felt like forever). The babyfaces won. Owens ran away and Strowman chased him. Then Corbin attacked Balor after the match. Inexplicably, Michael Cole got all bent out of shape over this. What’s the matter Cole? Corbin was just “having a little fun” with Balor, just like Balor did with him last week, right?
They used their picture-in-picture gimmick to interrupt this match to plug Takeover, which didn’t feel anywhere near as annoying as the earlier Brock/Roman plug because I can imagine that that there actually are people out there who have been watching Raw but haven’t seen any of NXT and thus this video package might actually help get eyes on Takeover, as opposed to almost all of these main roster feuds where every single point has been beaten into the ground already.

MORE SH*T WITH DREW, DOLPH, & ANGLE BACKSTAGE- Someone decided that we needed some stakes for this “Rollins isn’t here yet” story, so they are now saying that if Seth can’t show up tonight to sign the contract, SummerSlam title match is off. Why? Why can’t Seth just sign the contract tomorrow? Or any other day between now and then?
And why are Dolph & Drew being so smarmy about this? Did they fly to China and sabotage Seth’s plane or something? Because unless they’re the cause of the delay, they seem to be gloating over nothing of relevance, and for no discernible reason, either. (And if they are the cause of the delay, I demand footage of McIntyre damaging the plane’s landing gear via Claymore Kick.)

DRIFTER STUFF- They’re now letting Drifter marks get in the ring to cut promos about their abilities to play the “gui-tar.” The Drifter came out onto the stage, cut a promo plugging his merch. Apparently the reason this dork is in the ring is because he’s going to wrestle Lashley. I’m sorry, but if you put some dork in the ring and I cannot immediately ascertain why he or she is there, you’ve f*cked up as a booker.
Lashley came out and utterly embarrassed himself trying to cut a two-line promo. Then the dork hit him with a guitar but Lashley no-sold it, so we got…

BOBBY LASHLEY vs. MARK THE DRIFTER FAN- no rating, dull squash
His name wasn’t actually Mark. That would have at least been somewhat clever, though… which should have been your tip-off that it wasn’t something WWE was capable of thinking of. The match didn’t actually happen because Lashley knocked the guy out with one spinebuster. Does anyone in the world give a sh*t about this feud? None of the fans seems to, Lashley doesn’t seem to, and even The Drifter seems less interested in this than in plugging his own album.

We got the usual WWE Triple Threat match spiel, then they showed us that Bo is not smart enough to do divide one by three in his head, and neither is Axel. Basically, I’m supposed to cheer for them even though they’re dumber than the average ten-year-old.

TRIPLE THREAT MATCH FOR THE WWE RAW TAG TEAM TITLES: The B-Team(c) vs. The Revival vs. Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt- 2.5/10
This match was so unimportant that we cut away from one challenging team’s entrance to show clips from Ronda Rousey’s new movie, and from the other challenging team’s entrance to show us Dolph and Drew looking through a contract.
Cole tells us that “this match is all about hashtag tag team titles.” No, Cole, it’s about the RAW TAG TEAM TITLES. It’s the belts that are important, not how many people you can get prattling on uselessly about them on Twitter. To quote someone who is currently one of your top stars: "I was trending worldwide on Twitter once. And then I looked in my wallet, and there was no money in there."

In the most shocking turn of events of the night, Raw was able to go to a commercial during a match even though the preceding move was neither a dive nor a chinlock. Axel, the babyface, stole the pin that Dawn, the heel, had earned.

ROMAN & THE B-TEAM BACKSTAGE- Roman ignored them, as well he should. And as everyone should.

EVEN MORE OF KURT, DREW, & DOLPH BACKSTAGE- Dolph complains about sh*t that there is no reason to complain about or even comment on. Meanwhile, Creative pats themselves on the back for what they probably think was some kind of ingenious foreshadowing for something I think 90% of fans have already figured out already.

Roman spouted off a bunch of overdramatic drivel about how every day he wakes up and tells himself that he has to “leave this place better than how I found it,” but he can’t possibly do that so long as Beelzebub Lesnar is the WWE Universal Champion. You’ve got to love how Brock has suddenly become this f*cking moral blight on the WWE and Roman and Kurt are so insistent that Brock must be removed… but I don’t hear any of the other babyfaces saying a word. There are no promos from Lashley or Rollins or Balor about how the evil Brock Lesnar must be smited for the good of the entire WWE.
Roman says he’s tired of hearing about Brock, and so on Sunday he will take back his Universal Championship. Roman… how can you “take back” something you’ve never held?
Paul Heyman showed up and offered to tell Roman all of Brock’s secrets. Roman rejects Paul’s offer, claiming that he doesn’t need help to beat Brock and that he proved that in Saudi Arabia. That’s technically true… but that was a totally different kind of match. At SummerSlam Roman needs to win by pinfall or submission, and he has done neither of those to Brock before.
Heyman said something to Roman in Samoan that he claimed Afa and Sika taught him, and this definitely felt like it reached the category of “really good, even if I thought it would have been better to have not done it and instead used this in the reveal of why Roman turns.” Then Paul got his pepper spray and it was all a set-up for Brock to attack Roman, and it totally killed my interest by just turning it into a regular angle.
(Unless the thing Paul said in Samoan has some sort of secret meaning beyond the plain text. Hmm…)

