BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

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BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 26th, '19, 23:32

Out come New Day and they’re all happy and smiley and doing pancake things. Graves complements them on being so “professional,” despite “their personal feelings” towards Vince right now. This does not sit right with me. Over the years being “professional” and just doing what you’re told after you get screwed have almost always not been portrayed as positive traits in a babyface. A babyface is supposed to be upset when he/she gets screwed. After everything that has happened over the past two weeks, the only way I can see New Day not doing this that makes even a lick of sense is that Vince threatened to fire them if they didn’t, but if that’s the case then it just makes you wonder why Vince hasn’t used this threat before (and, quite frankly, the babyface move for New Day here still seems to me like it should be to just kick Vince’s ass and get fired with your head held high).
After being goofs for their entrance they then started cut a serious promo. Big E. & Xavier seemed to tease that they were going to quit, but they wanted to talk to Vince first. Vince came out but was interrupted by Daniel Bryan before he could start speaking. Bryan then cut a promo on New Day that I have been wanted to cut for years, calling them a “stale novelty act.” He told Vince to let them quit and said Kofi was a B+ player.
Woods accused Bryan of being a hypocrite and a sellout and being afraid to face Kofi. Vince yelled over both of them and finally started to cut his own promo. He said Kofi was a B+ player and that Big E. and Xavier would never quit because they like WWE too much. He then said he wanted to find out if they were a B+ tag team so he announced a gauntlet for tonight where if they win, Kofi gets the title shot at Mania.

NO! Just no. I’m sick and f*cking tired of this. First of all, as even the announcers admitted, we have no reason to believe that Vince will keep his word at this point. Secondly, all of the issues of frustrating predictability for a large chunk of the show and guys doing jobs for no reason that I brought up last week apply just as much to this match. Thirdly, Vince clearly doesn’t want Kofi to be the #1 contender and he’s so insistent that these guys won’t quit so why doesn’t he just tell them to f*ck off and move on with what he wants the WrestleMania match to be. After all, at this point we’re less than two weeks away from the show and still have no #1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Remember when Hunter came out the night after Royal Rumble and insisted that Rollins had to declare who he was going to challenge by the end of the show so that they could get the advertising out? Well isn’t this title match important to be advertising?

WOMEN’S WM MAIN EVENT PR BLITZ- see my comments from last night’s Raw

When you’ve got a new employee who is going to be on TV, it’s polite to actually let the viewers know what her name is. You know… at least try to pretend you don’t see your backstage interviewers as interchangeable pretty faces.
Becky says that she is “bringing the people” and Ronda is “bringing the title,” but she doesn’t understand what Charlotte adds to this match. Nothing. Vince put her in because he doesn’t like Becky. That was established months ago, so why is Becky just bringing it up now?
Becky’s promo interrupted by Charlotte’s music playing and the camera eventually cut away to Charlotte coming out to the ring. That was very rude of the audio technician to interrupt Becky like that.
Charlotte comes out with a mic in hand and starts cutting a promo responding to the comments Becky just made. So I guess Charlotte was sitting at Gorilla Position and watching the show? Because that’s just about the only way this makes any sense. Charlotte tells everyone “I’m about to show you how deserving I am,” and then we go to commercial.

When we got back from the commercial, Tom Phillips insisted to us that Big E. & Xavier’s gauntlet this would be “an even more difficult task” that Kofi’s gauntlet last week, but he didn’t explain why… which he really needed to do because the idea that a tag team gauntlet is more difficult than a singles gauntlet is counter-intuitive (because at least each of you will get some time to rest during the matches).
After Tom’s announcement, Asuka came out and there was a referee in the ring and the ring announcer began the intros for a…

WWE SMACKDOWN WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Asuka(c) vs. Charlotte Flair- 8/10
These two had an awesome match, but that feels tertiary at best. So I’m not really going to say anything more about it other than to say that both women put in a great performance and I recommend that you watch it, because there are A LOT of other things that are more important to talk about right now.
The announcers were completely shocked by the fact that this was a title match. Asuka seemed to already know, though. Byron demanded to know “how did Charlotte swing this?” to which Graves replied that she may have “used her influence with the McMahon Family” to get this match booked. Tom and Byron decided that this is what happened, but Graves said that we don’t actually know what happened and maybe the McMahons just gave Charlotte a title match because they were impressed by her past accomplishments. Byron responded to this by telling Graves that “the key word is ‘maybe’” and pointing out that Graves doesn’t know that his version of events is true, either. Personally, I think neither of them are right and Charlotte instead bartered for this match. Specifically, Shane accepted her proposal that he give her a title shot in exchange for some magic beans that Charlotte happened to be carrying around with her. For those wondering why Shane would want magic beans, he plans to sneak into MetLife Stadium to plant the magic beans in the football field while everyone else is busy at the HOF ceremony, in the hopes that by the time his match with Miz starts, the beans will have grown into a giant beanstalk high enough for him to dive off of.

