BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 19th, '19, 01:20

Brock & Heyman come out and get massively booed. The boos only increase when Brock proudly holds up his WWE Universal Championship belt. Then Heyman launches into his usual intro, and the fans all happily say it with him… including the part about the “reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar.” Then they realized what they said and started to boo again. Morons. Is it really that hard for people to think about what they’re chanting before they chant it?
Heyman goes on to cut a promo explaining most of what I said last week about why Seth’s promo claiming that Brock has problems with guys his size was dumb. He also started to hype up Seth’s match with Drew McIntyre tonight. Drew came out to cut a promo on Seth, too, because… um… I think Heyman said his name three times and Drew has a Beetlejuice thing going on.
Seth Rollins, our supposed hero, came out and attacked Drew from behind, with a weapon, like a total coward. If Drew did something especially heinous to Dean last week that justifies this, the announcers need to tell me what happened (preferably in a video package before the opening segment starts so I can understand what is going on). Referees came out to tell Seth to stop, but he didn’t. Seth came at Brock with his chair but Brock left the ring.

Apparently Dana Brooke is getting her first title shot ever tonight. She earned this title shot by… getting her ass kicked in no time flat by the champion last week.

PRE-MATCH STUPIDITY- So Balor heads out to the ring because apparently he’s facing Bobby Lashley & Lio Rush in a tag match, with Balor getting to pick his partner. But who will Balor’s partner be? It’s a mystery. That sure does sound intriguing!
Then Michael Cole said “I have feeling it’s going to be a monstrous match,” completely giving away the mystery. Balor then cut a bad promo during which he chalked last week’s title loss up to “luck” not being on his side rather than Lio Rush trying to interfere. What’s the point of doing a heel finish if you’re not going to use it to get people angry at the heels?
Lashley & Rush came out to interrupt so that Rush could get one cheap heat line in, then ask Balor who is partner was. This was done so Balor could say it was someone who wanted to “get his hands” on the two heels. As Creative was undoubtedly patting themselves on the back for their cleverness, Braun Strowman came out. This was so dumb and wacky and convoluted. It feels like someone really wanted to get the oh so clever line in, and because they wanted to get that line in they came with this whole mystery partner business so that it would make sense for Rush & Lashley to not know who Balor’s partner was, but they didn’t actually want to have the mystery partner be a mystery, so they made sure to have Cole tell us who it was right away, and then do the match in the second segment rather than actually milk the mystery for an hour or two and hope it helps build a rating.

We got a few seconds of action, and then something weird happened. You know how on the pre-show they’ll throw a commercial up on most of the screen and give you the match without sound in picture-in-picture format? Well they did that to this match here on Raw for a VERY long advertisement for a particular product. I believe the reason they did this was to show us that the star of the first half of this commercial was none other than WWE Superstar Becky Lynch.
Now… for her first big endorsement deal, what kind of product do you think they had Becky pushing? Leather jackets, which are a staple in the wardrobe of “I play by my own rules” badass rebels like Becky? Nope. Maybe it was an athletic sneaker, which you would naturally want an athlete like Becky to endorse? Nope. Or maybe it was some sort of vanity product to show us that Becky Lynch is such a big star that she has the money to start bottling her own brand of her favorite beverage? Nope.
IT WAS F*CKING SHAMPOO! And not just any shampoo, but Head & Shoulders “Silky & Smooth” shampoo. Because nothing says rough and tumble badass rebel like “I need to make sure my luxurious hair is as silky as possible.” This company is so f*cking dumb.

The match itself was pretty darn good for the time it got, but it seemed to be predicated on this idea that we’re supposed to want to see Lio Rush get obliterated. Yes, he cost Balor the title last week, but Balor didn’t seem angry about it and the announcers never even mentioned it until the very end (and that was only Cole bringing it up as a counterpoint to Renee Young changing her tune and suddenly starting to worry about Lio) and the match seemed mostly set up for Strowman to obliterate Lio, not Balor. Unfortunately, part of this required them doing a bunch of spots on the outside, and because I guess he knew they needed to do spots on the outside, the referee didn’t even bother trying to do his job and count them out.
Lashley abandoned Lio Rush so that Braun could destroy him. Renee’s aforementioned sudden change of disposition towards Lio came the moment Lashley abandoned him. This resulted in the woman who had spent the entire match positively giddy at the thought of big monster Strowman destroying this little pest was now suddenly urging Braun to have mercy on Lio because Lio has a child to support. I’m not sure if this was worse than Michael Cole telling us that Braun was in “monster mode” when he started running wild on the heels, but they were fine examples of these two having earned every single one of the Worst Television Announcer votes they got in the recently-published WON awards.

