BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

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BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 30th, '19, 21:51

A GIANT WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY OCCURS- We start off with Tony Schiavone at an airport. Why is Tony at an airport? Because Cody and Jericho are going to have a contract signing tonight. Huh? Is the contract signing going to be at the airport?
Cody and Dustin get off of a private plain, which Tony thanks them for allowing him to travel in. Cody and Dustin then hug a lot and go their separate ways. We would soon learn that Tony and Cody were getting in a car to go to the arena, which begs the question why Dustin didn’t come with them? Isn’t he going to the arena, too? Doesn’t he have to be at the show? Or did he fly here just for the sake of flying here with Cody?
Tony and Cody have a conversation on their way to the car, with Cody saying “it’s just another match, right?” and Tony responding, “well, that is the cliché.” Then they get to the car where Ronnie from Atlas security is waiting for them (so I assume they had to pay him to show up to shoot this as well), and they get in and drive away. This was a COLOSSAL waste of money and time that served only to send the message to everyone that Cody has lots of money. It told me absolutely nothing I didn’t already know from the teaser that pops up on my DVR when I select the episode.

CONFUSING VIDEO PACKAGE- They showed us a video package from last week’s show… including, apparently, Pac jumping Moxley from behind after Moxley attacked the referee and trying to Pillmanizer his neck, Kenny Omega making the save for Mox, Adam Page coming out onto the ramp to bump into the fleeing Pac from behind, and Page challenging Pac to a rematch at Full Gear as Pac fled through the crowd.
WHEN DID ALL OF THIS HAPPEN? Surely not on the TV show, because if there was that much time left, then the main event wouldn’t have ended due to no more TV time… and yet the announcers were calling it like they thought they were still live on the air.

VIDEO PACKAGE, PART 2- I’m differentiating this part from the others because it was not produced in the same way and is clearly the sort of thing was meant to be a “we’re now showing you thing that happened after last week’s show ended” thing rather than the recap package that the first part was.
We were then shown Moxley returning to the backstage area after last week’s main event and being told “Tony is looking for you.” Moxley threw a chair and grumbled about time limits, then went into Tony’s office, which just had his name and the AEW logo on the placard, rather than any sort of title, which I thought was odd because all of the other people we know kayfabe run the company have a title (“executive vice president).” Moxley closed the door behind him so we just sat there staring at the door, and yet somehow we heard the snippets of their conversation just as clearly as we heard Moxley when he was right next to the camera.
The gist of this is that “because of the violence,” Tony tells Moxley that his match with Omega will have to be a “Lights-Out match,” and thus unsanctioned. Moxley is furious about this because if he wins, his win over Kenny Omega won’t count. He accuses Tony of doing this to protect Omega and says that whatever he does to Kenny in their match will be on Tony’s hands.
We’ll take this in order from smallest issue to biggest:
1. It should be “Lights Out,” not “Lights-Out.”
2. Use of the terms “Lights Out” was a poor idea for two key, related reasons. Firstly, when the phrase has been used to mean an unsanctioned match, it has meant a match that isn’t going to be aired, which is not a good selling point for the PPV. Making this even more confusing is the fact that AEW’s one previous unsanctioned match was simply called an “unsanctioned match.” The term is already established in AEW is as meaning a no DQs match that doesn’t count towards your win-loss record and is aired, so why are you now switching to a more confusing term for the same thing?
3. AEW was perfectly happy to book this match at All Out as a weapons match and have it count, so why the change here? Things haven’t escalated between these two that much since then. In fact, I’d argue that they have, in fact, deescalated in recent weeks, due to Pac’s involvement creating situations where they wound up showing an amount of mutual respect, as opposed to everything that had happened before week two of the TV show, where it was all hatred.
4. Moxley- the heel- is 100% correct in his complaints here. It does come across like the office is protecting Omega by making this match unsanctioned, and it’s ridiculous that they brought him knowing that he’s Jon f*cking Moxley and now they’re worried about what he might do in a weapons match, and in a way, trying to persuade him from being extremely violent. They are, as Moxley put it, trying to put him in a box again.
This also compounds with Pac’s complaint from the #1 contendership match that he wasn’t booked in it despite having a better record that either of the two men in it, and alleging that the people in charge- in this case, all of our top babyfaces and their friend the friendly millionaire- are biased against him, as we now have a second instance of the powers that be showing favoritism to their little clique.

Tony Schiavone isn’t on commentary with Ross and Excalibur because he is “on assignment” following Cody around for no real reason. Ross and Excalibur then plugged that Rick and Morty would be “invading All Elite Wrestling.” This feels like it could get very RoboCop-y.
They also plugged our main event for tonight, which is The Elite vs. Kip Sabian, Jack Evans, & Angelico. Also tonight is the tag title tournament finals. Why is that not the main event?

Page wins your standard modern opener.

ADAM PAGE PROMO- “At Full Gear, I’m gonna do some real cowboy sh*t and TAKE. PAC’S. HEAD OFF.”
I don’t think Adam Page knows what cowboys do.
The crowd then chanted “COWBOY SH*T! COWBOY SH*T!” because they’re a wrestling crowd in 2019, so they will chant anything they hear a wrestler say that can be put to a rhythm, no matter how dumb or random.

There is a guy in the front row dressed in a full-body Hulk costume. The camera should cut around attention whores like this guy whenever possible.

PRIVATE PARTY & THE ROCK N’ ROLL EXPRESS BUMP INTO EACH OTHER BACKSTAGE- We have no idea why the camera was back there, and we have no idea what they said to each other because this happened during a commercial break and was on the split-screen with no sound.

A great showing from both women, although Excalibur kind of spoiled the result early on when he told us that Shida was fully committed to AEW and had moved to the US while making a point of telling us that Shanna lived in France.

WEIRD BRANDI RHODES VIDEO PACKAGE- I guess Brandi is a which who has summoned the monster Awesome Kong via some sort of ritual that involved bloodletting. Like I said, this was weird.

