Earliest Memory.....

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Earliest Memory.....

Post by Rabid619 » Mar 4th, '11, 16:27

We all started watching wrestling in different times and different eras. With that in mind, what is your earliest wrestling memory?

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Cactus Jack Manson
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Re: Earliest Memory.....

Post by Cactus Jack Manson » Mar 4th, '11, 16:32

Oh man. Mine is owning two autographed pictures of Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior. They were the ones that you bought when you went to a live event, but they were still cool to me at the time. I also had a Ultimate Warrior Plush Buddy at the time as well. Those bring back some awesome times...
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Re: Earliest Memory.....

Post by Rabid619 » Mar 4th, '11, 16:33

My earliest memory was from 1998. I was watching WCW Thunder and the one thing i really remember from that show was Goldberg.

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Re: Earliest Memory.....

Post by Sassafras » Mar 11th, '11, 10:55

I remember my uncles bringing home a VHS cassette of Survivor Series 1995, shortly after it's release. They had decided to turn me into a wrestling fan at the age of 4, and damned if they didn't do it. I remember like it was yesterday, sitting between my uncles (I grew up without a father, so they both shared the father-figure role) and watching Diesel vs. Bret Hart for the WWF title. The end of Diesel's year-long reign. After sitting, captivated, watching the entire event, falling in love with Sunny, being AMAZED by the Undertaker's presence and Mabel and Yokozuna's size, and learning right off the bat how to appreciate great wrestling (via Diesel/Hart), I asked my uncles when we could watch more wrestling. They said "Monday night." I was actually upset that it was a Friday night and I had to wait a WHOLE weekend to see more of this amazing art! So the next day, they went out and bought the King of the Ring 1995 VHS, where I saw Mabel CRUSH the Undertaker, Jerry Lawler (who, me being from Memphis, I'd seen on local TV commmercials and had NO IDEA he wrestled) kiss Bret Hart's foot, and saw another match that solidifed my appreciation for skill from both faces and heels (even though they were "good guys" and "jerks" to me, back then) in Shawn Michaels vs. Kama. From then, I was hooked.

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Re: Earliest Memory.....

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 11th, '11, 14:18

Over the summer, after Kindergarden, I went back to what had been my pre-school day care for, well... day care. The only other person my age was a friend of mine (only person I remember from that place). One day, he brought in some action figures and book. The book was some old promotional stuff for Raw (this would have been about 1995- the only names I remember from it were HBK, Bret, Neidhart, Taker, Diesel, Razor Ramon, and Haku) and action figures of Ric Flair, HBK, & Razor Ramon.

I also remember seeing commercials for Raw as early as 1994. As for actually watching it, I didn't get into wrestling until my younger brother did in early 2002. The first thing I remember was the "fan appreciation" episode of Raw ("and all you fans appreciated Scott Hall kicking Stone Cold's ass!"). The first full episode of Raw I watched was the original draft.
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Re: Earliest Memory.....

Post by Verdun » Mar 12th, '11, 00:56

Royal Rumble 1991, I was 5 at the time. I remember watching people do their promos about how they're gonna win.

I think what stuck to me during the rumble, I think Rick Martel had the best performance or at the very least he lasted the longest. I wanted Hacksaw Jim Duggan to win for some reason. I don't even know why I like the guy. @_@
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