RONDA ROUSEY IS SCOLDED FOR SHOWING UP LATE- It’s about time someone got yelled at for this!
Also, the McMahons have hired security in case there is “another incident.” Okay… so do they mean “incident” like Ronda attacking a referee? Because if that’s the case then that’s a little silly because wrestling show security guards are basically tissue paper. And if by “incident” they meant that Ronda was apparently shoot beating Dana up last week (Cole was careful to say that Ronda was “fined for her conduct” rather than specifically saying for slapping a referee) then one would assume that the security guards are all shooters, so why am I not watching them fight instead of the fake wrestlers? This is why you don’t do angles were someone says “everything else is fake, but my stuff is real.”

Alexa talked about guest hosting WrestleMania and said stuff about the Oscars and someone on YouTube or something like that that no one could possibly care about. The Drifter then announced that he would be the “headline musical act at WrestleMania,” which is kind of like announcing that you’ve been signed to be a starting pitcher on the US Olympic Field Hockey Team. All you announcing this does is either make me think that you’re insane, or that the person in charge is a moron. Why does a wrestling show need a f*cking headline musical act? Also, that now makes two wrestlers who have gotten relatively big pushes over the course of the past year that are inexplicably being put in pointless non-wrestling roles at WrestleMania.
The Drifter said that no one had better interrupt him at WrestleMania. Then No Way Jose’s music played… and Heavy Machinery came out, leading his Jose’s conga line, with Jose himself nowhere to be seen. Alexa yelled at them for coming out earlier than they were supposed to, because apparently she is booking acts for her show as if it was a real talk show on late night TV and not something intended to be part of a professional wrestling show. They even have “rehearsals.” Apparently they even had TEN of them… and Otis still managed to f*ck up. In no way does this make me like Otis. It just makes me think Otis is a moron and completely incapable of carrying out simple instructions.
The Drifter yells at Otis, and is then attacked from behind by someone in a Lucha mask. The man removes the mask to reveal No Way Jose. So the three babyfaces all got together to concoct a plan so that one of them could attack the heel from behind like a coward.
Jose went down to the ring because they have a match scheduled? Maybe? It’d be nice if they f*cking told us about the matches on the show in advance so that I wouldn’t be so confused right now. But then again, if they had told me about this match in advance, then when the conga line came out with Heavy Machinery leading it but with no Jose, I would have wondered where Jose was and might have figured out what was about to happen (similarly, that’s why no recap of whatever happened between these two last week was shown and why Cole only brought it up after Jose had already attacked The Drifter, leaving me wondering why the hell Jose attacked The Drifter until Cole got around to mentioning it). So basically, when given a choice between doing a stupid, boring talking segment, finishing up in more stupidity and a babyface attacking a heel form behind like a coward, or just showing a recap, telling us about the match, and then giving the match more time, WWE chose the former, because… well… because they seem to just hate the fans. Just to make this all even dumber, even though it was Jose who came out on top in this segment, after Jose went down to the ring, they played The Drifter’s music.

“THE DRIFTER” ELIAS SAMPSON vs. NO WAY JOSE (w/his conga line)- 2/10
Apparently this match wasn’t scheduled and was made official during the break. Meanwhile the announcers are completely ignoring Jose’s dastardly attack. They said that Elias came out to do Alexa’s talk show, was “interrupted by the conga line, and finds himself in a match with No Way Jose.”
Michael Cole tells us that “No Way Jose understands what a victory over Elias would mean here tonight.” Really? Well then maybe he can cut a promo explaining it to me, because I’ve got no idea. Jose is a comedy goof who rarely gets on TV, even though there are apparently a lot of down times scheduled into WWE shows where anyone can just wander out to the ring and start talking. Elias is a guy who is perfectly happy to sing his songs at WrestleMania instead of wanting to wrestle on “the grandest stage of them all.” Meanwhile, we’ve snow seen two people over the last few weeks receive title shots for losing to/getting beaten up by the champion. Hawkins & Ryder lose all the time and seem to be on TV pretty often, while Heavy Machinery (who aren’t with the conga line anymore, by the way, with no comment from the announcers on that, either) are on TV almost every week, but even after beating three teams in one night two weeks ago, they haven’t even been mentioned as potential challengers for the Raw Tag Team Titles, so I’m honestly not sure what a win actually would mean for Jose.
But it doesn’t matter anyway because The Drifter beat him clean in a match of which a little over four minutes aired. This was a complete and total waste of time. The only thing of any importance that has happened in the past twenty minutes was The Drifter announcing that he will be the pointless musical headliner at WrestleMania.