PROUD-N-POWERFUL JUMP THE ROCK N’ ROLL EXPRESS FROM BEHIND- “Proud-N-Powerful” is the terrible new name that Santana & Ortiz are using here in AEW. This got good heat. They powerbombed Ricky through an odd, lower part of the stage that only seemed to be there so that it could be gimmicked for someone to get powerbombed through it. The Young Bucks came out too late to make the save.

When we got back from the commercial we were shown some wrestlers in the ring, seemingly ready for their match, but then we cut to Cody and Schiavone in the back of a car, because why not copy a frustrating production quirk of WWE’s when you have nothing to gain from doing so and a lot to lose?

They started off with a story showing us Dusty being an egotist by wanting to make sure that Willy Nelson was already waiting for him in a hotel pool before he would come down because “the bigger star always comes out last.” They seemed to think this would show how artsy they are by ending this whole thing on the point that their game plan to throw Jericho during a loop during the contract signing (because apparently they needed to do that) was for Cody to come out second, but the reality is that all this showed us was how close the apple landed when it feel from the tree.
There was one throwaway line in here informing us that there is a “judges decide of the match goes to a draw” stipulation on the main event. The other 99% of the time was spent telling us all that Cody is Dusty’s son. In other breaking news, Rellik is “killer” spelled backwards, and Britt Baker is a dentist. These two just yapped away in a painfully cliché TV show emotional way. It was painfully to watch and totally pointless and boring, to the point where fans started to just yell “HEY, J.R.!” (no, nothing they said about Jericho having the Inner Circle with him for the contract signing is actually useful info to us, as we would have found it out on our own when they came out for the contract signing).

JOHN SILVER, ALEX REYNOLDS, & Q.T. MARSHALL vs. BEST FRIENDS & ORANGE CASSIDY- no rating, terrible comedy match.
Ricky & Morty cosplay happened from Best Friends. I guess they got the voice actor for Morty to do a voice-over for the babyfaces’ intro, which he managed to screw up and say that Best Friends were accompanied to the ring by Orange Cassidy instead of him being their partner. They proceeded to do their usual comedy, but it was doubly dumb because of the cosplaying. AEW should have been embarrassed to put this on their TV.

And after all of that, Jericho didn’t come out with any members of the Inner Circle. He also didn’t seem to care one bit that Cody wasn’t even in the building yet. So much for Cody and Tony’s genius plan. Talking happened, with Jericho trying to get into Cody’s head. I love how they’re now pretending that Cody has never been world champion before when last year at All In they tried so hard to make us care about Cody winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
Jericho said a bunch of stuff about they were two pros who would never disrespect the title by fighting at a contract signing. We got the big dramatic handshake, complete with pullback. Then the Inner Circle somehow took over the screen (I can’t decide if I want to go with “TonyTron” for alliteration or “KhanTron” for the rhyme. What do you guys think?), where Sammy Guevara was filming Jake Hager beating up Dustin. So Dustin was on the same flight as Cody and got here at about the same time and he couldn’t ride in the same car as Cody and Schiavone… why, exactly?
They slammed the car door shut on Dustin’s arm, because Dusty did that angle and so Cody can’t help but do it, lest we forget who his father is. Rellik is Killer spelled backwards. Cody and MJF showed up to run Sammy and Hager off. The Inner Circle- including Jericho- got into their car and left. The talking part of this segment was one of the most boring segments I’ve seen in wrestling all year, and I think I’ve made my feelings on the angle part pretty clear here.

KIP SABIAN & TH2 (Jack Evans & Angelico) vs. THE ELITE (Kenny Omega & the Young Bucks)-
So the advertised main event is going on with forty-five minutes left in the show? Well... at least we’re less likely to have a draw due to TV time remaining.
Speaking of draws, before I forget, I want to talk about the judges stip they added to the title match. I HATE IT. I don’t want judges deciding anything. If the PPV main event goes the full sixty minutes then I’ll just wait for the rematch with the ninety-minute time-limit to determine who the rightful champion is. I don’t want judges picking a new champion based on judgment calls about loosely-defined criteria.
WEIRD VIDEO ABOUT KENNY OMEGA- After the heels made their entrance, a very weird video-game graphics video aired with someone threatening Kenny that all of his friends would be made to disappear and telling Kenny that his only chance was to join these mysterious people. And then someone seemed to hack the video or something and tell these people to “put a sock in it” and ask Kenny if he/she could “tag along this time.” I have no idea what the f*ck this was, but it didn’t appear to worry either Kenny or Excalibur or JR at all.
Oh. Right. The match.

KIP SABIAN & TH2 (Jack Evans & Angelico) vs. THE ELITE (Kenny Omega & the Young Bucks)- 6/10
The heels jumped the bell on The Elite. This was a total spotfest. Kenny pinned Jack Evans with the One-Winged Angel, keeping TH2’s losing streak alive.

Santana and Ortiz were in the front row in the Rick and Morty masks that were apparently given out before the show and pulled the Bucks into the crowd and beat on them until Omega ran them off. I thought this was a clever use of the give-away they (I guess had to?) have for the corporate tie-in to do something that would otherwise be a lot more conspicuous on a show without them.

MOXLEY BEATS UP PETER AVALON- Avalon came out to cut a cheap heat promo, then got beaten up by Moxley. Moxley then FINALLY picked up an AEW microphone for a…

Also, he referred to the match as an “unsanctioned match” as if that was the name instead of the “Lights Out” name. It’s not good for the wrestlers do be using a different name than the rest of the hype, but hopefully this is a sign that AEW has seen the error of their ways and will use the “unsanctioned” name starting next week.

AEW TAG TEAM TITLE TOURNAMENT FINALS: Lucha Bros. vs. SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)- 6.25/10
So in hindsight, this match was advertised as a lesser match than the six-man tag just so that they could do an angle to move this match to the main event (I guess we were buying Ricky and Robert time to recover). You’re better off just advertising this as the main event from the get-go, especially if you were going to do a second angle to get heat on LAX later in the night.
We were promised that if we don’t have a winner by the time they go off the air, they will put the footage up on YouTube because this match has no time limit and must have a winner. Okay… well in that case, why don’t they do that every week and do away with this concept of “TV time remaining” to ensure that every main event gets its fair time? And if this match can have no time limit and must have a winner then why can’t they do the same Cody vs. Jericho instead of going to judges after sixty minutes?
They did a million spots before Scorpio Sky pinned Pentagon Jr. with a small package. Despite being the clear heels in the feud, the Lucha Bros. made absolutely no attempt to be the heels here.