To the guy with the “Roman Haters Suck” sign (assuming you’re not Vince in a mask):
No. “Roman Haters,” as you termed it, don’t suck. Creative sucks. Roman Reigns was no more hated than any other wrestler. In fact, I’d wager that if you looked at the roster back in 2014 or pre-Rumble 2015, Roman was one of the more popular wrestlers on the roster. But most people didn’t view Roman as the be-all, end-all of things. Most people didn’t see Roman as the guy in the company best equipped to be the franchise player, in the ring, on the mic, and on the talk shows.
But Vince McMahon did. And Vince decreed that not only did Roman have to be that guy, but he had to be that guy RIGHT NOW. There seems to have been no thought given to something like “okay, we’ll do the Bryan comeback story this year so the fans get that out of their systems, make Mania a three-way so that Brock doesn’t have to get pinned to lose, we’ll give Roman the IC Title and have him defend that every week, then Brock can get the belt back from Bryan and we’ll have Roman beat Brock next year.” There was no consideration from Vince given to something like turning him heel to see if it would help him get over in the long run, no matter how natural the idea felt. No. Vince decreed to creative that Roman MUST be written as the top babyface, and all efforts were to go into that.
Now we run into the problem that Creative sucks at their jobs and Vince wasn’t making it any easier, and so we’ve now had over three years of Roman Reigns acting like a smug asshole who always gets the best of everyone while the announcers insist to me that he’s a perfect angel even though he often acts like an entitled douchebag. We’ve had years of our favorite guys having their momentum killed by 50/50 booking only to see that WWE does actually know how to protect someone… they just don’t give enough of a sh*t to book that way unless that someone is Roman Reigns. Years of dream matches like Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe getting pissed away in less than ten minutes just so Roman can look ultra-impressive when he lasts more than ten minutes against Brock. YEARS of Roman Reigns getting so angry after losing a match that HE TRIED TO MURDER HIS OPPONENT WITH AN AUTOMOBILE afterwards… and the closest to a criticism of his barbaric behavior that anyone was allowed to muster on WWE TV was “maybe he went a little too far,” while Roman smugly smirked it off in the ring, with his only rhetorical weapon being a whataboutism that doesn’t really even hold up by whataboutism’s own “so low they don’t actually count” standards.
Sure, Roman’s own behavior has not been helpful at times (as best exemplified in this immortal masterpiece by James Hornsby: ... criticism/ ), but most of the reason that people have such strong negative reactions to Roman Reigns are not some malicious hatred of the man himself, but rather fed up negative reactions to the system that not only creates him and props him up, but which has made him its very embodiment.

Pro Tip: whenever Michael Cole says “this is interesting” whatever he’s about to say will not actually be interesting. The babyfaces got the quick win, marking what I believe is Mojo’s first loss since his push began?

JIM NEIDHART TRIBUE VIDEO- very well done. This was much better than what they’ve done for probably 95% of people. Though maybe next time don’t have Cole immediately turn it into a plug for the WWE Network, okay?

RIOTT SQUAD SELFIE (GROUPIE?) PROMO- good, because Ruby did all the talking. The other two smirked in a vaguely evil manner, which was fine for them.

RUBY RIOTT (w/the RIott Squad) vs. SASHA BANKS (w/Bayley)- 4.25/10
Is this, like, the Riott Squad’s designated spot on the show? Every single week they seemed to be working right before the final segment/match. A change up would be nice, though I guess I’m fine with this so long as Liv Morgan isn’t the one wrestling. It’s not that she’s terrible or anything, but rather she’s just so entertaining on the outside.
Sasha’s initial bump into the steps looked pathetically weak. Thankfully they followed it up with that spot with her hand and worked on that instead of working on the head. Stuff happened. Ruby won. Water continues to be tread. I don’t even think this is an actual feud so much as these teams are just constantly booked against each other. Why doesn’t Kurt ever book one of them against, like Dana Brooke or Ember Moon or Nia Jax?

