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BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Jul 31st, '12, 09:28
by Big Red Machine
The show opens with DX, and we get the same segment with Sandow (except that the D-X part is shorter, so it doesn’t take us so damn long to get there.

Rey, Sheamus, & Ryder def. Jericho, Swagger, & Ziggler (w/Vickie) giving us the same finish we got on the real show, with Ziggler punching Jericho, costing his team the match.
The heels leave the ring (aside from Jericho, who is still down from the Brogue kick. Sheamus cuts a short promo, followed by Ryder doing his thing. They walk off, and Rey says he has a major announcement to make. Before Rey can start talking, Del Rio runs in from the crowd and jump Rey from behind. Del Rio assaults Rey, but Jericho manages to recover enough to make the save with the help of a steel chair, cementing his face turn.

We get the same backstage segment with AJ & Layla, and the same nostalgia act that followed it. Charlie Sheen is cut out of the show entirely. Instead of his segment, the announcer’s hype a match that will showcase the future of the WWE. It will be a four-way showcase match with stars from WWE’s NXT program, and the winner will receive a shot at the US Title at Summer Slam.

An interviewer asks Vince who the new GM will be. Vince says he will make the announcement when he is ready.

We get the Triple H-Trish nostalgia segment, but instead, Steph walks in on them instead of D-X. She looks at them, sighs, and just walks off.

The AJ-Dragon wedding goes off without a hitch (a first in pro wrestling, I believe), and the minister is someone that people actually care about, like Dibiase or Nikita Koloff.

We get a goofy backstage segment with Aksana trying to seduce Vince and have herself named the new Raw GM, but Vince won’t give in.

Mick Foley comes out to cut a promo, but gets interrupted by Dean Ambrose (the announcers make sure to point out that he is one of the guys who is supposed to be involved in the NXT showcase, but don’t allude to his Twitter history with Foley). On his way down to the ring, Ambrose says “Live Raw means they can’t send me home without letting me be heard… whether they want me to or not.”
Ambrose and Foley have some sort of verbal confrontation which ends with Ambrose saying horrible things to Foley about him ruining wrestling and ruining people’s lives. Security starts filing down to the ring. Ambrose punches Foley, but is dragged away by security.

Heath Slater comes out and once again challenges any legend in the back to a match. Dusty Rhodes comes out, and Heath gets some offense in before Dusty starts to take over. Slater starts to get frustrated until… WAM! Blatant low blow by Slater (causing a DQ). Slater then grabs a chair and starts brutalizing Dusty until a bunch of wrestlers, led by Cody, chase him off. Once Slater is gone, Cody kneels by Dusty’s side, in a pool of his father’s blood, and doesn’t say a word. He just stares. Even when the EMT’s stretcher Dusty off, Cody doesn’t move. He just stares at the blood.

When we come back from commercial, we see that Cody has only recently decided to move, and is only half way up the ramp when we get back, just staring ahead blankly while walking.

CM Punk comes out and cuts a decent little promo to hype up the main event, then leaves the ring. Punk is only halfway up the ramp when The Rock’s music hits. Rocky totally ignores Punk as they cross paths on the ramp. Rock cuts a standard Rock promo and announces that he has been given a WWE Title shot at the Royal Rumble.

Bret Hart comes out to the ring. He says that Vince has not only let him be the ring announcer for this match, but has let him handpick the challenger for the IC Title tonight. He first talks up the importance of the IC Title, then talks up Christian while introducing him. Then he talks up his hand-picked challenger: Tyson Kidd.

Tyson Kidd def. Christian with a roll up to win the IC Title. After the match, Christian is in shock. Tyson’s celebration gets interrupted when Christian jumps him from behind and lays the boots into him. Bret tries to talk Christian down but Christian won’t listen. Bret finally gives in and tries to pull Christian off, but Christian shoves him down. Finding himself standing over Bret Hart, Christian stops the assault and walks to the back.

We get the same exact segment with Triple H, Heyman, and Steph, with Triple H getting the best of Brock in the end.

The Prime Time Players win the tag team titles over R-Truth and Kofi. R-Truth could have broken up the pin, but he was too focused on making sure that Little Jimmy was alright after Little Jimmy took a bump off of the apron.

We get a backstage segment with Rock and Cena just staring at each other until Cena says “I guess we’ll be having a rematch at the Royal Rumble.” Rock replies “see you there.”

Backstage, we see that Vince is on his way to the ring to reveal the new GM, but he is interrupted by Cesaro, who asks to talk with Vince as we go to commercial.

Vince comes out and whispers something to Michael Cole, then announces that Steph is the new GM. Cole says that what Vince told him was that the NXT Showcase match would be up next, and that Cesaro had been added to the match to replace Ambrose.

