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Impact Wrestling 8.23 Review - Mexican Death Match

Posted: Aug 24th, '18, 10:54
by cero2k
Impact Wrestling
August 23, 2018
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Awesome recap of last week's show. It really was a great episode last week.

Eddie Edwards Promo - Eddie says that the last two weeks, he got his ass kicked, but over and over he got himself up and he's here looking for a fight. He says that no one would be able to go through all the stuff he has in the last months and come out as 'sane' as he has. He says that now he is a man with nothing to lose, and so he calls out Kross and Aries.

Aries and Kross come out. Aries talks trash to Eddie, before Eddie attacks them, but the numbers game is too much and they put Eddie in a double submission. They're about to do the EVIL chair baseball spot, but Moose comes out for the save and runs both men away.

OVE Promo - Callihan blames Pentagon Jr for Dave Crist getting shaved and says that all the hate should be pointed at Pentagon Jr. Jake Crist is doing this weird thing were he is mirroring Callihan. Maybe he'll be the new leader since he's the only one with hair now.

Zachary Wentz vs "Reborn" Matt Sydal - 6.5/10
Fuck Yeah! Zachary Wentz! Hopefully we get to see The Rascalz team on Impact. Before the match, Sydal cut a promo saying that last week, he achieved enlightenment. This was a short match, quick paced, and while Wentz had a good chance to show his stuff, Sydal looked dominant.

Drake and The Cult Of Lee Backstage - Cult of Lee want to be friends with Drake, Drake blows them off. Cult of Lee trash talk to two random guys that happened to walk by the hall. They'll have a match tonight.

Brian Cage Talks - This is Cage's first time really talking. He says that he came to Impact because things are happening, he talked about kicking Lashley out of Impact and sending him to become just one of the geeks. He says he wanted the X-Division title because Impact was build on top of the X-Division. He says he respects Fenix, but he won't lose. Good interview.

Jericho Cruise Comercial - It's weird hearing Scrull's and Jericho's name dropped on Impact.

GWN Match of the Week - It's "The Legion of Boom" AKA Bad Influence taking on James Storm. This was when Styles first returned with the leather jacket I think, and then took out Storm to start his tweener run.

Pentagon vs Callihan Build Up Video - Good. Only covered from Slammiversary towards tonight's match.

Desi Hit Squad w/Gama Singh vs KM and Fallah Bahh - 5.5/10
KM came out dressed as Bahh and he actually looks pretty awesome. Good match that served its purpose, showing that KM and Bahh getting on the same page leads them to victory.

Grado, Katarina, and Hendry Talk - Katarina shits on Grado saying that she didn't sing up to be his girlfriend to jsut come and lose matches. Hendry kinda eases out the problems and tells Grado to cheer up. Katarina and Henry walk away, but Grado suddenly hears some music's The Smoke Show.

Scarlett asks Grado what's wrong, Grado says he has girlfriend problems. Scarlett invites him to her show and says that she can help him, but he has to do something for her. That thing was to dance naked on a stripper pole. Scarlett is an interesting woman.

This was actually kinda great.

"The Girl on Fire" Kiera Hogan w/Allie vs Alisha (Edwards) - 4.5/10
The match was considerably good taking in account that Alisha is not exactly that good at all. There were some misstimed spots, but Hogan kinda worked around them. They traded momentum and at the end it was Hogan winning with a Twisting Neckbreaker. Hogan has soo much potential.

During the match, Josh and Callis were talking about the Champ Su Yung and putting people in coffins, Josh said that we haven't seen Madison Rayne since their match, so you're telling me you lost your wife and you're just casually accepting her fate at the hands of Yung?

Post-match - Allie cut a promo putting over Hogan, but then used Hogan's big win to challenged Su Yung and Tessa Blanchard to a 3-way.

Johnny Impact and Kongo Kong fight at the Cabana Pool Party - I have no idea what this party is, but it's a legit party and Impact is hanging out there and suddenly big naked Kongo Kong comes out and attacks Impact. Party was barely paying attention until Kong ended in the pool.

Tessa vs Allie vs Yung Build Up Video - They already took the Allie promo and cut it into a vignette. THAT IS FUCKING EFFICIENCY! Tessa cut a good promo saying this SHOULD be for the title.

Rich Swann Interview - He says that he decided to sign with Impact because Impact is where it's at right now and that his first goal is to win the X-Division championship. This was taped outside while walking with Alicia Atout, so it was a nice change of pace. Swann vs Petey Williams is happening at Re-Defined.

Pentagon Jr Promo - Great promo. He said that he is the King of the Mexican Deathmatch and that this match is about honor, respect, dignity, and pride, and he is Cero Miedo.

Austin Aries & Killer Kross Promo - Aries challenges Moose and Edwards to a tag match next week. Alicia Atout is awesome. Aries and Kross too.

The Cult of Lee w/Eli Drake vs Mr. Atlantis and Brandon Tindwell - No Rating, Dumb segment
Drake is on commentary. Cult of Lee are showing off with Drake, but when Caleb went for the Gravy Train, the bearded guy rolled him up for the upset win.

LAX Celebration - They're on a random street celebrating. There is a kid there. We get cuts of the OGz driving, and at the end, OGz drive over the kid and kill him! WHAT THE FUCK!

Next week we get Cage vs Fenix for the X-Division title, we get Su Yung vs Tessa vs Allie for the KOs titles, we get Eddie and Moose take on Aries and Kross. We get the Smoke Show with Grado, Kat, and Hendry. And we get Petey vs Swann.

Mexican Death Match
Sami Callihan vs Pentagon Jr - 7/10
I haven't watched this week's Lucha Underground, but Josh just called Pentagon a Former LU Champion. Motherfucker have better not spoiled me! Anyway, there's a bunch of weapons around and some piñatas that most likely have thumbtacks inside.

Match starts and they immediately get chairs and to a sword fight. They break a table before the first commercial break. Pentagon opens the first piñata and takes out a staple gun and Callihan got his penis stapled. Pentagon later stapled Callihan's cap onto his head and then ripped it off. Awesome spot.

Pentagon broke his second piñata and came out with hair clippers. After some spots outside, last piñata has legos, and we all know how much legos hurt. Callihan kicked out of a Fear Factor on top of them. Finish came after Callihan dropped Pentagon with a pull-over Piledriver from the second rope into a table. I honestly did not expect Callihan to win the Mexican Death match cleanly.

Another good show for Impact. Wrestling wasn't exactly the focal point this show since they were finishing up the build towards next week's Re-Defined show, but the main event was fun and Sydal vs Wentz was good. This show just has a great look and feel right now.