But seriously. A few things here:
1. There were approximately five seconds between the end of Becky saying the things that Charlotte quoted in her promo and Charlotte’s music playing. Are you telling me that in those five seconds she found a McMahon, asked for a title match and got one? If they had let Becky finish her promo, then pitched to a match (like maybe for the advertised KURT ANGLE VS. AJ STYLES MATCH) or a video package or something and had Charlotte come out after that, this would have been a lot easier of a pill to swallow.

2. The attitude of the announcers (particularly the babyfaces) was one of those things that really annoys me because it makes it clear how little thought WWE has put into all of this. Why is this match more “inexplicable” than Ruby Riott getting a Raw Women’s Title shot the night after losing a title match to Ronda? Or any of the many other situations we’ve seen over the years where someone was given a title match for no reason? Why is it that in those situations the inexplicability of the title shot is ignored and booking it is hailed as a bold and exciting thing for the authority figure to have done, but tonight it’s something we should find suspicious? There is no answer to these questions other than “because this time it’s different, okay?” and that is a sign that you have failed at telling a good story.

3. So “the McMahons” apparently like Charlotte enough to give her a title shot when she asks for one? Vince did stick her in the other women’s title match at Mania for no reason, so I can buy that, but what I have trouble buying is that they would be willing to book the match right away rather than booking it for next week or even for later tonight. Vince seems to like Charlotte because he thinks she’s a team player for the corporate team, but I don’t buy that he likes her enough to sacrifice a theoretically big rating for this “WrestleMania rematch” world title match by not only having the match happen with no real time to advertise it, but to not also tell the announcers say they can plug before the commercial break.
Any allegations that this was done to give Charlotte some sort of surprise advantage also fall flat with me for several reasons. First, Charlotte didn’t really have any more time to prepare for this than Asuka did. Secondly, Asuka did not even appear surprised that this was a title match, so it’s not like they told her it was a non-title match and then had the ring announcer announce it as a title match to try to throw her off her game with that surprise. Thirdly, while I can see Vince being happy to give Charlotte a title shot, I don’t see any reason why he would even want to give Charlotte an advantage in this match. We have been given absolutely no evidence that Vince cared about Charlotte’s feelings in any real way, so I don’t buy him trying to spring a trap on Asuka to help her because I haven’t even been given a reason to think he cares whether she wins this match or not. She’s already in the spot he wants her in, so why does Vince care if she’s also the Smackdown Women’s Champion or not? And if he did care, why didn’t he just find some way to screw Asuka out of the title? He’s already screwing Kofi and he tried to screw Becky out of a title shot, so why not screw Asuka out of her title while you’re at it?

4. We’re supposed to think that Charlotte has “influence with the McMahon Family” but we haven’t been given any evidence of this until this moment. When Vince gave her the Mania title shot in place of Becky, he had a specific reason for doing so: Charlotte is a good corporate team player. Until right now, we haven’t actually seen any evidence that Vince- or any of the others, for that matter- care about her any more than they do some other good corporate team player like Alexa Bliss! or Nattie or Sasha Banks or Sonya Deville or Mickie James, etc. presumably are.