KURT ANGLE PROMO- He gets to pick his opponent at WrestleMania, so he wants to face Baron Corbin. Everyone boos.
With the gimmick being that Kurt gets to pick his opponent, I do feel that he kind of had to pick either Corbin or Drew because otherwise it’d feel like he was running away from them… but the gimmick didn’t have to be that Kurt gets to pick his opponent. Also, while at WrestleMania we have to suffer through Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin, tonight we get...

Yeah. Because this definitely isn’t a match you’d want to advertise in advance. The match was great while it lasted (minus some sloppiness in the beginning), but it only went twelve minutes, which is absolutely f*cking criminal on a three-hour show. We just wasted twenty minutes doing nothing! Why couldn’t you have given any of that time to this match?!
Angle won, which seems completely pointless to me. Baron Corbin came out after the match and cut a passable promo to build to his match against Kurt Angle at WrestleMania.

The announcers keep telling us that Ronda “went rogue” last week, without ever explaining what they mean. Don’t people “go rogue” all the time by coming out when they’re not supposed to?

Sasha Banks & Bayley came out to the ring, as we headed to a commercial… and then, when we came back, they showed us Baron Corbin talking to The Revival on the TitanTron, while our first-ever WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions presumably wait in the ring like undercard jabronis.

Crews wants a match with Corbin tonight. Corbin was totally unlikeable, but Crews’ constantly asking Corbin “yes or no?” each time Corbin tried to speak was quite annoying. The entire purpose of The Revival’s presence was so Corbin could be the butt of a joke where Crews tells Corbin that no one likes him and Corbin insists that The Revival do, but they laugh and say they don’t. Yeah. Because that’s definitely a good way to use your tag champs.

When we cut back to the ring, their music was playing again, as if it had been playing the whole time… except that when we came back from the commercial break and they showed us that the previous segment was being broadcast on the TitanTron we found out that Bayley’s music had stopped playing before, so who were they trying to fool here?
Charly asks a completely reasonable question for someone in her job. She notes that Sasha & Bayley have appeared on both Raw and NXT but haven’t appeared on Smackdown despite their vow to defend the titles on all three brands. She wants to know if there is any truth to The IIconics’ claim that Sasha & Bayley are ducking them. Sasha immediately started to jump down Charly’s throat but Bayley calmed her down. Why is Sasha being so f*cking unreasonable?
Bayley said they weren’t afraid of anyone, so they were going to show up on Smackdown tomorrow night. See that, Sasha? That’s all you need to do. You don’t need to get angry.

Sasha started to say something when the Divas of Doom- or are they the Female Superstars of Doom now?- interrupted them. Beth cut a promo putting over Sasha & Bayley’s work with the tag titles and putting over the Women’s Evolution, and she actually managed to sound like a real person while doing so rather than someone spouting PR buzzwords. Then she killed it all by claiming that by attacking Sasha & Bayley after their match at Fastlane, Nia & Tamina were somehow going to “set {the Women’s Evolution} back.” How? People attack each other after matches all the time.
Beth continued, stating that Nia & Tamina’s despicable actions “awoke the dragon” within her and so she and Nattie want a title shot at Mania. And do you know what? Beth’s speech about how winning tag titles was an opportunity she and Nattie didn’t have back when they were a team was enough to convince me that would make fine WrestleMania challengers, even if they haven’t won a match together in almost a decade.
Sasha asked if Beth wanted more time than just a few weeks to work off the ring-rust. Nattie somehow saw this as disrespecting Beth so she gave the champions a lecture. Sasha got angry at Nattie for being condescending (and she was actually in the right this time), so Nattie slapped her and something of a brawl broke out, but really it was just a couple of spots of limited fighting designed to show/remind us of Beth’s strength advantage over pretty much any woman she steps into the ring with. We cut to a commercial, and returned just in time for the beginning of…

