YCW Goes to Chikara

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YCW Goes to Chikara

Post by yourcrapsweak » Mar 9th, '13, 09:38

Hey errbody, sorry it's been a while since I've posted on here. Just thought I had to come on and brag about how I saw my first CHIKARA show last night, Just Shadows in the Fog, at the Orpheum in Tampa, FL.

My seats were on the stage, directly in front of the hard cam. I was elevated over everyone else and I had a PERFECT view of ALL the action. Plus like I said, the hard cam was on me the whole night so if you get the DVD, you'll probably see my beautiful face and an even more beautiful El Generico shirt the entire show. Lol.

I met almost everyone, and everyone is super awesome as I expected. While waiting in line, Billy (guy who gets the crowd pumped before shows) and referee/birthday boy Daniel Yost were walking around talking to people and I said "Hey, did I see you on Botchamania?" and from there, we talked for a few minutes and I expressed my dislike for Wink Vavasseur, and he said he would come back and let me cut a promo on Wink later. Sure enough, he came back with a microphone and I talked for a little bit about Wink and how much he stinks. He also had a few other fans with him and he told me to come with him as we got another guy with a Sweet n Sour shirt on. He then took us all to the front of the line, and we got in before everyone else! Hell yeah!

Then a guy in a Chikara shirt showed me to my seat on the stage, and from there I was in heaven.

It was then sitting in my seat as people filed in where Bryce Remsburg walked by, and I marked. We spoke for a few minutes about this and that, and I took a picture with him. Then I saw Ophidian, and I pulled him aside as he seemed to be going somewhere. I told him I didn't mean to put him on the spot but that I was the one who posted the original video of him and Amasis hypnotizing The Runaways, and that he messaged me on Facebook and promised me a free t-shirt but I never got it (kinda joking around). He then realized I was telling the truth and I was legit (because how else would I know he messaged me on Facebook), and he remembered me, and he said to come to him later at the merch table and he'd hook me up. Sure enough, he gave me a brand new "Death to Amasis" shirt, and while I kept thanking him for being so cool about it, he couldn't thank me enough saying I helped him more than I realize. Really, really cool of him to do that, awesome guy. Can't say good enough things about Ophidian. #MaskedInPublic

Then I went to the merch table and met 3.0, and took a picture with them with the Campeonatos de Parejas belts on my shoulders (I marked, and they were heavier than I thought lol). Then saw a few people like Gavin Loudspeaker and talked to a merch guy about PWG. And finally before the show, I met the man himself, Eddie Kingston. I think I asked him how Sixteen Carat Gold was this year and how Germany is, and he said he didn't like it the first few times but this time it was great, and that the crowds are crazy (wXw is awesome, by the way). Took a picture with him.

Then the show got underway. Buy the DVD.

After the show, I met and took pictures with almost everyone, including Green Ant, Sugar Dunkerton (awesome dude), Johnny Gargano, Icarus (he was in character; hilarious), Sean Waltman (talked to him about my trainer Frankie Reyes who he's good friends with, and he's polite and as nice as can be), Jigsaw, Dasher Hatfield, The Batiri, Veronica (in character, acted very sad and reluctantly took a picture with me), Tim Donst (super nice and gave me one of his training cards; the card said "Former Affiliations: The Order of the Neo Solar Temple" so I asked him "Where's Hyrda?" and he said "I hope he's dead."), Satureyne (carnie at heart, made me buy her poster but worth it and she signed it so), Steven the Turtle Weiner (I marked, oh shell yeah!), and finally Mr. Archibald Peck himself. Peck was hilarious and semi in character, and we talked about that scumbag RD Evans.

Then one of the coolest moments of the night for me was after most people left and the ring was down, I stuck around for a bit and saw Eddie Kingston at the bar with a drink. We talked for about five minutes about his career and because I'm a huge deathmatch fan, the first question I asked was "What does a lighttube feel like?" He said it's the worst thing in the world and he'll do barbed wire and whatever else all day, but never lighttubes. He showed me a scar on his wrist from a lighttube years ago. I told him I used to train and I know a little bit more about the business than your average fan, and I'm usually good at telling a work from a shoot, so I asked if there was legit beef between he and Chris Hero (because I could never really tell), and he told me straight up he legit didn't like him because he was in his opinion a backstabber, a user and a piece of shit pretty much. Then he told me a story of one time, he and Hero got in a fight in a parking lot, and subsequently had to drive home together very awkwardly. It was a silent car ride haha. We talked a little bit about CZW and Zandig, and of course I could have asked a million more questions, but he had to get something and I let him go. Kingston is just a really awesome dude. Surprisingly really approachable and nice.

So yeah, I had to brag about my first Chikara show. The best wrestling show I've ever been to. If someone ever tells you "don't meet your heroes," they're full of sh*t, because I did last night and it was AWESOME.

PS. Ricardo Rodriguez and Evan Bourne were there after the show. They were talking to the Chikara workers so I didn't bother them. I think Shane Matthews told me if I wanted to talk to Ricardo, I would have to buy him a drink lol.
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-Kevin Steen

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