We get a quick video package for Rollins, Dalton, and Leakee, then the match. The match is extremely impressive. They actually give these guys time to show what they can do. 12-15 minutes. Cesaro wins, pinning Dalton, earning a shot at the US Title at Summer Slam.

We get the same segment with Kane and Taker beating up undercard jamokes.

We get a quick backstage segment with Big Show trying to cut a promo, but he is interrupted by The Rock, and Rock makes fun of Big Show.

WWE TITLE MATCH (with Vince and JR replacing Cole on commentary, reuniting JR, King, & Vince): CM Punk(c) vs. John Cena- same thing we got on the real show with Show attacking Cena but Punk not wanting to cheat, which would have cost him, but Show breaks up an STFU (Punk was on his way to the ropes, but he was also wavering), causing a DQ so that Cena wins but Punk retains. Show beats down Cena until the Rock makes the save, but Punk blindsides Rocky, then hits him with a GTS.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Jul 31st, '12, 09:53
by Big Red Machine
On Smackdown, Vince opens the show with a few announcements:
1. He will be interviewing candidates for the position of GM of Smackdown. Until he has found a suitable candidate, Steph will also be in charge of Smackdown. She isn’t here this week because she is dealing with legal issues because Heyman has filed a lawsuit against her, too, for assaulting him on Raw.

2. Tonight’s main event will be a four way match to determine the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title at Summer Slam: Del Rio vs. Rey vs. Kane vs. Miz

3. Christian will get his contractually obligated rematch next week on Raw.

4. Cody Rhodes has asked for some time off because of Heath Slater’s brutal assault on Dusty.
Vince ends his promo by giving his best wishes to Dusty for a speedy recovery, and to AJ and Dragon on their marriage. He wishes them a happy honeymoon, but is disappointed that two of his top stars will be missing Summer Slam.

Heath Slater assaults Roddy Piper backstage, brutally beating him.

Sandow comes out to the ring and cuts a promo about how rude and horrible D-X is. He plays the clip of his segment with them, doing a running commentary of how rude they were and all of the things that they did that were uncivil. The fans are popping the whole time, and Sandow is getting increasingly frustrated. R-Truth comes out and does some little Jimmy schtick, pretending that Little Jimmy is walking on crutches after his bump off of the apron on Raw. R-Truth challenges Sandow to a match… but only if Little Jimmy promises to stay seated at the timekeeper’s table, where it is safe. Sandow gets even more frustrated, does his “I will not engage this ignoramus this evening” schtick, and tries to walk away, still ranting on the mic. R-Truth cups his ear, as if he is trying t hear Little Jimmy, then runs out of the ring, grabs Sandow from behind, and rolls him into the ring, then hits him with his finish. R-Truth grabs a mic and says “Little Jimmy wanted you to shut up.” The crowd pops and R-Truth walks away.

Sheamus cuts a promo saying that it doesn’t matter who wins the #1 contendership match tonight because he can beat all of them.

Kane wins the #1 contendership match, pinning Ziggler. Ziggler had the match won, but Jericho distracted him, allowing Kane to roll into the ring and hit Ziggler with a Chokeslam for the win.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Jul 31st, '12, 10:19
by Big Red Machine
Punk cuts a promo explaining that he attacked The Rock because The Rock disrespected him. Rocky was on his way down to the ring to announce that he had a WWE Title shot at Royal Rumble… but didn’t even acknowledge the current WWE Champion when they crossed paths? Then, later, Rock was so certain that Cena was going to win, which also disrespected Punk. Then, at the end of the show, The Rock tried to steal the spotlight, which he always does, so Punk gave him a taste of his own medicine. Simple as that.

Tyson Kidd def. Christian to retain the IC Title. Christian starts throwing a tantrum in the ring.

Steph announces a #1 contedership match between Show and Cena as tonight’s main event. She also announces that Cody is still taking time off, but we will hear from a representative of the Rhodes family tonight.

Sandow appears via pre-taped video promo and says that he would love to be the “Intellectual Savior of the WWE,” but with many people, it just isn’t worth it... but he is still duty-bound to try. The horrible events of the last week have caused him to have an epiphany: He now knows how to reach those people. With some people, you have to stoop down to their level in order to bring them up to yours.
Some people, like many of the wrestlers in the lockerroom as well as the fans, are so stuck in this culture of degeneracy that that there is only one solution: Violence. Violence is the only language that these people seem to understand and thus, although it pains him, Sandow must speak to them in that language.

Swagger & Ziggler def. Jericho & Rey when Del Rio shows up and Rey leaves the match to go chase him, leading to Ziggler and Swagger beating Jericho down 2-on-1, and Jericho eventually being pinned by Ziggler. After the match, Swagger locks Jericho in the ankle lock and Ziggler challenges him to a match at Summer Slam.

The representative of the Rhodes family is none other than Goldust. He tells us that Dusty is doing well, and will recover, but Cody doesn’t seem to be doing very well. He hasn’t responded to anyone’s messages all week. Goldust says that Cody will be back in good mental health soon, though, and when he does… Heath Slater had better look out.