5. I used Vince specifically as an example because he’s the one who makes the most sense, but the announcers specifically told us that Charlotte has “influence with the McMahon Family.” If we were dealing with competent storytellers here (or even people who have shown at least shown capacity for detail-oriented cleverness like the TNA crew), my immediate thought would be that the fact that they didn’t specifically name Vince when we know that Vince is here tonight and that he is the person who makes the most sense helping Charlotte is intended as a clue that it was another McMahon helping, which will be revealed at a later date. But this is WWE, so if I had to guess, I’ll bet that the phrase “influence with the McMahon Family” was used so that they could weasel out of actually having to make it be any particular McMahon, and I think that’s bullsh*t.
We were told that people in charge of the show now are Vince McMahon, Shane McMahan, Stephanie McMahon, and Triple H. These are four distinct characters. Any decision made my management needs to be attributable to one of those four characters. You don’t get this fifth “McMahon Family” amorphous blob of a character to attribute controversial decisions to!
Based off of his promo two weeks ago explaining his new heel outlook, Shane makes no sense unless Charlotte gave him something in return, in which case what that thing is- whether she gave him money or a Willie Mays rookie card or gymnastics lessons or changed the oil in his car for him- should be revealed to us.
Hunter makes very little sense because he’s a babyface now, and he and Shane have both been on kicks about telling people that they don’t get title matches just because so it shouldn’t be him. Steph has seemed like a babyface for the past few months, so she doesn’t make much sense, either. So that leaves Vince… in which case why didn’t they just say so?
Don’t say “the McMahon Family” unless all four of them sat down and agreed to it. And if that is the case here then it turns Hunter and Steph heel. But I’m sure that sort of thing hasn’t crossed WWE’s mind, because the past few months have made very clear that that they put absolutely zero thought into the implications of having four different authority figures running around, as evidenced by the appalling lack of any sort of follow-up any time one McMahon has made issued a decree overruling something one of the others decreed.

Okay, so that’s the storytelling/logic issues covered. Now let’s process the fact that Charlotte won the title. Yes, really. Not only did she win the title, but by doing so she has already passed Trish Stratus’ record for most women’s titles in WWE history. That right there is a f*cking WrestleMania storyline. Charlotte should have been cutting promos on this for a whole month leading into a title match at WrestleMania. Instead they gave it away on a random episode of Smackdown, with no notice whatever and without even bringing the idea up until right before the match.
And as crazy of a waste as that all is, what’s even crazier to me is that I don’t even see what adding the title into Ronda/Charlotte/Becky brings to that match. Even if that belt is on the line, too, or the titles are being unified or something like that, does that really make the match bigger? In a technical sense it does, yes, but in a practical sense it doesn’t help at all. I highly doubt there is anyone out there who wasn’t interested in the match before but has suddenly become interested by Charlotte winning this title and presumably adding it to the mix. I mean what are they going to tell us? That “the biggest women’s match in WWE history just got even bigger?” Is that really worth pulling Asuka out of a match where she would get to be the one to shine? Or are you going to add Asuka in and water the match down even more?

But on the bright side, at least this means WrestleMania will be one match shorter.

They plugged the Gauntlet Match again, this time with Byron being the one to tell us that it was “an even tougher ladder than the one Kofi had to climb.” Because making sure the announcers use the same silly phrase over and over again definitely doesn’t make the show sound excessively scripted.

THE MYSTERY WOMAN INTERVIEWS AJ STYLES- a good promo that hopefully doesn’t foreshadow Randy Orton running in for a f*ck finish.

KURT ANGLE vs. AJ STYLES- no rating, frustrating segment.
As you can probably guess by now, Randy did, in fact, run in for a DQ. He RKOed AJ, then got Angle Slammed by Kurt, so there goes the heat.
For those wondering why I’m not complaining about Kurt being allowed to show up on Smackdown, I don’t think Kurt was ever officially a member of the Raw roster so I see no reason he shouldn’t be allowed to show up on SD. That said, it only now occurred to me that Samoa Joe- a Smackdown wrestler- should not have been allowed to appear on Raw to wrestle Kurt last night.

KAYLA BRAXTON INTERVIEWS REY MYSTERIO JR. & DOMINIK MYSTERIO- a fine promo by Rey (Dominik was a little shaky)… but this whole Rey Mysterio “I’m going to stand up for my family” thing feels like it’s coming completely out of nowhere.