This was the worst episode of Dynamite yet, with the majority of it being indyriffic spots-fests, dumb comedy, and self-indulgent, barely-logical Cody bullsh*t. The women’s match is worth your time to watch and Moxley’s promo was must-see, but the rest of this show not good at all.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by cero2k » Oct 31st, '19, 08:42

Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51
2. Use of the terms “Lights Out” was a poor idea for two key, related reasons. Firstly, when the phrase has been used to mean an unsanctioned match, it has meant a match that isn’t going to be aired, which is not a good selling point for the PPV. Making this even more confusing is the fact that AEW’s one previous unsanctioned match was simply called an “unsanctioned match.” The term is already established in AEW is as meaning a no DQs match that doesn’t count towards your win-loss record and is aired, so why are you now switching to a more confusing term for the same thing?
Lights Out wasn't about not being broadcasted, rather than just outside the show's control, hence why the lights go out before the match. It's not supposed to mean Dark match.
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 3. AEW was perfectly happy to book this match at All Out as a weapons match and have it count, so why the change here? Things haven’t escalated between these two that much since then. In fact, I’d argue that they have, in fact, deescalated in recent weeks, due to Pac’s involvement creating situations where they wound up showing an amount of mutual respect, as opposed to everything that had happened before week two of the TV show, where it was all hatred.
Unsanctioned matches haven't counted since they started, those barrel matches are different. If anything else, the problem is that they haven't made any distinction between their hardcore matches other than one has a barrel and another happens after the lights flicker and the show is 'officially' over.
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 4. Moxley- the heel- is 100% correct in his complaints here.
Moxley ain't a heel, like at all.
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 HIKARU SHIDA vs. SHANNA- 7.75/10
A great showing from both women, although Excalibur kind of spoiled the result early on when he told us that Shida was fully committed to AEW and had moved to the US while making a point of telling us that Shanna lived in France.
I mean, one lady is making her debut and the other has been featured in promotional material a lot, I don't think anyone expected Shanna to win. For what it's worth, Shanna has also signed.
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 JOHN SILVER, ALEX REYNOLDS, & Q.T. MARSHALL vs. BEST FRIENDS & ORANGE CASSIDY- no rating, terrible comedy match.
Ricky & Morty cosplay happened from Best Friends. I guess they got the voice actor for Morty to do a voice-over for the babyfaces’ intro, which he managed to screw up and say that Best Friends were accompanied to the ring by Orange Cassidy instead of him being their partner. They proceeded to do their usual comedy, but it was doubly dumb because of the cosplaying. AEW should have been embarrassed to put this on their TV.
I take it you're not a fan of Rick and Morty
Needed the good ol' WWE brawl and table spot afterwards?

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 31st, '19, 15:01

cero2k wrote: Oct 31st, '19, 08:42
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51
2. Use of the terms “Lights Out” was a poor idea for two key, related reasons. Firstly, when the phrase has been used to mean an unsanctioned match, it has meant a match that isn’t going to be aired, which is not a good selling point for the PPV. Making this even more confusing is the fact that AEW’s one previous unsanctioned match was simply called an “unsanctioned match.” The term is already established in AEW is as meaning a no DQs match that doesn’t count towards your win-loss record and is aired, so why are you now switching to a more confusing term for the same thing?
Lights Out wasn't about not being broadcasted, rather than just outside the show's control, hence why the lights go out before the match. It's not supposed to mean Dark match.
That's how it was used in Southern territories. But to my point, why change your own verbiage when you already have a much more clear word that means the exact same thing?
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 3. AEW was perfectly happy to book this match at All Out as a weapons match and have it count, so why the change here? Things haven’t escalated between these two that much since then. In fact, I’d argue that they have, in fact, deescalated in recent weeks, due to Pac’s involvement creating situations where they wound up showing an amount of mutual respect, as opposed to everything that had happened before week two of the TV show, where it was all hatred.
Unsanctioned matches haven't counted since they started, those barrel matches are different. If anything else, the problem is that they haven't made any distinction between their hardcore matches other than one has a barrel and another happens after the lights flicker and the show is 'officially' over.
. Did Janela vs. Mox or the Bucks vs. Lucha Bros. Ladder match not count?
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 4. Moxley- the heel- is 100% correct in his complaints here.
Moxley ain't a heel, like at all.
He attacked Omega and Jericho for no reason, attacked Omega from behind during the first show, and attacked a referee for no reason. Mox has done nothing to be likable and several things to be unlikable. He's a heel.
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 HIKARU SHIDA vs. SHANNA- 7.75/10
A great showing from both women, although Excalibur kind of spoiled the result early on when he told us that Shida was fully committed to AEW and had moved to the US while making a point of telling us that Shanna lived in France.
I mean, one lady is making her debut and the other has been featured in promotional material a lot, I don't think anyone expected Shanna to win. For what it's worth, Shanna has also signed.
I thought both had an equal chance until Excalibur said that. They had put Shanna over big as a world traveler, just like they do with the joshis.
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 JOHN SILVER, ALEX REYNOLDS, & Q.T. MARSHALL vs. BEST FRIENDS & ORANGE CASSIDY- no rating, terrible comedy match.
Ricky & Morty cosplay happened from Best Friends. I guess they got the voice actor for Morty to do a voice-over for the babyfaces’ intro, which he managed to screw up and say that Best Friends were accompanied to the ring by Orange Cassidy instead of him being their partner. They proceeded to do their usual comedy, but it was doubly dumb because of the cosplaying. AEW should have been embarrassed to put this on their TV.
I take it you're not a fan of Rick and Morty
I am. But this was fucking stupid. I'm a fan of Star Wars, but I dont want to see cosplay in my matches. If Alexa Bliss! wants to be Mara Jade for a WrestleMania entrance then that's cool, but I don't want her to wear a wig and lightsaber all match.
Also Orange Cassidy's bullsh*t is moronic.