Seth still isn’t here. Corbin yells at Kurt over this, saying that one of Raw’s biggest matches at SummerSlam might not happen now all because Kurt waited until the last minute. I already explained why this makes no sense above (although Corbin’s “last minute” comment reminded me that there is also no reason they can’t just have Seth sign at the day of SummerSlam when he gets to the building), but if we play along with WWE’s lack of logic the way we’re supposed to, then Baron Corbin is completely right, and Kurt is, in fact, an incompetent moron who has now screwed this up.

KURT ANGLE CUTS A PROMO ON BROCK- He told us that Roman would still be able to compete at SummerSlam. Well over half of the crowd booed this news. Kurt continued on and said the same stuff he’s said in the past. Brock is the world champion ever and Kurt isn’t going to suspend Brock or strip him of the title for this heinous crime because he wants Roman to take the belt from Brock at SummerSlam, blah blah blah. Like I said, it’s all stuff we’re heard him say multiple times over the past few weeks.

Dolph and Drew interrupt Kurt and yack at him a bit. Kurt starts grandiosely gesturing to the back and introducing Rollins as if trying to conjure him, and constantly failing. I was half expecting him to shout “ABRA KADABRA!” and pull the tablecloth off of the table to reveal Seth hiding under it.
Dolph waxed on in the most overdramatic, obnoxious manner about how the fans turned on him, etc. etc. The same old promo you’ve heard him cut a million times in the past nine months. He drones on and on and on in his ACTING voice. It was bad enough that I spent a good ten minutes looking for an appropriate clip of Calculon to compare him to but none did the situation justice.
After rambling for a good five minutes straight, Dolph signs the contract. Then Seth shows up. At this point, who even gives a f*ck?
Seth then tells us all that he’s actually just been hiding for a few hours. Why? Because he didn’t want to show up until Dolph signed the contract so that Dolph couldn’t “change his mind” once Seth makes this big reveal. Change his mind? Why does Dolph get to change his mind? Why wouldn’t Kurt just strip him of the belt for refusing to defend in a scheduled title defense?
Seth reveals that he’s going to have Ambrose in his corner at SummerSlam. Everyone saw this coming. It was not worth several hours of build-up on the go-home show. Yes, this now gives us a reason to believe that the outcome will be different this time, but if you’re going to do this practically pre-solved mystery, then why not just have Seth say he’ll have “someone” in his corner. This way you’ve achieved the same thing but for the five people who didn’t figure it out on their own, they’ll be tempted to buy the PPV to find out who Seth’s second is while still trusting that he has a plan that will make the outcome different than last time.
There were fisticuffs. The babyfaces won WAY too easily. This was frustrating and annoying.

This was a TERRIBLE episode of Raw. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that it was worse than normal for a few reasons. First, there was the usual bad sh*t. Then there was the Rollins plot, which required them to go out of their way to bring extra stupidity into things, all for the sake of a frustrating final segment and false drama. Then there was the Roman/Heyman stuff, which seemed to go out of its way by taunting us with the idea that it might be intriguing to simply turn into the same old sh*t. Throw in the rest of the wheel-spinning and pointless crap and you’ve got a go-home show for SummerSlam where by far the best thng was a short video tribute to a recently departed Jim Neidhart… and not because the package was good (although it was) but simply because everything else was just so bad.

Oh. Right. Renee Young on commentary. She wasn’t bad, but she wasn’t good either. It was really more of an experiment for me to see how much of Coach’s stuff is fed to him directly by Vince and how much he/Renee/any other potential third person are allowed to come up with on his/her/their own. There were some moments when I could all but hear Coach’s voice along with Renee’s, and others that were definitely uniquely Renee comments.
Most- well, not necessarily interestingly, but let’s say “most of note”- was the fact that they did ZERO backstage interviews all show. Renee was on commentary, but there was no Charly Caruso or Dasha Fuentes or Mike Rome or Cathy Kelly to pick up the workload. In fact, when you factor in that almost every single backstage segment happened in Kurt’s office, this almost felt like a “bottle episode” of Raw… which of course makes no sense, but that’s kind of how it felt. Either way, though, it still sucked.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by cero2k » Aug 14th, '18, 13:59

just to comment on two things

That Roman/Lesnar angle was technically the same thing they did months back when Reigns found himself in handcuffs while Lesnar came out. Same reasoning of handicapping Reigns so Lesnar can kick his ass, except we've seen lesnar kick his ass clean in the middle of the ring.

Second, that promo to re-introduce Ambrose, I hated that promo, why do they always need to have the babyfaces come with their hints hints and their witty comments?