He wants the fans to be able to see him beat Shane up up close and personal, so he wants their match to be Falls Count Anywhere. Ah. This must be how they’ll get around Shane being counted out while he’s climbing up the beanstalk. I pretty much expected this match to have some sort of no DQs gimmick to the point where I was pretty shocked when Hunter vs. Batista was randomly made into a Street Fight because I figured that Street Fight/no DQs/No Holds Barred/whatever you want to call a weapons match with no count-outs but pins only count in the ring and didn’t think they’d do two matches with the same stip on the same show. This manages to get around that, albeit very clumsily.
Shane’s music interrupted Miz. A bunch of security guards came out. Then the undercard of the undercard came out. And if you want to know just how undercard I mean, the first guy out was PRIMO COLON, who I think I’ve seen fewer times on Raw/SD or PPV in the past two years than Sara Del Rey, who isn’t an on-screen character in any capacity. Coming out with Primo were Shelton Benjamin and SAnitY, so SAnitY are now also officially destroyed, anything interesting having been sapped from them as they are now reduced to being random big scary jobbers for Shane to hide behind for this one segment.
Think about that one for a moment. WWWE has f*cked up a whole bunch of call-ups of acts with major potential (Crews, American Alpha, EC3, Tyler Breeze, The Ascension- and to a slightly more recoverable degree, Bobby Roode, The Revival, Nakamura, Bayley, and perhaps Nikki Cross), but I can’t think of a single one they’ve f*cked up more than SAnitY. How the hell do you call someone up and then just not use them at all? Even when the other big scary heel monster team on their brand got injured, WWE STILL didn’t start using SAnitY! And now here they are, less than a year later, randomly playing bodyguard for Shane McMahon.
Shane came out and accepted the stipulation, then said mean things to Miz. Miz went to fight him but was swarmed by the security guards. Miz fought them all off at once… and then, after all six security guards were shown to be able to work as a group, the wrestlers ran at Miz like a bad AI, with Miz winning two one-on-one fights before moving up the next level where he had to fight three guys at the same time (SAnitY). Miz eventually managed to beat up SAnitY in the crowd.


GAUNTLET MATCH IN WHICH IF NEW DAY WINS, KOFI KINGSTON GETS A WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH AT WRESTLEMANIA: New Day vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Shinsuke Nakamura & Rusev (w/Lana) vs. Sheamus & Cesaro vs. The Usos vs. Daniel Bryan & Erick Rowan- 6.25/10
Once this match started the announcers all emphasized to us that they didn’t know how many teams would be in this gauntlet. Well then how the f*ck did you know that was going to be “more difficult” than Kofi’s gauntlet was last week? In the end, they were only scheduled to face five teams while Kofi faced six last week, plus one of the teams forfeited to them, so the announcers were way wrong, and were made to look like idiots for talking out of their asses.
Gallows & Anderson lost in maybe a minute at most. Rusev & Nakamura took a bit more time to beat but in no way did I believe they took enough out of New Day that The Bar (who haven’t won a match on TV since before the Royal Rumble) would be a threat to them. Big E. & Xavier eventually beat them, but The Bar attacked them after the match… and just like last week, no one of the other babyfaces standing around watching backstage came out to make the save.
After Big E. got put through a table, The Usos came out, and after much aggressive posturing while Big E. lay on the mat, writhing in pain… The Usos then decided to forfeit the match instead because they respect New Day and Kofi so much. I have mixed feelings on this. I like the idea, but I think it would have worked a lot better if The Usos had been actual heels and this was a babyface turn for them. Without them being heels, their presence in this gauntlet sticks out like a sore thumb because they are the only babyfaces, making me wonder why Vince didn’t also stick the Hardy Boyz or Black & Ricochet even some makeshift tag teams using loose babyfaces like Kevin Owens and Mustafa Ali in this match for New Day to overcome as well. It makes it feel like they were put in this match so that this spot could happen rather than it feeling organic.
After this, New Day was inexplicably given an entire commercial break to recover rather than the next team coming out right after the previous elimination like in every other case. Big E. and Bryan did some great stuff together in what was easily the highlight of this whole match. New Day got the win via count-out when Big E. flipped the announcers’ table over onto Rowan. This was all very underwhelming to me.
Like I predicted above, this match suffered from the same problems as last week’s gauntlet, coupled with a total malaise from the frustration of now having watched this scenario for a third time in six weeks. WWE did not help this one bit by repeating last week’s gimmick of showing us the banned New Day personnel (this week it was just Kofi) watching backstage, surrounded by other babyfaces. If I were Kofi I, would tell all of these assholes to f*ck off because they didn’t help me last week when I was getting attacked after matches by Rowan and Joe.

KAYLA BRAXTON INTERVIEWS VINCE MCMAHON- Well… Kofi’s going to Mania now, and Vince seems content with that. I guess he just gave up trying to screw Kofi for some reason.