cero2k wrote:
Needed the good ol' WWE brawl and table spot afterwards?
No. I just need the segment to not spend so long with nothing happening and almost nothing relevant being said, especially after all the time they wasted saying nothing relevant with Cody and Schiavone to set it up.
And I want their angle to not rely on Dustin not traveling to the arena separately from Cody for no reason in order to make sense. And for someone to explain to me how Sammy Guevara got control of the TonyTron.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Thelone » Oct 31st, '19, 17:21

Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51This was the worst episode of Dynamite yet, with the majority of it being indyriffic spots-fests, dumb comedy, and self-indulgent, barely-logical Cody bullsh*t.
Unfortunately, this is pretty much what I've been saying all along. I also think that the show is incredibly top-heavy so far and I keep reading about how Omega and the Bucks don't come off as stars, so that's a bit concerning (and again something I predicted) since they're supposed to be the best tag team and the best in-ring guy.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 31st, '19, 17:55

Thelone wrote: Oct 31st, '19, 17:21
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51This was the worst episode of Dynamite yet, with the majority of it being indyriffic spots-fests, dumb comedy, and self-indulgent, barely-logical Cody bullsh*t.
Unfortunately, this is pretty much what I've been saying all along. I also think that the show is incredibly top-heavy so far and I keep reading about how Omega and the Bucks don't come off as stars, so that's a bit concerning (and again something I predicted) since they're supposed to be the best tag team and the best in-ring guy.
With Kenny I think the issue is more how is presented outside of the ring. With the Bucks, I think it's all the booking. They didn't do enough to really establish them before the loss to Private Party and haven't done much to rehab them afterwards (and thus post-facto justify the hype and the importance of Private Party beating them to new viewers).
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by cero2k » Nov 1st, '19, 08:41

Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 31st, '19, 15:01 Did Janela vs. Mox or the Bucks vs. Lucha Bros. Ladder match not count?
Janela vs Mox didn't. Bucks vs Lucha Bros did, it wasn't 'lights out'
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 He attacked Omega and Jericho for no reason, attacked Omega from behind during the first show, and attacked a referee for no reason. Mox has done nothing to be likable and several things to be unlikable. He's a heel.
I like everything he has done. He's a tweener. He's as Stone Cold as Stone Cold you can get.
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 31st, '19, 15:01 No. I just need the segment to not spend so long with nothing happening and almost nothing relevant being said, especially after all the time they wasted saying nothing relevant with Cody and Schiavone to set it up.
And I want their angle to not rely on Dustin not traveling to the arena separately from Cody for no reason in order to make sense. And for someone to explain to me how Sammy Guevara got control of the TonyTron.
I thought the Schiavone/Cody ride was too long too, but I thought this segment was good, I thought they went and covered the stuff that should get covered. Entrances, signing, teases, little promo, and out to the angle.
The feud isn't just about Dustin, that was just fuel to the fire.
I mean, power over the tron is just things that Le Champion can take advantage off, it's been like this since Trons were invented in wrestling, you don't need to overthink this because it's always been like this. Guevara can just go tell a cameraman, hey, follow us, put this on the tron or Hager will kick your ass

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Big Red Machine
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 1st, '19, 12:18

cero2k wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 08:41
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 31st, '19, 15:01 Did Janela vs. Mox or the Bucks vs. Lucha Bros. Ladder match not count?
Janela vs Mox didn't. Bucks vs Lucha Bros did, it wasn't 'lights out'
Exactly. So why do some of the gimmick matches count but others don't? Why are some unsanctioned while othere are sanctioned? It feels like the only reason this match is now unsanctioned was so Moxley could get upset about it. That's a plot hole.
And if you're going to say that some matches dont count because they're no dds matched then it's ridiculous to not call for a DQ when something illegal happens in a match that is sanctioned (like Moxley attacking Omega during the first week's main event).
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 30th, '19, 21:51 He attacked Omega and Jericho for no reason, attacked Omega from behind during the first show, and attacked a referee for no reason. Mox has done nothing to be likable and several things to be unlikable. He's a heel.
I like everything he has done. He's a tweener. He's as Stone Cold as Stone Cold you can get.
he's not a tweeter. He gets cheered because people want to cheer him. You can make all of the Austin comparisons you want, but Austin felt like he had morals. Moxley not so much. And yes, I think a lot of the stuff they had Austin do-especiasly in late 97 when he couldn't bump and then after he stopped being a regular competitor when all they were doing was booking to get the pop from the Stunner- was totally heelish.
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 31st, '19, 15:01 No. I just need the segment to not spend so long with nothing happening and almost nothing relevant being said, especially after all the time they wasted saying nothing relevant with Cody and Schiavone to set it up.
And I want their angle to not rely on Dustin not traveling to the arena separately from Cody for no reason in order to make sense. And for someone to explain to me how Sammy Guevara got control of the TonyTron.
I thought the Schiavone/Cody ride was too long too, but I thought this segment was good, I thought they went and covered the stuff that should get covered. Entrances, signing, teases, little promo, and out to the angle.
It was the culmination of a bunch of prior segments that not only went too long but didn't end up meaning sh*t, then this took too long to get to it's point. I didn't need to ait around and wait for Cody forever, and even the idea of Jericho trying to get into Cody's head was ultimately irrelevant because they just beat up his brother instead.

cero2k wrote: The feud isn't just about Dustin, that was just fuel to the fire.
. Whether it's about Duston or not is irrelevant. I want him being in the situation he us in to not feel completely contrived, as if it happened just so he could be attacked.
cero2k wrote:
I mean, power over the tron is just things that Le Champion can take advantage off, it's been like this since Trons were invented in wrestling, you don't need to overthink this because it's always been like this. Guevara can just go tell a cameraman, hey, follow us, put this on the tron or Hager will kick your ass
Wrong. This absolutely has not been the case since Trons were invented. It has been the case only since Vince decided not to care about the logic of this sort of thing, and then WCW and others went along with it. The whole reason that something like Lost in Cleveland was framed as a news report was so it would make sense for a camera to be there. Backstage stuff in ECW almost always started under the guise of a promo. Ditto ROH. Half of the reason that the studio wrestling show format exists is so there is an excuse for the camera to be there to catch the altercations.

