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BRM Reviews NXT Arrival

Posted: Feb 27th, '14, 23:22
by Big Red Machine
NXT Arrival (2/27/2014)- Winter Park, FL

An awesome match that played perfectly off of their previous match. Great selling by Sami, and some great false finishes. I went completely insane when Sami kicked out at one. Hopefully his post-match show of respect for this Canadian of Syrian descent will be the start of Cesaro breaking away from Zeb Coulter and the Real Americans.


CJ PARKER vs. MOJO RAWLEY (Go Terps!)- 3.25/10

EMMA VIDEO PACKAGE- not so good. It was good to get over her personality, but it really didn’t make me see her as a possible champion in any way.

ASCENSION VIDEO PACKAGE- I noticed several shots of them taking the Wolves apart… on the same night where the Wolves will appear on Impact as the TNA World Tag Team Champions for the first time. Coincidence?

NXT TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Ascension(c) vs. Too Cool- 4.75/10
Okay. I will admit that I was not expecting to see Too Cool on the NXT live special.
FINALLY! An Ascension match that wasn’t a squash! Now maybe they can do it with someone who is actually on the NXT roster? As for the match itself… Scotty didn’t get enough height on that worm. It deserved to be countered.


“You’ve still got it!” chants… for Stephanie McMahon?
So Steph says that being a WWE Diva is about showing that “women can do anything men can do, only better.” So why is it, then, that the Divas’ division has sucked for years? … Yeah. That’s what I thought. If you’re going to spout all of this quasi-feminist “empowerment” bullsh*t, you should probably make sure that what you’re saying isn’t totally contradicted by facts first, otherwise you sound like an idiot.

NXT WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Paige(c) vs. Emma- 6.25/10
Emma hit Paige with a big sit-out powerbomb, which received chants of “better than Batista!” (and, to be fair, it was). Paige went over with the most ridiculous (in a good way) submissions I have ever seen. Regal was totally marking out for it. It is apparently called a “Scorpion Cross-lock). It is a combination of an inverted Sharpshooter and double chickenwing.


The match never gets started because Alexander Rusev came out and CRUSHED THEM!


HBK PROMO- long and pointless

LADDER MATCH FOR THE NXT TITLE: Bo Dallas(c) vs. Adrian Neville- 7.5/10

Great show from NXT. This definitely delivered, and hopefully raised the stock of all involved (especially in the opener, the Women’s Title match, and the main event) with those in the WWE fanbase who don’t normally watch NXT.

Re: BRM Reviews NXT Arrival

Posted: Mar 19th, '14, 18:09
by badnewzxl
Gotta say, I really, REALLY hope Mojo Rawley and CJ Parker don't get called up to the main roster with their current gimmicks bc they both friggin suck. EVERYONE else on this show impressed me, even Bo Dallas; I actually hope he does come up to the main roster soon. PAC F'N ROCKS; Zayn is still the man. Rusev is still wack to me tho; there are too many more convincing big min in WWE right now (O'Brien, O'Neil, Sheamus, Big E, Reigns, Ryback, Henry, Harper, and Rowan) for this guy to stand out. If HHH thinks they have enough Daveys and Eddies, do they not have enough Mason Ryans?

Re: BRM Reviews NXT Arrival

Posted: Mar 19th, '14, 18:23
by Big Red Machine
badnewzxl wrote:Gotta say, I really, REALLY hope Mojo Rawley and CJ Parker don't get called up to the main roster with their current gimmicks bc they both friggin suck. EVERYONE else on this show impressed me, even Bo Dallas; I actually hope he does come up to the main roster soon. PAC F'N ROCKS; Zayn is still the man. Rusev is still wack to me tho; there are too many more convincing big min in WWE right now (O'Brien, O'Neil, Sheamus, Big E, Reigns, Ryback, Henry, Harper, and Rowan) for this guy to stand out. If HHH thinks they have enough Daveys and Eddies, do they not have enough Mason Ryans?
With Parker, you need to have seen the gimmick evolve into a heel to appreciate it. I agree about Mojo, though.

As for Rusev not standing out as a big guy, I disagree. His foreign-ness is making him stand out. Plus he has a different look. O'Brian is not getting any props from me because all he does is wrestle squashes. I've seen Rusev to well in competitive matches. I agree with your main point about their being too many big guys already, though.

Re: BRM Reviews NXT Arrival

Posted: Mar 19th, '14, 20:29
by badnewzxl
please post some good Rusev matches, bc I've been insanely unimpressed with everything I've seen from him on WWE tv and this Arrival show. I'm currently downloading the last two NXT shows tho, so maybe they'll have something on there?

Re: BRM Reviews NXT Arrival

Posted: Mar 19th, '14, 20:35
by Big Red Machine
badnewzxl wrote:please post some good Rusev matches, bc I've been insanely unimpressed with everything I've seen from him on WWE tv and this Arrival show. I'm currently downloading the last two NXT shows tho, so maybe they'll have something on there?
It's some of the "older" NXT stuff (like since November or so). It's nothing amazing, but he is decently green and is working with a lot of people who are decently green. I think his match with Kofi was particularly good.

Re: BRM Reviews NXT Arrival

Posted: Mar 19th, '14, 21:48
by cero2k
Big Red Machine wrote:
badnewzxl wrote:please post some good Rusev matches, bc I've been insanely unimpressed with everything I've seen from him on WWE tv and this Arrival show. I'm currently downloading the last two NXT shows tho, so maybe they'll have something on there?
It's some of the "older" NXT stuff (like since November or so). It's nothing amazing, but he is decently green and is working with a lot of people who are decently green. I think his match with Kofi was particularly good.
look up Kofi/rusev and ziggler/rusev. both where quite good