BRM Reviews ROH's Arena Warfare

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews ROH's Arena Warfare

Post by Big Red Machine » Jan 12th, '11, 21:12

ROH Arena Warfare (3/11/2006)- Philadelphia, PA

The show starts off with Daniels talking about ROH's history while standing outside of the Murphy Recreation Center; the building where ROH ran its first shows. From there, Daniels gets into a car and cuts a promo about what it means to everyone to wrestle in the ECW Arena. The promo end when Daniels gets out of the car in front of the Arena. This was ROH’s debut in the Arena, so this was a nice little (okay… not so little) promo.

TAG TEAM SCRAMBLE MATCH: The Briscoes vs. Jason Blade & Kid Mikaze vs. the Ring Crew Express vs. Homicide & Ricky Reyes (w/Julius Smokes)- 6.25/10. Really fun spotfest.

On commentary, Jimmy Bauer tells us that ROH is running in the afternoon today because CZW is running in the Arena tonight. The two companies had agreed to the deal months ago, before the war between them started, so there is no telling what might happen later on if the two lockerrooms collide.

BJ WHITMER CALLS OUT NECRO BUTCHER- BJ Whitmer came out and got on the mic, at which point the CZW fans started chanting “SHUT THE F*CK UP!” To which the ROH fans responded with “BJ WHITMER!” One of the things that made this feud so good was the interaction between the ROH fans and the CZW fans.
BJ blamed the CZW guys for ruining his match with Daniels at the last show, so he called out Necro Butcher, but Necro didn’t come out. BJ said “that’s just what I expect from someone from CZW,” then went backstage.


Cabana cut a good promo saying that he wanted to wrestle Homicide, but Jim Cornette wouldn’t allow it so Cabana challenges Cide to a fight.


BJ CALLS OUT NECRO AGAIN- This time, Necro shows up. They fight, with BJ getting the upper hand, at which point Super Dragon jumps BJ. BJ manages to hold Super Dragon off as well until Necro gets back up, making it 2-on-1, and BJ eats a double stomp off the top rope. Then the ROH lockerroom shows up and they chase the CZW guys away.

After the match, both men get attacked by the Briscoes. Roddy comes out to fight them off, but he gets beaten down until Sydal gets back up, and Roddy and Sydal toss the Briscoes out of the ring.

During intermission, Gary Michael Cappetta interviews the Rotweilers. Homicide accepts Cabana’s challenge to a fight after the show. Julius Smokes managed to be coherent here, and he cut a pretty good promo.

IRISH AIRBORNE vs. SAL RINAURO & TONY MAMALUKE- 6.25/10. Good tag team wrestling.

ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: Bryan Danielson(c) vs. Alex Shelley (w/Prince Nana)- 8/10.

COLT CABANA vs. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS (w/Allison Danger)- 6.25/10
This was supposed to be a Three Way Dance, but Joe’s plane got delayed. When Joe got to the show, he came out in his street clothes to wrestle against Cabana (who had beaten Daniels)

SAMOA JOE vs. COLT CABANA- No Rating- Extremely short, but felt like a continuation of the last match.

BJ WHITMER CALLS OUT CZW AGAIN- After the match, BJ Whitmer came out to the ring and called out the CZW guys, and the show ended in a huge brawl, which ended when more CZW showed up with weapons like a barbed wire bat, a Weed Whacker, and a staple gun. They trapped BJ Whitmer in the ring and hit him with the staple gun, barbed wire bat, and other stuff. Basically just tortured him. Zandig spray painted “CZW” over the ROH logo in the ring.
This was a very good segment, but, IMO, it went on way too long to be believable. You would think that ROH camera guys would have shut their cameras off and left once the CZW guys started beating on BJ in the ring, or that ROH wouldn’t have put the footage on the DVD. They did end the show with Lenny Leonard shouting “CUT! GO TO BLACK!” but, IMO, this should have happened at least five minutes before it did.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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