And are you really trying to tell me that Jericho being champion gives him en stroke to control the Tron when he apparently can't even get into the building without a ticket if he's not booked?

Also, it's not the cameraperson who controls the Tron. It's the production crew, so them threatening the cameraperson still won't get them on the Tron.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by cero2k » Nov 1st, '19, 13:16

Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 Exactly. So why do some of the gimmick matches count but others don't? Why are some unsanctioned while othere are sanctioned? It feels like the only reason this match is now unsanctioned was so Moxley could get upset about it. That's a plot hole.
And if you're going to say that some matches dont count because they're no dds matched then it's ridiculous to not call for a DQ when something illegal happens in a match that is sanctioned (like Moxley attacking Omega during the first week's main event).
it's not 'gimmick' matches, it's Unsanctioned matches. Completely different things. It's in the name, this match is not sanctioned by AEW, why would it count in AEW numbers if it's not sanctioned by AEW?
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 he's not a tweeter. He gets cheered because people want to cheer him. You can make all of the Austin comparisons you want, but Austin felt like he had morals. Moxley not so much. And yes, I think a lot of the stuff they had Austin do-especiasly in late 97 when he couldn't bump and then after he stopped being a regular competitor when all they were doing was booking to get the pop from the Stunner- was totally heelish.
Mox has TONS of morals. He didn't attack Omega when PAC served him on a platter, he doesn't attack people from behind. he's Neutral Chaotic. he attacks those who get in his way, that is not a heel.

Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 It was the culmination of a bunch of prior segments that not only went too long but didn't end up meaning sh*t, then this took too long to get to it's point. I didn't need to ait around and wait for Cody forever, and even the idea of Jericho trying to get into Cody's head was ultimately irrelevant because they just beat up his brother instead.
if this didn't mean shit for you, then you're completely missing the point on how to build a personal feud and the wrestlers involved. I know it's Cody and everything he does is wrong because he's Cody and I won't change your mind, but everyone played their parts perfectly, this added a TON of heat for TIC, it was Jericho's smart approach to getting back at Cody for last week's attack. Attacking Dustin IS getting in Cody's head.

Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 Whether it's about Duston or not is irrelevant. I want him being in the situation he us in to not feel completely contrived, as if it happened just so he could be attacked.
What's so contrived about two brothers traveling together to the same place they're going to? Are you gonna tell me that it's really contrived that the Bucks are always together?
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 Wrong. This absolutely has not been the case since Trons were invented. It has been the case only since Vince decided not to care about the logic of this sort of thing, and then WCW and others went along with it. The whole reason that something like Lost in Cleveland was framed as a news report was so it would make sense for a camera to be there. Backstage stuff in ECW almost always started under the guise of a promo. Ditto ROH. Half of the reason that the studio wrestling show format exists is so there is an excuse for the camera to be there to catch the altercations.

And are you really trying to tell me that Jericho being champion gives him en stroke to control the Tron when he apparently can't even get into the building without a ticket if he's not booked?
How many actual Trons do you remember prior to WWF where wrestlers can't show up on the tron? You're about to reference something that used to be done 30 years ago, half of the roster in this promotion wasn't even born yet. for all the old timers that want wrestling to be how it used to ((shakes hand at the clouds)), THIS is how wrestling has been done for the last 30 years. Lost in Cleveland wasn't a surprise attack angle, it was more of a character piece.

Jericho got the tickets because he expected the 'paying customer' shield to protect him against Cody, hence the Cody call to 'I can just jump the rail and kick your ass' part, and the 'I bought a ticket!' at the end of the angle.
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 Also, it's not the cameraperson who controls the Tron. It's the production crew, so them threatening the cameraperson still won't get them on the Tron.
then you threaten the production truck too, you threaten everyone necessary. It's not rocket science.Jericho has been doing this for 29 years, he knows how to get things done. This is a nitpick.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 1st, '19, 14:16

cero2k wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 13:16
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 Exactly. So why do some of the gimmick matches count but others don't? Why are some unsanctioned while othere are sanctioned? It feels like the only reason this match is now unsanctioned was so Moxley could get upset about it. That's a plot hole.
And if you're going to say that some matches dont count because they're no dds matched then it's ridiculous to not call for a DQ when something illegal happens in a match that is sanctioned (like Moxley attacking Omega during the first week's main event).
it's not 'gimmick' matches, it's Unsanctioned matches. Completely different things. It's in the name, this match is not sanctioned by AEW, why would it count in AEW numbers if it's not sanctioned by AEW?
Exactly. And what I'm asking is what makes these matches different that AEW doesn't want to sanction them?
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 he's not a tweeter. He gets cheered because people want to cheer him. You can make all of the Austin comparisons you want, but Austin felt like he had morals. Moxley not so much. And yes, I think a lot of the stuff they had Austin do-especiasly in late 97 when he couldn't bump and then after he stopped being a regular competitor when all they were doing was booking to get the pop from the Stunner- was totally heelish.
Mox has TONS of morals. He didn't attack Omega when PAC served him on a platter, he doesn't attack people from behind. he's Neutral Chaotic. he attacks those who get in his way, that is not a heel.
And he also attacked Omega, Jericho, and the Librarians for no reason. Heel.
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 It was the culmination of a bunch of prior segments that not only went too long but didn't end up meaning sh*t, then this took too long to get to it's point. I didn't need to ait around and wait for Cody forever, and even the idea of Jericho trying to get into Cody's head was ultimately irrelevant because they just beat up his brother instead.
if this didn't mean shit for you, then you're completely missing the point on how to build a personal feud and the wrestlers involved. I know it's Cody and everything he does is wrong because he's Cody and I won't change your mind, but everyone played their parts perfectly, this added a TON of heat for TIC, it was Jericho's smart approach to getting back at Cody for last week's attack. Attacking Dustin IS getting in Cody's head.
My point is that if the ending of the segment was a premeditated attack on Dustin then all of Jericho's previous talking (efforts to get into Cody's head a different way) were irrelevant and thus should have been sped up.
I'm not saying that the segment wasn't well-acted. I'm saying that it dragged on for too long, was set up by segments that were ultimately irrelevant, and had several logical flaws.
And, quite frankly, if AEW is going to keep bringing Dusty up all the time when Cody is involved, it makes it a lot harder for me to not see something like the angle with Dustin as them rehashing something Dusty booked, thus impeding my emotional investment because it comes off like them trying to be a remake of a TV show than something new and interesting.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 1st, '19, 14:55

cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 Whether it's about Duston or not is irrelevant. I want him being in the situation he us in to not feel completely contrived, as if it happened just so he could be attacked.
What's so contrived about two brothers traveling together to the same place they're going to? Are you gonna tell me that it's really contrived that the Bucks are always together?
What I'm saying is contrived is that they flew there together, only to get into separate cars in order to drive to the same place in order to ensure that they would arrive at the same time in order to explain why the heels would know where to find Dustin to attack him.
Why wasn't Dustin in the car with them? Wasn't the whole point of the car ride to have a strategy session? Couldn't Dustin's many years of experience (including against Jericho) help with that? And, now that I think about it, what kind of moron has a big strategy session about how he is going to psych his opponent out and then BROADCASTS IT ON LIVE NATIONAL TELEVISION?

And that's not me picking nits. If I wanted to pick nits, I would also ask questions like
1. Cody was being late as part of a strategy. Why was Dustin allowed to be late?
2. Dustin wasn't booked. Why was he backstage at all if last week established that even a non-booked employee needs to buy a ticket and sit in the crowd?
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 Wrong. This absolutely has not been the case since Trons were invented. It has been the case only since Vince decided not to care about the logic of this sort of thing, and then WCW and others went along with it. The whole reason that something like Lost in Cleveland was framed as a news report was so it would make sense for a camera to be there. Backstage stuff in ECW almost always started under the guise of a promo. Ditto ROH. Half of the reason that the studio wrestling show format exists is so there is an excuse for the camera to be there to catch the altercations.

And are you really trying to tell me that Jericho being champion gives him en stroke to control the Tron when he apparently can't even get into the building without a ticket if he's not booked?
How many actual Trons do you remember prior to WWF where wrestlers can't show up on the tron? You're about to reference something that used to be done 30 years ago, half of the roster in this promotion wasn't even born yet. for all the old timers that want wrestling to be how it used to ((shakes hand at the clouds)), THIS is how wrestling has been done for the last 30 years. Lost in Cleveland wasn't a surprise attack angle, it was more of a character piece.
Lost in Cleveland was not a character piece. A character piece is that video they did for Cody two weeks ago, or the thing NXT did with Balor tonight. Lost in Cleveland was an ongoing story. Just like tonight's segments were an on-going story. The Tron is not a magical scrying glass. It's a piece of technology who serves the purpose of letting the fans in the arena see filmed segments that don't happen live in the ringside area.
This is not me being an old man shaking my fist at the clouds. There are two ways to film a wrestling show nowadays. The WWE "pretend the cameras aren't there because it's a TV show way, and the "there must be a logical reason for the camera to be there" method. I have made no secret about the fact that I prefer the latter, but I am more than happy to accept the former. wXw uses the "pretend the cameras aren't there" method, and I love wXw.
The problem with what AEW did here is that they switched from one to the other based on the needs of their segment After all, if they weren't using the "we need a reason for the camera to be here" method then the show could have just starte with Tony and the Rhodes brothers getting off the plane rather than Tony Schiavone already being off the plane, holding a microphone and looking into the camera and saying "Hi, folks! This is Tony Schiavone reporting live from the airport." We didn't actually see Tony Khan and Moxley having their conversation because the camera wasn't allowed in the room.
I am happy to accept whatever rules a promotion wants to live by, but I expect those rules to remain consistent throughout the show and the storylines. This is true of kayfabe rules and regulations and of "rules" of the universe like how you shoot things or someone having magical powers.
cero2k wrote:
Jericho got the tickets because he expected the 'paying customer' shield to protect him against Cody, hence the Cody call to 'I can just jump the rail and kick your ass' part, and the 'I bought a ticket!' at the end of the angle.
In which case Jericho is a total f*cking moron. He's been wrestling for 30 years and a fan for even longer (and the son of a pro hockey player as well) and he didn't realize that disruptive fans are subject to ejection?
And if that's the case then the announcers should have explained it, rather than Excalibur just saying "Oh. It's okay for them to be here even though they're not booked because they have tickets."

cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 12:18 Also, it's not the cameraperson who controls the Tron. It's the production crew, so them threatening the cameraperson still won't get them on the Tron.
then you threaten the production truck too, you threaten everyone necessary. It's not rocket science.Jericho has been doing this for 29 years, he knows how to get things done. This is a nitpick.
And if next week we learn that the Inner Circle have been reprimanded for threatening these people then I'll admit that you were right. But we all know that's not going to happen, because they didn't take the time to think about it.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Bob-O » Nov 2nd, '19, 09:45

Thelone wrote: Oct 31st, '19, 17:21 Omega and the Bucks don't come off as stars, so that's a bit concerning (and again something I predicted) since they're supposed to be the best tag team and the best in-ring guy.
tl;dr I think they're executing a long-term plan and trying to avoid being a Bullet Club reunion show.

It's a weird approach, especially with Kenny. I've never been much of a Bucks fan, but I won't deny how cool it's been watching their journey. With Kenny though, the man is the most recognizable talent in the world to never be in WWE, I think everyone assumed the company would be revolving around him as the top talent/champion/face of the company.

One could say they're making a huge mistake letting him cool down, but he's also simmering in a spot where he could step in to the position very easily. I feel like they've got their fingers on the pulse and know their smarky fanbase would turn on them quickly if the company turned into a circle jerk of Vice Presidents. I think they've made some REALLY smart moves going with New Jericho, trying to push Hangman, heavily featuring SCU, throwing guys like Janella, Darby, and Sammy at the wall to see what sticks. If things start to slip, The Bucks KNOW they're over, Kenny KNOWS he's the next big thing, they can step in at any time - but the better the foundation the better house you can build on it. I mean, they're only what? 5? 6 shows in? I think a lot of the criticism stems from them not doing what everyone expected.