NATALYA (w/Beth Phoenix) vs. SASHA BANKS (w/Bayley)- no rating, good segment… but also a frustrating one.
We’re half of the way through the show and have currently seen four matches. Two of them were not booked when the night began, and the other two required one of the participants to go seek out the remaining participant. These McMahons are really f*cking lazy, aren’t they? And there’s f*cking FOUR OF THEM.
They went for a minute or two before Nia Jax came out and cut a pretty good promo on Beth. Tamina came out of the crowd and snuck up behind Beth and took her out, then took out Bayley, then took out Sasha for the DQ (although no actual finish was ever announced).
The mechanics of this segment were pretty good, but I was not in the mood for a DQ, and I really don’t want yet another multi-person match at WrestleMania. The fact is that WWE booked Beth’s return in a way that sets up two matches that would be perfectly fine for WrestleMania (Divas of Doom vs. Sasha & Bayley for the tag titles, or Nia vs. Beth in a singles match), but combining the two of them into some multi-person tag won’t work because:
1. It waters down the issues
2. The stories aren’t compatible, as Nia vs. Beth is a “feud” story while the Beth & Nattie vs. Sasha & Bayley is mostly a respectful babyface vs. babyface match.
3. There is absolutely zero reason for Nia & Tamina to be getting yet another tag title shot. They’ve lost two in a row cleanly.
4. Turning this into a three-way using only women from Raw makes the belts feel Raw exclusive when they’re not supposed to be… but if you add in women’s from SD and/or NXT, you’re watering things down even more, and sticking even more women into a match where the focus should be Beth’s big return. I think it would have been better to do Sasha & Bayley vs. IIconics for the titles and do Nia vs. Beth in a singles match. If you’re going to insist on WrestleMania going eight hours or whatever ridiculous idea they have, then the least you can do is fill the time with wrestling matches and not dumb skits and rah-rah corporate video packages.

MOJO RAWLEY YELLS INTO A MIRROR- What room is he in where it’s pitch black everywhere except for him and his mirror? (His promo and delivery were good for what they were, though.)

RICOCHET vs. JINDER MAHAL (w/the Singh Brothers)- 4/10
Ricochet is wrestling a singles match tonight because Aleister Black “is not here tonight. He’s conducting business back in his home of The Netherlands.” Now I want to know what business Aleister Black is running. Does he own a book store of a tattoo shop or is he the landlord of a strip mall or what?
Ricochet won. The match was boring.

Ronda Rousey comes out to the ring. Then commercial. Then Seth Rollins interview. I’d love to know what sort of rogue actions Ronda was getting up to while the camera wasn’t on her.

She refers to his assault on Drew with a weapon from behind as “unorthodox” (cowardly is more like it) and asked whether or not this was part of his strategy for dealing with a larger opponent like Drew… or Brock. Seth says it’s not. He just hurt Drew because Drew hurt his buddies. This made Dasha look pretty stupid. He then cut a bad promo on Brock full of stupid catchphrases and not actually saying anything.

Charly asks Dana if she has thought through what she is doing tonight because Ronda is “dangerous” and “on a war path.” Thought it through? She’s getting a f*cking title shot, Charly! Of course she’s thought it through! And aren’t all of the wrestlers on the WWE roster “dangerous” opponents?
Charly then buried Dana as a total loser. Dana cut a promo that had some good words but her delivery was way too community theater “trying way too hard.”

WWE RAW WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Ronda Rousey(c) vs. Dana Brooke- DUD!
This went about ten seconds and half of them weren’t good. Ronda made Dana tap out the armbar, then refused to break the hold. Remember all of that extra security that was hired for tonight to keep Ronda in line? Well they weren’t out here, and when Ronda refused to break the hold, the only person who came out to help was another referee. Ronda hit one of the referees so the other one called for the security. Ronda went to make out with Travis Browne and each of them beat up one security guard while the others stood and watched. This was all a complete and total waste of time. Dana sold her arm in the ring afterwards, so I assume it’s kayfabe broken.

Crews won a short match via roll-up. Kurt Angle came out to celebrate with Crews.

BATISTA INTERVIEW WITH MICHAEL COLE, LIVE VIA SATELLITE- This would have been an excellent promo if not for the fact that Dave (and everyone else in WWE) seems to have completely forgotten the five years from February 2005 until Batista left the company where Batista finally stood up to Hunter and beat him a bunch of times and took his title in THE MAIN EVENT OF WRESTLEMANIA and then went on to become one of the company’s top stars and win many world titles.
Batista’s shooty comments about Hunter being a manipulative control freak were enjoyable- though Cole trying to insist that Hunter has never been anything but fair to anyone was eye roll-inducing, both as an attempt to deflect from actual criticism of Hunter’s actions over the years and in terms of Michael Cole seemingly having no memory of The Authority, even though just six days ago on SD they brought up the term “B+ player.”

