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Bob-O's Random Ramblings: RAW 4/18/11

Posted: Apr 19th, '11, 12:20
by Bob-O
What a freakin' week last week was. I don't think I even finished watching Raw. I missed Lockdown, but I logged over 65 hours at work! Yay! On weeks like these I feel that there is no word in the English language as dirty as "Salary". The good news is that all is well now, and my life should be returning to normal. The bad news is that after a week away from here, I'll probably be active on the boards again. I know... I know... :p

Anywhoooooo, here's my real-time ramblings while watching last night's Raw!

--I think the promo R-Truth is in the middle of here is proof enough to Vince and Co that R-Truth doesn't EVER need to be pushed beyond where he's at. Morrison, on the other hand, say what you will about his promo work - he's a great heel! Even when he's supposed to be a face, he's a great heel! All the crap Truth is getting for taking a drink last week, makes me wonder why nobody ever called out Triple H on this.

--The heel turn couldn't be over soon enough for me, I'm still not sure if it was poorly written or just drawn out to fill time. I'm not sure how many of you guys are smokers, but R-Truth isn't one in real life. We smokers can tell. Anyway, I'm glad to see WWE shaking things up and turning a trusty crowd pleaser like Truth - but I wish they would have stuck with the Morrison turn they were teasing. We'll just have to see how it pans out, but I think I'd be happier with a heel Morrison. I hope I'm wrong...

--So marketing gave the OK to Dolph Ziggler to go ahead and get rid of his trademark goldy locks. Nice! Except, they're also billing him as having a new "attitude"? I didn't see ANY attitude from him tonight. They changed his look to "generic" and stripped him of any personality. Although, I did sense a "Manager"/"Wrestler" relationship between Dolph and Vickie tonight as opposed to the Boyfriend/Girlfriend thing I hate. Dolph Ziggler "Wrestler" with "Manager" Vickie Guerrero could be a great thing. Once again, we'll just have to see how it pans out...

--I'm gonna miss Edge, but MAN did he pick a bad time to have a career ending condition! With all the "serious" montages going into Wrestlemania (The Streak, HBK's induction) and the surprise returns leading up to 'Mania (Rock, Austin, Sexay, JBL, Jim Ross)... I'm just tuckered out. I'm gonna miss Edge, I've always loved his work, but my emotions are fried.

--Why's Miz all pissed off because Morrison going to Extreme Rules? He's beat him, like, 1000 times!

--I know everyone's all fired up about Sin Cara, but rubbing elbows with Cena and Miz? Really!? Not that it means anything (Evan Who?), but I don't know who the guy is. I was even a little uncomfortable with him getting all 'finger pointy' with Sheamus. I am John Q. Pennsylvania, and I've not heard of this man nor of Lucha Libre phenomenon Mystico. All I'm saying is that I'd like to get to know him a little better first. From my sheltered point of view, my first impression is "Meh". It's probably the clash in styles, but even with Primo, his stuff looks more choreographed than Morrison's. I think Kaval was WAY more fun to watch...

--AWESOME KONG!!! Now HERE'S somebody I've heard of! Did you guys see her ripping the limbs off that Snookie doll!? Not what I was initially hoping for, but it is what it is and I'll take what I can get.

--The legendary Rockin' Robin is on her way to the ring now with a couple of guys from the Spirit Squad! The fact that they tried to pass these people off as the Queen and whoever makes me hate Michael Cole even more. This Cole/King crap was supposed to be over at Wrestlemania. The only scenario in which I'll excuse them drawing this out, is if Swagger turns on Cole, and they've been milking it in order to put Swagger over as a face. C'mon, how freakin' amazing would it have been to see Swag' tear Cole apart after slapping him last week? I could give a crap about who wins at Extreme Rules, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Swagger could beat all three of them in a handicap match, my interest lies with who takes what away from it.

--Sheamus needs a feud. I thought they were going someplace when they inexplicably demoted him, apparently not. The more Sheamus works random squash matches, the more I worry about the future of Daniel Bryan. He was doing just fine working random matches, giving Dolph Ziggler some credibility and removing any that Ted DiBiase had. Maybe he'll find his niche on Smackdown...

--Some more leftovers from Wrestlemania, the Orton/Punk saga continues and Nexus is back, putting us back to square one. But, I'm OK with this. I haven't got used to Orton in peril, and it makes for good action. The match ending with Orton getting the win via schoolboy is what I'm talking about! I sure wouldn't mind seeing Punk pick up a clean one sometime, but that's just not the world today's heels live in. While this feud is the best thing going in the company right now, I'm still not left with that "Can't Miss Next Week" feeling... except IT'S THE DRAFT! I know we're all (myself included) saying that the draft is pointless due to the Brand Boundaries being ignored going into Wrestlemania. But, upon further thought, they're obviously moving back that direction if they're having the draft now as opposed to the rumored June. Not to mention, it's a week before the Go Home Raw for Extreme Rules. It's going to hopefully going to force them to tie up some loose ends that they failed to do at Wrestlemania. I'm REALLY intrigued to see who they ship off to Smackdown, and since it can't be one sided, who's coming to Raw!?

That's it from me, friends. Thanks for reading! I'll see you in the threads!