Consider as well that in their long-term planning, Kenny/Moxley should have been done already. Who knows where they wanted to be with Omega right now since they had to stall the program and left Kenny without much to do - as I'm sure that match is going to be pivotal in Kenny's story.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Thelone » Nov 2nd, '19, 14:35

Bob-O wrote: Nov 2nd, '19, 09:45One could say they're making a huge mistake letting him cool down, but he's also simmering in a spot where he could step in to the position very easily. I feel like they've got their fingers on the pulse and know their smarky fanbase would turn on them quickly if the company turned into a circle jerk of Vice Presidents.
Yeah, we wouldn't want all the nice video packages/big backstage segments to be about the son of a certain someone who happened to be an EVP, or pushing a bland japanese chick because she's the tag partner of another who's also booking her division. Oh wait...
I think they've made some REALLY smart moves going with New Jericho, trying to push Hangman, heavily featuring SCU, throwing guys like Janella, Darby, and Sammy at the wall to see what sticks.
Putting the belt on Jericho was the right move, SCU is kinda meh as first champions and I would have gone with LB instead, the four other guys and the midcard in general desperately need, well, a midcard title to fight for.
If things start to slip, The Bucks KNOW they're over, Kenny KNOWS he's the next big thing, they can step in at any time - but the better the foundation the better house you can build on it. I mean, they're only what? 5? 6 shows in? I think a lot of the criticism stems from them not doing what everyone expected.
I'd say things are already slipping judging by the ratings. A wrestling-heavy show just isn't going to keep the casual/lapsed audience's attention and while I get that they don't want to alienate the fans that brought them here in the first place, you aren't going to grow with only the hardcore, workrate-obsessed fans. Also you can't use the "Oh, but it was two minor house shows/before TV/the first month of TV/the first PPV/etc" excuse forever.

In that regard, I have the impression that Omega and the Bucks think that they'll just need to do their thing and they'll be the biggest stars in the world. Again, that'll get over with the hardcore fans, not with the rest. I've been saying since day one that those three will get exposed in that setting and unsurprisingly, this is what's happening. But hey, Omega got to cosplay as Sans and WORK HIS ART, that's what counts I guess.
Consider as well that in their long-term planning, Kenny/Moxley should have been done already. Who knows where they wanted to be with Omega right now since they had to stall the program and left Kenny without much to do - as I'm sure that match is going to be pivotal in Kenny's story.
It's also an issue that they seem to go through most of their big matches already, especially since their singles division isn't exactly that deep.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 2nd, '19, 15:49

Bryan Alvarez adds that if Moxley was so concerned about his record, he wouldn't have grabbed a chair in the middle of a match two weeks ago, attacked his own partner, and then walked out of the match.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 2nd, '19, 15:51

Bob-O wrote: Nov 2nd, '19, 09:45

Consider as well that in their long-term planning, Kenny/Moxley should have been done already. Who knows where they wanted to be with Omega right now since they had to stall the program and left Kenny without much to do - as I'm sure that match is going to be pivotal in Kenny's story.
I think it's clear that the plan changed greatly, as at now point was the originally-announced match ever announced as a weapons match or an unsanctioned match, despite the build for the weapons match part being in place well before All Out.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Bob-O » Nov 3rd, '19, 11:01

Thelone wrote: Nov 2nd, '19, 14:35 Putting the belt on Jericho was the right move, SCU is kinda meh as first champions and I would have gone with LB instead, the four other guys and the midcard in general desperately need, well, a midcard title to fight for.
SCU might be 'meh', but they're insanely over on the broad spectrum, and the titles bump them up into that upper tier of performers that The Lucha Bros are already in. I like that move, and I support it even more if they drop the belts to Santana and Ortiz, putting Lucha Bros on the chase.

They do need a midcard title badly. I'm hoping that's the "big announcement" they keep teasing. I'd be down for a midcard tagteam title as well, given the amount of teams they're carrying.
Thelone wrote: Nov 2nd, '19, 14:35 I'd say things are already slipping judging by the ratings.

lol they're only 5 episodes in man! You can't use that first episode as a a baseline, nor is it really accurate once you figure in MLB playoffs and The World Series. Numbers aside, they're killing percentages in their target demos, which at this point in their existence is the smart thing to focus on.
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 2nd, '19, 15:51
Bob-O wrote: Nov 2nd, '19, 09:45 Consider as well that in their long-term planning, Kenny/Moxley should have been done already. Who knows where they wanted to be with Omega right now since they had to stall the program and left Kenny without much to do - as I'm sure that match is going to be pivotal in Kenny's story.
I think it's clear that the plan changed greatly, as at now point was the originally-announced match ever announced as a weapons match or an unsanctioned match, despite the build for the weapons match part being in place well before All Out.
I think it kind of had to, but still left Kenny in limbo. I feel like they hit the pause button on Omega until now, but I don't feel like it dimmed Omega's star at all, it's just kind of weird not seeing him actively moving something forward (like he's done for years consistently) and doing throwaway stuff. It's like they didn't want us getting fired up over a rematch with Jericho, a rematch with Pac, or some sort of redemption to his losses because they had a set direction they're trying to go but had to wait for Mox.