ALL OF THE BABYFACES COME OUT TO CELEBRATE WITH KOFI & NEW DAY- where were you jackasses when these guys needed you to help them fight off unfair assaults?

Another frustrating and baffling episode of Smackdown. So the journey is over and Kofi has overcome the odds and his getting his world title match at WrestleMania… and they did such a bad job with it and dragged it out so long that I care a lot less about it than I did the night after Elimination Chamber when he earned the title shot at Fastlane that set this whole “Vince doesn’t want Kofi to be champion” story into motion. Similarly, the Raw Women’s Title match is not only a triple threat with another big star in it but also now also has a second title involved… and I care so much less about it than I did the night after Royal Rumble when Becky made her challenge to Ronda. And after all of this time they spent trying to take apart and then reassemble the Kofi Kingston title chase storyline that fate dropped into their laps, we now have no women’s title match set up, no tag team title match set up, and a US Title match that I guess I’m supposed to care about because Rey’s kid is going to be there, and said kid has gotten more mic time than the champion Rey is challenging. They have spent so much time on this over the past two weeks that it feels like Daniel Bryan, Vince McMahon, and he New Day are the only important character son the show, with Charlotte, Becky, Shane, and Miz in supporting roles, and everyone else on the roster are just human props to be positioned for their benefit.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by cero2k » Mar 27th, '19, 09:02

Big Red Machine wrote: Mar 26th, '19, 23:32
KURT ANGLE vs. AJ STYLES- no rating, frustrating segment.
As you can probably guess by now, Randy did, in fact, run in for a DQ. He RKOed AJ, then got Angle Slammed by Kurt, so there goes the heat.
For those wondering why I’m not complaining about Kurt being allowed to show up on Smackdown, I don’t think Kurt was ever officially a member of the Raw roster so I see no reason he shouldn’t be allowed to show up on SD. That said, it only now occurred to me that Samoa Joe- a Smackdown wrestler- should not have been allowed to appear on Raw to wrestle Kurt last night.
he totally was, i don't think you can be GM for a brand and not be part of it. He fought for RAW on several occasions, he's listed under their roster. He's most definitely part of the RAW roster.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 27th, '19, 09:26

cero2k wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 09:02
Big Red Machine wrote: Mar 26th, '19, 23:32
KURT ANGLE vs. AJ STYLES- no rating, frustrating segment.
As you can probably guess by now, Randy did, in fact, run in for a DQ. He RKOed AJ, then got Angle Slammed by Kurt, so there goes the heat.
For those wondering why I’m not complaining about Kurt being allowed to show up on Smackdown, I don’t think Kurt was ever officially a member of the Raw roster so I see no reason he shouldn’t be allowed to show up on SD. That said, it only now occurred to me that Samoa Joe- a Smackdown wrestler- should not have been allowed to appear on Raw to wrestle Kurt last night.
he totally was, i don't think you can be GM for a brand and not be part of it. He fought for RAW on several occasions, he's listed under their roster. He's most definitely part of the RAW roster.
Cena was able to pick a side to fight for while still being a "free agent" (and the same goes for the idea of Kurt representing Raw in the World Cup). Similarly, when they did the supposed reset back in December, Shane was allowed to show up on Raw despite having fought for SD. We were never told that Kurt had an actual spot on the roster, so that theoretically puts him in the legends/floaters category like Taker.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by cero2k » Mar 27th, '19, 09:40

Big Red Machine wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 09:26
cero2k wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 09:02
Big Red Machine wrote: Mar 26th, '19, 23:32
KURT ANGLE vs. AJ STYLES- no rating, frustrating segment.
As you can probably guess by now, Randy did, in fact, run in for a DQ. He RKOed AJ, then got Angle Slammed by Kurt, so there goes the heat.
For those wondering why I’m not complaining about Kurt being allowed to show up on Smackdown, I don’t think Kurt was ever officially a member of the Raw roster so I see no reason he shouldn’t be allowed to show up on SD. That said, it only now occurred to me that Samoa Joe- a Smackdown wrestler- should not have been allowed to appear on Raw to wrestle Kurt last night.
he totally was, i don't think you can be GM for a brand and not be part of it. He fought for RAW on several occasions, he's listed under their roster. He's most definitely part of the RAW roster.
Cena was able to pick a side to fight for while still being a "free agent" (and the same goes for the idea of Kurt representing Raw in the World Cup). Similarly, when they did the supposed reset back in December, Shane was allowed to show up on Raw despite having fought for SD. We were never told that Kurt had an actual spot on the roster, so that theoretically puts him in the legends/floaters category like Taker.
Shane is a McMahon, he doesn't need permission to do anything. Cena was indeed sold as a floater, as are Black and Ricochet, who are still NXT. Kurt and Paige were demoted from their positions but remained in their respective shows. if anything else, go to, filter by Smackdown and you won't see Angle. Triple H and Vince appear in both, so it's not even a system glitch.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 27th, '19, 10:02