Braun Strowman started off his promo with what should be a mantra for every single person on Earth to live by: “I don’t care what those two idiots said on social media.”
Then Braun undid all of the goodwill he just built up with me by saying that “these two made me so angry that I entered myself into the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royale.” In fairness, Braun’s reasoning kind of did make sense (this way the largest possible number of people could “get these hands”), but at this point anyone entering themselves into that thing is just an idiot. Just go up to a champion and say something mean to him and let him beat you up a bit. Based on what we’ve seen recently that should be enough to get you a title shot. And if it isn’t, Braun can just sue for gender discrimination because getting beaten up by the champions has worked for Dana Brooke, Ruby Riott, and Nia & Tamina all in the past month or so.
Braun said he would beat the two SNL dorks up, but Alexa Bliss! showed up to ask him not to because she’s the host of the show. Braun agreed to give Alexa one week to broker a peace treaty between them. Why is this happening?

He says be beat Roman up last week because he could tell that Roman was weak. He pointed out that Seth’s earlier attack on him was completely cowardly. He then cut an awesome promo challenging Roman to match at WrestleMania, but threatening to end Roman’s career if Roman showed up.

SETH ROLLINS PROMO- Then Seth Rollins showed up on the TitanTron to cut a completely pointless promo, basically saying “I’m going to come beat you up, Drew” and showing a quick replay of him beating Drew up with a chair at the beginning of the show. Seth ran out to the ring, Drew ran up the ramp to fight him, and the referees and road agents ran out to prevent these two men from fighting so that they could get them to the wrestling ring for their scheduled fight against each other. This whole thing came across as them trying to kill time. How about if instead of coming up with ways to kill time, you just give more time to the matches?

They were having a very good match but then Brock Lesnar came out, resulting in a distraction finish. This was the sort of spot where such a thing would have been fine if they didn’t do screwy finishes in main events so often.

Yes, theoretically there was some news coming out of this show, but on the whole this whole show felt like a waste of time. It was boring as hell, the matches were short, and most of the segments just felt like they were killing time, whether it was time on this show or time in the story as it heads towards WrestleMania. This was, quite simply, a show that didn’t need to happen.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by cero2k » Mar 19th, '19, 08:01

Angle vs Corbin. Strowman back to the Geek "get everyone in the card" Battle Royale. Elias concert.

can't wait to sign up for the network!


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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by Bob-O » Mar 19th, '19, 08:27

They played up how underwhelming/upsetting Corbin was to not bait and switch that. I think Cena intervenes "for the people" somehow...

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by cero2k » Mar 19th, '19, 08:42

Bob-O wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 08:27 They played up how underwhelming/upsetting Corbin was to not bait and switch that. I think Cena intervenes "for the people" somehow...
so the third bait and switch in a month.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 19th, '19, 09:17

cero2k wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 08:42
Bob-O wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 08:27 They played up how underwhelming/upsetting Corbin was to not bait and switch that. I think Cena intervenes "for the people" somehow...
so the third bait and switch in a month.
So they accidentally hit on a formula they think works (even though it has made their show worse overall) so they just keep doing it in every damn spot? Yeah. That seems like WWE booking.

In this case, though, they can't do that. How are you going to do it in a way that doesn't make it seem like Kurt is chickening out (other than by just randomly doing the match on TV one week with Kurt going over)?

Also, if that's the case, then they're making a huge mistake. If the goal really is to create situations where the fans get upset so that they can complain on Twitter and you then change things and say "we're listening to the fans," you're not only encouraging people to complain about every decision they don't like (yes, I know they do that anyway), but you're also creating a situation where you're teaching the fans to expect to get what they want... which is all fine and dandy until a situation comes along where they reject something that you don't want them to reject (like, say, a certain guy as top babyface), and then that situation will only make them complain more and get angrier because you've taught them that doing so will make you change your mind and give them what they want, and the more you don't do it, the worse it becomes, and the more clear it becomes that you're clearly not "listening to the WWE Universe" despite you claiming to do so in every interview.

