Reason why The Dudley Boyz turned heel revealed, Latest on Sheamus’ current WWE status

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Big Red Machine
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Re: Reason why The Dudley Boyz turned heel revealed, Latest on Sheamus’ current WWE status

Post by Big Red Machine » Feb 13th, '16, 19:07

badnewzxl wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote:
XIV wrote:At this time in their career there's no use in splitting them up and making one a mid card star. None. They're beefing up the tag division and putting teams over.

There's a great reason to turn them heel. I'm happy with that because Bubba is gold on the mic and can say all sorts of shit and Devon can add his "testify" at the end and it's a great promo.

There's no use in throwing away 20 years of chemistry again. Not when it does nothing for either of them.

While a "Bully Ray" type of run for Bubba might feel new, he will wind up in the midcard at best (and Devon will probably just be gone). There are only so many top slots, especially when you only have one top title (that's a big reason why I've kept two in my fantasy booking, and is a major argument for WWE keeping a second midcard title). For these precious few spots, WWE has the following guys already at main event level:
AJ Styles
Del Rio

Add in to this guys who can be easily brought up to that level temporarily if need be (and who it is important to keep decently strong just for that reason), like Big Show, Kane, Ryback, and Mark Henry, plus guys who we all know could (and should) be at that level like Cesaro and Barrett, and there is quite simply no room for Bully Ray.

In the tag division, though, he and Devon can both shine, and can carry a division that desperately needs new names in the mix. From both a practical standpoint an in-ring standpoint, and a marquee standpoint, the Dudley Boys are much more valuable as a unit than singles heel Bully Ray.
Also... there is no reason why he can't be Bully Ray but as part of the Dudley Boys.
Well, while Rollins, Cena, Sheamus, and Orton are all out, theres room for another, right?
badnewzxl wrote: And in six months when all of those guys are back, what happens to Bubba then? They won't need him anymore so they'll beat him a bunch of times and he'll be a midcard geek by the time October comes around, and then you'll you'll have a midcard heel and an undercard babyface in a division full of those in a company that churns those out by the dozen.
Or, you could have the legendary Dudley Boys in a division that needs starpower.
badnewzxl wrote:And Rusev? Rusev hasn't been a main events since he lost to Cena! Ray could take his spot easy!
Rusev is good enough that the right push could easily turn him into a superstar again. He could be ready to face Brock if they wanted with very little work.
badnewzxl wrote: Also, does anyone really think Bully would go to the top of the card anyway? No. Doesn't mean he can't be a top heel. Regal was one of the strongest heels in WCW and never one a title besides the TV title. I think Miz could have been the same way if they didn't make the mistake of exposing him and giving him a terrible WWE title reign.
Right. So if he's not going to be a main eventer, why take him out of a division where he can give it some much-needed star power? Making him a singles guy will wind up with him being in a lower place on the card than he is now, as well as take (relatively) fresh blood and a superstar tag team out of the tag division (and hurt Devon even more)... so why do it?
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Re: Reason why The Dudley Boyz turned heel revealed, Latest on Sheamus’ current WWE status

Post by KILLdozer » Feb 14th, '16, 15:15

Why are you SUPPOSED to HATE guys like The New Day though?

From all I can understand, they've basically become the stupidest goofballs ever. Alright?

Why that's supposed to aggravate the fucking shit out of me though, Idk.
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