cero2k wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 09:40
Big Red Machine wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 09:26
cero2k wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 09:02

he totally was, i don't think you can be GM for a brand and not be part of it. He fought for RAW on several occasions, he's listed under their roster. He's most definitely part of the RAW roster.
Cena was able to pick a side to fight for while still being a "free agent" (and the same goes for the idea of Kurt representing Raw in the World Cup). Similarly, when they did the supposed reset back in December, Shane was allowed to show up on Raw despite having fought for SD. We were never told that Kurt had an actual spot on the roster, so that theoretically puts him in the legends/floaters category like Taker.
Shane is a McMahon, he doesn't need permission to do anything. Cena was indeed sold as a floater, as are Black and Ricochet, who are still NXT. Kurt and Paige were demoted from their positions but remained in their respective shows. if anything else, go to, filter by Smackdown and you won't see Angle. Triple H and Vince appear in both, so it's not even a system glitch. also told us we were getting a four-way women's #1 contendership match on SD that was never mentioned, and that sort of thing is a weekly occurrence. Cena might have been sold as a floater, but this summer we got Brie Bella on both brands at the same time and she wasn't. I'm going by observation, and there appears to be a rule that anyone who wasn't the result of the original draft or some sort of call-up can go wherever they want unless told otherwise.
I'm not saying it's a good explanation, but at least it fits the evidence better than anything else.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by cero2k » Mar 27th, '19, 10:30

Big Red Machine wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 10:02 also told us we were getting a four-way women's #1 contendership match on SD that was never mentioned, and that sort of thing is a weekly occurrence.

Cena might have been sold as a floater, but this summer we got Brie Bella on both brands at the same time and she wasn't. I'm going by observation, and there appears to be a rule that anyone who wasn't the result of the original draft or some sort of call-up can go wherever they want unless told otherwise.
I'm not saying it's a good explanation, but at least it fits the evidence better than anything else.
Card subject to chang is WWE's motto, so i wouldn't take it out on

I think returning 'legeds' get the chance to do what they want since they're not properly contracted, Batista could easily go to Smackdown right now, so i'd take Brie and Cena and Taker like that at this point. To me, Angle has always clearly been a RAW talent

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 27th, '19, 10:46

cero2k wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 10:30
Big Red Machine wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 10:02 also told us we were getting a four-way women's #1 contendership match on SD that was never mentioned, and that sort of thing is a weekly occurrence.

Cena might have been sold as a floater, but this summer we got Brie Bella on both brands at the same time and she wasn't. I'm going by observation, and there appears to be a rule that anyone who wasn't the result of the original draft or some sort of call-up can go wherever they want unless told otherwise.
I'm not saying it's a good explanation, but at least it fits the evidence better than anything else.
Card subject to chang is WWE's motto, so i wouldn't take it out on

I think returning 'legeds' get the chance to do what they want since they're not properly contracted, Batista could easily go to Smackdown right now, so i'd take Brie and Cena and Taker like that at this point. To me, Angle has always clearly been a RAW talent
That's the key word to me, because the way I see it, Kurt was never really "talent" at all. He's always been management. Even he was "sent home," he never counted as a real "member of the roster," and therefore was never subject to the constrictions that members of the roster had to deal with. Him showing up on Raw to wrestle was no different than Cena or Brie doing so.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 27th, '19, 11:08

That interviewer is clearly Renee Young. Obviously.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 27th, '19, 11:15

I've mentioned all of Charlotte's constant over the top passionate grunts and yelling before...but I think I've realized finally-

Let's call it what it is:overselling.

EVERYTHING, offensively and defensively-is accompanied by that guttural deep shouting.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 27th, '19, 11:38

ALRIGHT! Finally! Some somewhat competent decent security!