The amount of problems this company creates for itself by trying to be a PR firm rather than a wrestling company is staggering.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by Bob-O » Mar 19th, '19, 09:47

cero2k wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 08:42
Bob-O wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 08:27 They played up how underwhelming/upsetting Corbin was to not bait and switch that. I think Cena intervenes "for the people" somehow...
so the third bait and switch in a month.
PWInsider reporting that Cobin vs Angle was and is the plan. Mentioning the unpopular choice on Raw was an audible because of how many people on social media were shitting on it.

LOL Kurt's wife was blowing Twitter up... and if any confirmation is needed for for the PWI report, she has since taken it all down.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 19th, '19, 10:40

Bob-O wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 09:47
cero2k wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 08:42
Bob-O wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 08:27 They played up how underwhelming/upsetting Corbin was to not bait and switch that. I think Cena intervenes "for the people" somehow...
so the third bait and switch in a month.
PWInsider reporting that Cobin vs Angle was and is the plan. Mentioning the unpopular choice on Raw was an audible because of how many people on social media were shitting on it.

LOL Kurt's wife was blowing Twitter up... and if any confirmation is needed for for the PWI report, she has since taken it all down.
Except for some German Suplexs this whole Kurt Angle run has been nothing compared to his glory days.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 19th, '19, 11:27

Man, Nia Jax is so silly.
Last edited by KILLdozer on Mar 19th, '19, 14:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 19th, '19, 11:29

Gotta love that Ulimate Warrior award "for people who live their life just like how he used to..."
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 19th, '19, 11:38

This is cringe-worthy bad. I definitely see, now more than ever, why they've used Dana Brooke like they have. She is horrible when it comes to everything out of the ring.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 19th, '19, 11:49

This McIntyre promo is literally a repeat from 3 months ago or more.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by Bob-O » Mar 19th, '19, 12:48

KILLdozer wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 11:27 Man Nia Jax is so silly.
Not sure if there's supposed to be an oxford comma in there or not, but either way I agree.

I remember when they were trying to do the "bigger girls are beautiful" thing with her, and I wondered how long Vince would tolerate her not being a big loud slob... we got our answer...
KILLdozer wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 10:40 Except for some German Suplexs this whole Kurt Angle run has been nothing compared to his glory days.

"That old grey mare ain't what they used to be, ain't what they used to be...

Hints of a proper send off really make me wish we could get one or two of those TNA years back, in 2019 I'm getting Undertaker/Ric Flair/Terry Funk "pleeeeease for the love of god hang up the boots before you hurt yourself" vibes every time he's in the ring.

I'm not sure I've ever seen muffin-top in a singlet...

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 19th, '19, 15:43

Bob-O wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 12:48
KILLdozer wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 11:27 Man Nia Jax is so silly.
Not sure if there's supposed to be an oxford comma in there or not, but either way I agree.

I remember when they were trying to do the "bigger girls are beautiful" thing with her, and I wondered how long Vince would tolerate her not being a big loud slob... we got our answer...

I don't even think it's a Vince thing. Her voice is just naturally annoying. Combine that with the fact that she's a lot larger than the rest of the division and the fact that everyone hates her for being dangerous, and turning her heel is the only thing to do. Some people just weren't cut out to be babyfaces. It's not about her size (Piper Niven is an excellent babyface). She's just a natural heel.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 19th, '19, 17:11

Big Red Machine wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 15:43
Bob-O wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 12:48
KILLdozer wrote: Mar 19th, '19, 11:27 Man Nia Jax is so silly.
Not sure if there's supposed to be an oxford comma in there or not, but either way I agree.

I remember when they were trying to do the "bigger girls are beautiful" thing with her, and I wondered how long Vince would tolerate her not being a big loud slob... we got our answer...

I don't even think it's a Vince thing. Her voice is just naturally annoying. Combine that with the fact that she's a lot larger than the rest of the division and the fact that everyone hates her for being dangerous, and turning her heel is the only thing to do. Some people just weren't cut out to be babyfaces. It's not about her size (Piper Niven is an excellent babyface). She's just a natural heel.
I think him and I's thing is that she just plays the silly, obnoxious, over the top, loud airheaded dumbass, too well.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/18/2019 Raw (SNORE!)

Post by KILLdozer » Mar 20th, '19, 09:22

No...It's not that she's the good heel or something...she just acts like an idiot lol.
When they come, they'll come at what you love.

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