Cero Reviews STARDOM Cinderella Tournament 2022, 4.17

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Cero Reviews STARDOM Cinderella Tournament 2022, 4.17

Post by cero2k » Apr 22nd, '22, 14:56

STARDOM Cinderella Tournament 2022, Day 3
April 17, 2022
Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, Japan

Thekla vs. Lady C - 4.5/10
This was way better than I expected to see as the opener. Thekla was considerably more dominant than C, but C got some good offense in to show off a bit. Thekla won without a problem, but at least it was a clutch to make it seem like C wasn't done for.

STARS (Hanan, Hazuki & Momo Kohgo) vs. Cosmic Angels (Mina Shirakawa, Tam Nakano & Waka Tsukiyama) - 5.5/10
Fun match, with a little bit of comedy, a little bit of wrestling. Everyone looked ok, but I mostly enjoyed Kohgo. I was hoping we'd get some Hazuki and Nakano singles action, but instead Hazuki came in to close out the match against Tsukiyama, getting the win with a top rope senton and Hazuki Driver.

Queen's Quest (AZM, Hina, Miyu Amasaki, Saya Kamitani & Utami Hayashishita) vs. Oedo Tai (Fukigen Death, Momo Watanabe, Rina, Ruaka & Starlight Kid) - 7.5/10
Amasaki has been a regular since New Blood 1, but this was the match that felt like she finally had to put up against the gate keepers. She got her butt kicked by Momo and it even I was hurting. We also had a good SLK versus AZM pair up. We had a Hayashishita versus Ruaka run that wasn't as great, but then it was followed by Hina and Rina going at it, and I will never not enjoy the sisters take on each other. These two actually took most of the second half of the match until Amasaki came in with the facebuster assist and the Hina Powerbody Buster for the win. Overall good match, just not enough time for everyone to shine.

Post-match - AZM announced that now that QQ's is all back and whole, they need to decide who the new leader will be, so everyone had their argument, and when you think about it, Hayashishita, Kamitani, and AZM all had decent arguments. AZM proposed a 5-way to decide the new leader, completely leaving out Amasaki.

Cinderella Tournament 2022 Second Round Match
Saya Iida vs. Mai Sakurai - 5.5/10
Ok match, Sakurai took most of the offense until Iida made a comeback and won with Iida Rock. Both looked good, but there was no way that Sakurai was winning, so I would have rather had a back and forth match than having her get so much offense.

Iida takes on the winner of Giulia and Koguma later today.

Cinderella Tournament 2022 Second Round Match
Natsupoi vs. Unagi Sayaka - 6.5/10
Prior to the entrances, STARDOM gave us a reminder of what happened between these two during last year's Grand Prix, in a match that I mentioned was the closest thing to a YTR match in STARDOM. Referee made sure he took away some of the rubber bands from Sayaka, but he didn't get them all.

Match was way more in control, with only 10 minutes and not being able to jump so easily to the floor, they mostly wrestled and had a couple of rubber band spots here and there for an over-the-top-rope elimination tease. Poi at the end won with the Fairy Train.

Poi awaits the winner of tonight's main event with MIRAI and the winner of Kashima and Iwatani.

Cinderella Tournament 2022 Second Round Match
Koguma vs. Giulia - 7/10
I really enjoyed this match, it was smart and competitive enough so that Giulia's loss didn't look like a job and it gives some credence to Koguma. Match was mostly back and forth, with Koguma going all high speed genius on Giulia, which gave her the upper hand, but then Giulia came back with really heavy offense to cut off Koguma. At one point, Koguma challenged Giulia to a striking battle while standing on the ropes, and almost got the elimination win, but Giulia managed to recover. At the end, Koguma caught Giulia over the top rope and eliminated her by kicking her legs off.

It'll be Koguma vs Iida in a couple of minutes.

Cinderella Tournament 2022 Second Round Match
Mayu Iwatani vs. Saki Kashima - Dud
This lasted 17 seconds before Kashima rolled up Mayu with the Kishikaisei for the win. Honestly, these two have been trading wins in every STARDOM tournament for years, I really don't mind that this just went 17 seconds.

Good for Kashima to get a quick win, she has to take on MIRAI in the main event.

God's Eye (Ami Sourei & Syuri) vs. Donna Del Mondo (Himeka & Maika) - 7.5/10
Match is building Syuri and Himeka's upcoming title match, so they used Sourei to pair up with Himeka in a battle of powerhouses and have Himeka show off, then allow Himeka and Maika get some head on Syuri, allowing Syuri to make a comeback and have her get some offense on Himeka and vice versa. At the end, instead of having Maika pin Sourei, they instead allowed Himeka and Syuri to wrestle each other to another time limit draw, building their story that neither woman can be put down quickly, nor can they overcome their opponent in less than 15 minutes.

Himeka vs Syuri will be a slow paced match, but it has some potential.

Post-match - Syuri and Himeka had a staredown before Himeka left and Syuri cut a promo about defending against Himeka on April 29th. Syuri also announced that they have an annuouncement for Golden Week, and that is that Konami is coming back, and has joined God's Eye! Konami tag team with either MIRAI or Syuri could be gold!

Starlight Kid and Momo interrupted Syuri and complained that Konami hasn't turned on Oedo Tai, her former stable. Syuri said that maybe she should have said something, so it'll be God's Eye with Konami vs Oedo Tai on May 7th, to prove that Konami now stands with GE.

Cinderella Tournament 2022 Quarter Final Match
Koguma vs. Saya Iida - 6.5/10
Good match, more back and forth than both women's matches earlier in the day, and in a way, a harder match for Koguma to win, it unfortunately only went less than 5 minutes. It was a power vs high speed, but in a way, both women have the ability to play the other's game too, making the match feel fluid between styles and momentum. Koguma won with the Kuma roll.

Cinderella Tournament 2022 Quarter Final Match
Saki Kashima vs. MIRAI - 6/10
This was also short, just under eight minutes, and it quickly looked like it was MIRAI's match. Kashima got some offense, teasing the quick win again, but once MIRAI took control and started looking for the submission, she locked in the Miramare and tapped out Kashima.

MIRAI joins Hazuki, Poi, and Koguma in the final four, a really interesting set of contenders for the Cinderella cup.

Post-match - MIRAI got to close the show on the mic along with the rest of God's Eye.

Another short good show. All the tournament matches are really short, so if you're only following the tournament, it makes it a really easy watch. Having said that, the multi-woman matches all had good stuff in them, especially Hina vs Rina and Syuri vs Himeka.

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