Vince, if you're out there, tell me to "SHUUUUUTT UP!"
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by Serujuunin » Mar 27th, '19, 13:16

KILLdozer wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 11:15 I've mentioned all of Charlotte's constant over the top passionate grunts and yelling before...but I think I've realized finally-

Let's call it what it is:overselling.

EVERYTHING, offensively and defensively-is accompanied by that guttural deep shouting.
I like a lot of what she does- especially her facial expressions. I think it’s an undervalued part of a superstar’s in-ring performance and Charlotte nails it, heel or face. I also like the trash talking as a heel, but I will agree with you, all the grunting and yelling is a bit distracting. Not that I think she’s doing it on purpose necessarily, but boy, she has a powerful voice.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 27th, '19, 13:33

Serujuunin wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 13:16
KILLdozer wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 11:15 I've mentioned all of Charlotte's constant over the top passionate grunts and yelling before...but I think I've realized finally-

Let's call it what it is:overselling.

EVERYTHING, offensively and defensively-is accompanied by that guttural deep shouting.
I like a lot of what she does- especially her facial expressions. I think it’s an undervalued part of a superstar’s in-ring performance and Charlotte nails it, heel or face. I also like the trash talking as a heel, but I will agree with you, all the grunting and yelling is a bit distracting. Not that I think she’s doing it on purpose necessarily, but boy, she has a powerful voice.
That's part of it. I just get tired of hearing THAT specific voice style of hers. I know it can't be helped, But it's very loud.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 27th, '19, 21:17

This probably makes it a four way at WM lol...I does utilize 3 of their best women, if not THE best, if they were to do so. Simple as "Asuka wants the rematch at WM", or she could just crash the whole match and they piss everyone off lol...

Unlikely-but possible.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by cero2k » Mar 27th, '19, 21:36

KILLdozer wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 21:17 This probably makes it a four way at WM lol...I does utilize 3 of their best women, if not THE best, if they were to do so. Simple as "Asuka wants the rematch at WM", or she could just crash the whole match and they piss everyone off lol...

Unlikely-but possible.
you know this is never happening, don't even try. This just makes it so that Becky wins Ronda's title and now all the WWE horsewomen can celebrate at the end with their own respective titles, crying, with the crowd chanting 'you deserve it'

also, Kofi is in a title match at WM because The Usos respect The New Day and because Rowan couldn't get a table off of him.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 27th, '19, 21:48

cero2k wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 21:36
KILLdozer wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 21:17 This probably makes it a four way at WM lol...I does utilize 3 of their best women, if not THE best, if they were to do so. Simple as "Asuka wants the rematch at WM", or she could just crash the whole match and they piss everyone off lol...

Unlikely-but possible.
you know this is never happening, don't even try. This just makes it so that Becky wins Ronda's title and now all the WWE horsewomen can celebrate at the end with their own respective titles, crying, with the crowd chanting 'you deserve it'

also, Kofi is in a title match at WM because The Usos respect The New Day and because Rowan couldn't get a table off of him.
Becky's title win is all but guaranteed in gold writing in other idea isn't out of the realm of the type of stuff they'd do lol.

That said...I feel like Luke Harper returns at WM with with Bryan and Rowan because I feel like if we're repeating..."B + with every possible obstacle stacked in the way"...Then there's gonna be as much run-ins as possible.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 27th, '19, 23:16

I guess since it was announced on SD it can go here...but...

JOAN JETT performing Rhonda Rousey's theme live?!?!?

Are you kidding me?

She's literally 60.

The time for that is WAY in the past.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by cero2k » Mar 28th, '19, 07:17

KILLdozer wrote: Mar 27th, '19, 23:16 I guess since it was announced on SD it can go here...but...

JOAN JETT performing Rhonda Rousey's theme live?!?!?

Are you kidding me?

She's literally 60.

The time for that is WAY in the past.
she's still better than literally ALL the musical performances they've had in the last 10 years

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 28th, '19, 08:33

All things considered though...that may have been the best possible choice to get the SD women's title into a high profile match witj attention on it for WM.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/26/2019 Smackdown (uch)

Post by XIV » Mar 28th, '19, 15:55

I'm secretly hoping for a two falls match like they did with Benoit, Angle & Jericho for the Euro & Intercontinental titles years ago.
Have A Nice Day!

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