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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by Big Red Machine » Aug 14th, '18, 14:07

cero2k wrote: Aug 14th, '18, 13:59
That Roman/Lesnar angle was technically the same thing they did months back when Reigns found himself in handcuffs while Lesnar came out. Same reasoning of handicapping Reigns so Lesnar can kick his ass, except we've seen lesnar kick his ass clean in the middle of the ring.
It didn't come across to me as being the same thing, but you're right. I guess they successfully blinded me (heh heh) with the Heyman promo.
cero2k wrote: Aug 14th, '18, 13:59 Second, that promo to re-introduce Ambrose, I hated that promo, why do they always need to have the babyfaces come with their hints hints and their witty comments?
Totally agree.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by KILLdozer » Aug 14th, '18, 19:36

I understand she's not there, but the thing about Natalya's father feels like it should be coming from her...not Ronda Rousey just to make her look good.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by KILLdozer » Aug 14th, '18, 19:38

Alexa Bliss vs Ember Moon? Ohhohoho! Ahahahaha! This is gonna be such a mismatch! Ahahahaha!
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by KILLdozer » Aug 14th, '18, 19:43

Of course Angle won't throw her out of the building like Roman Reigns. That's because nothing else exists in the same realm as Lesnar and Reigns. No one or anything else matters when it comes down to that.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by KILLdozer » Aug 14th, '18, 20:25

I've been particularly enjoying Renee. I'm up to the tag 3way, and she's a welcome who seems to be actually enjoying it all for once.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by XIV » Aug 15th, '18, 04:06

The stupid thing is now... that they've used the interview with Heyman to discuss "Roman cannot beat Brock.. unless..."

And then they've killed the unless in the very next show, because Heyman is clearly still dedicated to Brock (unless it turns out to be a complete swerve where Heyman wanted to turn on Brock at Summerslam with his guard down because he still feels like he has Heyman in his corner regardless).

It also killed the Ambrose returns to feature in the match element.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by Big Red Machine » Aug 15th, '18, 09:50

XIV wrote: Aug 15th, '18, 04:06 The stupid thing is now... that they've used the interview with Heyman to discuss "Roman cannot beat Brock.. unless..."

And then they've killed the unless in the very next show, because Heyman is clearly still dedicated to Brock (unless it turns out to be a complete swerve where Heyman wanted to turn on Brock at Summerslam with his guard down because he still feels like he has Heyman in his corner regardless).

It also killed the Ambrose returns to feature in the match element.
I totally agree with everything you've said... which is why I think the "Paul's Samoan comment contained a secret message only an Anoa'i would understand" theory holds so much water. It lets this happen and then Paul can turn on Brock anyway and they can explain it with ease the next night on Raw.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by Bob-O » Aug 15th, '18, 13:55

Big Red Machine wrote: Aug 15th, '18, 09:50
XIV wrote: Aug 15th, '18, 04:06 The stupid thing is now... that they've used the interview with Heyman to discuss "Roman cannot beat Brock.. unless..."

And then they've killed the unless in the very next show, because Heyman is clearly still dedicated to Brock (unless it turns out to be a complete swerve where Heyman wanted to turn on Brock at Summerslam with his guard down because he still feels like he has Heyman in his corner regardless).

It also killed the Ambrose returns to feature in the match element.
I totally agree with everything you've said... which is why I think the "Paul's Samoan comment contained a secret message only an Anoa'i would understand" theory holds so much water. It lets this happen and then Paul can turn on Brock anyway and they can explain it with ease the next night on Raw.
i ~WAS~ interested in the match. Now I'm just looking for reasons TO BE interested in the match. I honestly, now, am back to impatiently waiting for it to be over.

News sites are reporting that Lesnar has a closed door meeting before the the show, like last year and like 'Mania this year. I'm not a betting man, but my dollar says they don't have finish set for this yet. They gave me a legit reason to care, a Wild Card in Heyman, and they played it on Raw. The two reasons I was considering ponying up for a month of The Network to watch this show, and I've lost all interest. It sucks, too! I was really excited to be interested!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by KILLdozer » Aug 15th, '18, 14:09

The most important thing is...what did he say in Samoan?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by Big Red Machine » Aug 15th, '18, 14:22

KILLdozer wrote: Aug 15th, '18, 14:09 The most important thing is...what did he say in Samoan?
I'm shocked no one has translated it yet. Were there no Samoan-speaking fans watching?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by KILLdozer » Aug 15th, '18, 14:26

Yeah I looked it up and figured I'd have seen it translated already.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/13/2018 Raw (HORRID)

Post by KILLdozer » Aug 18th, '18, 14:26

Something I actually could see happening-Shana Bazler loses tonight, and immediately costs Rousey the match the next night, with or without aligning with Bliss.

Also-why is "Little Miss Bliss"...actually a thing lol.
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