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BRM Reviews the 11/27/2014 NXT

Posted: Dec 1st, '14, 00:43
by Big Red Machine
TYLER BREEZE vs. MARCUS LOUIS- no rating, good segment.
Tyler Breeze was awesome here, being a total heel douche to Marcus. Of course, so were the fans, who chanted “where’s your eyebrows!” at Louis.
Breeze quickly hit the Beauty shot for the win, but they definitely got Louis over as a babyface in my eyes here. It would be a lot better if he wasn’t screaming unintelligibly, though. Yes, NXT Universe, “This is awkward!” indeed.

COLIN, ENZO, & CARMELLA SEGMENT- they say their stuff. It’s entertaining. Enzo has a surprise for Colin. The fans correctly guess that it is “Blue Pants” Leva Bates.

BLUE PANTS vs. CARMELLA (w/Enzo Amore & Colin Cassaday)- okay squash.
Leva doesn’t have entrance music, so Enzo sings some for her. Enzo rocks. Carmella did two dropkicks, then her finishing submission. Some of Leva’s selling was quite bad.


Renee Young has completely changed her tune about the Vaudevillans beating up minis dressed as the Lucha Dragons last week. Hopefully this was because someone pointed out to her how dumb her previous stance was.


BAILEY PROMO- Bailey came out and cut a promo about how she used to be bullied… and I completely understand why because about forty seconds into this promo, I wanted to punch her in the stomach, take her lunch money, snap her hairband in half and shove her head in a toilet.
She said that you have to stand up to bullies and said that Sasha and Becky were bullies, so she will stand up to them because, in reality, bullies are cowards. Considering that Sasha and Becky both fight for a living, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that they aren’t cowards.
A fight starts, Bailey goes down quickly, and apparently a mere three stomps has seriously injured Bailey’s knee because she is weak, fragile, and pathetic. Being an awesome heel, Sasha took Bailey’s hairband and threw it.
Tensai said that hurting Bailey’s knee in this fight was “uncalled for.” BAILEY STARTED THE FIGHT, and the injury happened quickly. This was legitimate self-defense on the part of the heels.

TYSON & NATTIE PROMO- For some reason the interviewer asked NATTIE for her thoughts on this match and not Tyson. That was dumb. Nattie puts Tyson over, but, being a heel, Tyson cuts her off anyway. Tyson claims that he is the new Hitman and says that Balor isn’t as good as the hype makes him out to be.

VAUDEVILLANS SILENT ACTION FLICK- was it stupid? Yes. But that didn’t stop me from rolling around on the floor laughing my ass off.

FINN BALOR vs. TYSON KIDD (w/Natalya)- 7/10
Does anyone know which Triple Crown the announcers were talking about? It certainly wasn’t WWE’s or All Japan’s.
Not only did Tyson Kidd pull Nattie in front of him to deter Balor form diving onto him, but he grabbed her ass to do so. That’s a double win for him.
The match was going great and Balor was about to win, but the Ascension came out and attacked him. Itami came out to make the save, and the show ended with a big pull-apart.

A very good episode of NXT.