That's just my rationalization, though. Maybe they're just idiots with a 'shit don't stink' complex.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by cero2k » Nov 4th, '19, 09:12

Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 2nd, '19, 15:49 Bryan Alvarez adds that if Moxley was so concerned about his record, he wouldn't have grabbed a chair in the middle of a match two weeks ago, attacked his own partner, and then walked out of the match.
Which is the wrong interpretation. Moxley said he doesn't care about the +1 in the record, but he wants the books to say "Moxley defeated Omega"

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by cero2k » Nov 4th, '19, 09:23

Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 14:16
Exactly. And what I'm asking is what makes these matches different that AEW doesn't want to sanction them?
Because in theory, they're [as in mainly Moxley] more violent and unpredictable. The storyline here is that they're Unsanctioning only Moxley's violent matches because they don't trust he won't do something that PR won't be able to control. The only other one was Omega straight up asking for the unsanctioned treatment match, it wasn't an AEW mandate.
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 14:16 And he also attacked Omega, Jericho, and the Librarians for no reason. Heel.
So he attacked two heels face to face, that makes him a babyface.
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 14:16 My point is that if the ending of the segment was a premeditated attack on Dustin then all of Jericho's previous talking (efforts to get into Cody's head a different way) were irrelevant and thus should have been sped up.
I'm not saying that the segment wasn't well-acted. I'm saying that it dragged on for too long, was set up by segments that were ultimately irrelevant, and had several logical flaws.
And, quite frankly, if AEW is going to keep bringing Dusty up all the time when Cody is involved, it makes it a lot harder for me to not see something like the angle with Dustin as them rehashing something Dusty booked, thus impeding my emotional investment because it comes off like them trying to be a remake of a TV show than something new and interesting.
It's not irrelevant, Jericho stalls by talking, giving time for his henchmen to attack Dustin, and the contract signing wasn't that long at all, it was actually quite short if you compare it to every other signing angle in other promotions. NJPW contract signings take forever.
If you think it felt long because of the car stuff with Schiavone and Cody, i'll give you that, i said it in my review too, THAT was long.
As for Dusty, this is really the only time they've used Dustin to get heat on Cody. The dudes are brothers, they're likely to get used together. Real life relationships shouldn't be ignored. If it comes to a point where everyone keeps attacking Dustin, then yeah, Cody should tell him to fuck off, but we're not there yet

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 4th, '19, 10:04

cero2k wrote: Nov 4th, '19, 09:23
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 14:16
Exactly. And what I'm asking is what makes these matches different that AEW doesn't want to sanction them?
Because in theory, they're [as in mainly Moxley] more violent and unpredictable. The storyline here is that they're Unsanctioning only Moxley's violent matches because they don't trust he won't do something that PR won't be able to control. The only other one was Omega straight up asking for the unsanctioned treatment match, it wasn't an AEW mandate.
They dont trust Moxley for that hut they do trust JIMMY HAVIC and JOEY JANELA? Dint be ridiculous.
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 14:16 And he also attacked Omega, Jericho, and the Librarians for no reason. Heel.
So he attacked two heels face to face, that makes him a babyface.
Other than the librarians he did so AFTER they had had been through a grueling match. That's cowardly and unfair. Heel.
cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 1st, '19, 14:16 My point is that if the ending of the segment was a premeditated attack on Dustin then all of Jericho's previous talking (efforts to get into Cody's head a different way) were irrelevant and thus should have been sped up.
I'm not saying that the segment wasn't well-acted. I'm saying that it dragged on for too long, was set up by segments that were ultimately irrelevant, and had several logical flaws.
And, quite frankly, if AEW is going to keep bringing Dusty up all the time when Cody is involved, it makes it a lot harder for me to not see something like the angle with Dustin as them rehashing something Dusty booked, thus impeding my emotional investment because it comes off like them trying to be a remake of a TV show than something new and interesting.
It's not irrelevant, Jericho stalls by talking, giving time for his henchmen to attack Dustin, and the contract signing wasn't that long at all, it was actually quite short if you compare it to every other signing angle in other promotions. NJPW contract signings take forever.
How did Jericho know when the ambush was ready, then?
cero2k wrote: If you think it felt long because of the car stuff with Schiavone and Cody, i'll give you that, i said it in my review too, THAT was long.
As for Dusty, this is really the only time they've used Dustin to get heat on Cody. The dudes are brothers, they're likely to get used together. Real life relationships shouldn't be ignored. If it comes to a point where everyone keeps attacking Dustin, then yeah, Cody should tell him to fuck off, but we're not there yet
This is the second time in this feud alone that they have attacked Dustin.
And when I say Dusty, I mean that this comes off as them redoing Zbyszko and the car door (which Dusty booked). It comes off as a "daddy's greatest hits" tribute play.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 4th, '19, 10:05

cero2k wrote: Nov 4th, '19, 09:12
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 2nd, '19, 15:49 Bryan Alvarez adds that if Moxley was so concerned about his record, he wouldn't have grabbed a chair in the middle of a match two weeks ago, attacked his own partner, and then walked out of the match.
Which is the wrong interpretation. Moxley said he doesn't care about the +1 in the record, but he wants the books to say "Moxley defeated Omega"
He'll beat him on worldwide PPV. Won't that be enough for him, regardless if what the books say?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/30/2019 Dynamite (one POTYC and a whole bunch of sh*t)

Post by cero2k » Nov 4th, '19, 12:00

Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 4th, '19, 10:04
They dont trust Moxley for that hut they do trust JIMMY HAVIC and JOEY JANELA? Dint be ridiculous.
And that's how you sell a deranged person and make him special, by making the other hardcore guys look more controllable.
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 4th, '19, 10:04 Other than the librarians he did so AFTER they had had been through a grueling match. That's cowardly and unfair. Heel.
that's just a man that knows when to make an entrance to get the biggest impact. a babyface AND smart. C'mon, you know deep inside that he's a babyface, i know it goes against the strict rules you have for what you consider a babyface, but he's one.
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 4th, '19, 10:04 How did Jericho know when the ambush was ready, then?
Jericho: Hager, how much time do you need?
Hager: Give me 10 minutes.
Jericho: ok.


Jericho: Sammy, txt me when you're ready, i'll have my phone on vibrate on my pocket. I'll get the queue.
Big Red Machine wrote: Nov 4th, '19, 10:04 This is the second time in this feud alone that they have attacked Dustin.
And when I say Dusty, I mean that this comes off as them redoing Zbyszko and the car door (which Dusty booked). It comes off as a "daddy's greatest hits" tribute play.
If the other time your counting is the tag match, then that was already a tag match, they would have attacked whoever was left in the ring anyway. It's not a Dustin thing. But let's pretend it is, it makes perfect sense to beat up Cody's friends and family

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