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What's Best: Rusev + English OR Rusev + Lana

Posted: Mar 15th, '18, 12:51
by cero2k
Here's one for you, what do you like the most.

Rusev seems to be a guy that no matter who he's paired up with, turns shit into gold, be it Lana, English, The League Of Nations, and even Jinder at one point, Rusev always found a way to get over. Arguably his top pairings have been Lana and English, so which pair did/do you like the most? Which pairing do you think could lead to better places for Rusev's career?

Obviously, the right answer could be to make it a trio, but let's just dream about that for now.

Re: What's Best: Rusev + English OR Rusev + Lana

Posted: Mar 15th, '18, 13:44
by Big Red Machine
Rusev & Lana are best together. Rusev & English have kind of become a joke. All they do is say "Rusev Day." We don't get any great Rusev promos anymore because they've created this crutch for a pop rather than stuff like "Meet The Rusevs" or him throwing lines into his promos where he claims to be "The Bulgarian George Clooney," and just continues on as if this were fact rather pausing as if it was intended to be a funny line in his promos that I'm supposed to laugh at.