We watch a video package complied by Paul Heyman of Lesnar training for Summer Slam. Brock is looking like a monster, with Heyman reminding him of how Triple H humiliated him on Raw by getting the better of him, and getting Brock angrier and angrier, interspersed with clips of Brock destroying people and talking about how he is going to maim Triple H at Summer Slam.

Steph announces Rey vs. Del Rio for Summer Slam.

#1 CONTENDERSHIP MATCH: The Big Show vs. John Cena- The match winds up as a double DQ when it gets too heated and they start ignoring the referee and just brawling all over the place.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Jul 31st, '12, 11:03
by Big Red Machine

The show opens with Steph announcing that due to the double DQ during Raw’s main event, she has decided to give the title shot to both men, making the WWE Title match at Summer Slam Punk vs. Big Show vs. Cena. She also announces that tonight’s main event will be Swagger vs. Jericho.

We get a segment where Santino is hosting some sort of Santino-ish talk show with Cesaro as his guest. Cesaro calls Santino “a disgrace to the entire continent of Europe,” then destroys the set.

Damien Sandow assaults R-Truth backstage.

We get another Heyman-sponsored video-package of Brock destroying people and promising to maim. Triple H.

An interviewer asks Punk his thoughts on the announcement that he will have to defend his title again both Cena and Big Show at Summer Slam. Punk says that he thinks it is a dumb decision. They both got DQed because they couldn’t follow the rules, and now they are getting rewarded? He says that it doesn’t matter, though, because he is the best in the world and he can beat anyone. Even The Rock.

Heath Slater cuts a promo saying that he isn’t afraid of Cody Rhodes. He will destroy Cody just like he destroyed his father.

Kane def. Tensai.
Kane then cuts a promo telling Sheamus that he is different than all of the other challengers Sheamus has turned away so far. He is MUCH bigger.

The Prime Time Players & Alberto Del Rio def. Sheamus, Tyson Kidd, & Zack Ryder by DQ when Rey assaults Del Rio. We wind up with a pull-apart brawl.

Christian def. Kofi Kingston clean.

Swagger def. Jericho when Ziggler distracts Jericho, allowing Swagger to hit his old Gut-wrench Powerbomb finisher. After the match, Ziggler hits Y2J with a Zig-Zag, then locks him in the Walls of Jericho.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Jul 31st, '12, 11:22
by Big Red Machine
Raw go-home show for Summer Slam:

Randy Orton returns to from his suspension and he is ready for action. He challenges absolutely anyone in the lockerroom to come out and face him. The man who answers his challenge: CM Punk.

CM Punk def. Randy Orton clean. Orton offers a handshake. Punk looks at him warily and doesn’t accept. Instead he says “good match,” then walks away.

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar appear and hold a mocking “retirement ceremony” for Triple H.

An interviewers asks Kofi what his thoughts are on Damien Sandow assaulting R-Truth last week. Rather than being outraged, Kofi, surprisingly, cracks a joke. “Who knows? Maybe it did R-Truth some good and cleared out his head a little?”

Christian def. R-Truth cleanly

Cena cuts a promo saying that he will do whatever it takes to ensure that Big Show does not win the WWE Title at Summer Slam. Big Show then comes out and says that he will make sure that Cena doesn’t win. The two have a stare-down, and Punk comes down to the ring and clobbers them both with a chair. Standing over their fallen bodies, he says that he is tired of being disrespected. Tired of being looked past. Tired of being ignored, and this was the last straw, so he had to prove to Big Show and Cena that they were concentrating on the wrong guy. They should both be much more worried about Punk than about each other.

We get a backstage segment with Christian apologizing to Tyson Kidd for assaulting him and Bret Hart and asking for once more chance at the IC Title. After careful consideration, Tyson says okay.

Later on in the show, an interviewer is talking to Steph and she is making a few announcements about Summer Slam: R-Truth vs. Sandow has just been signed, and the rematch for the IC Title that Tyson Kidd agreed to give Christian earlier tonight will take place at Summer Slam. Also, we will have an interview, live via-satellite, with AJ and Dragon.
She says that she has been trying to get in touch with Cody Rhodes to finalize Cody vs. Heath Slater, but Cody has not responded to any of her messages. Steph starts to talk about the Triple H-Lesnar match when she sees Heyman walking by. Steph stops what she is doing and runs over to Heyman, shouting to get his attention. When Heyman turns around, Steph slaps him in the face. Heyman clutches his face in pain, but then starts laughing. This enrages Steph even more, and she responds by kicking Heyman in the nuts and storming off. Once the pain is over, Heyman starts laughing even harder.

Main event: Rey, Sheamus, Jericho, Tyson Kidd, & Kane def. Swagger, Ziggler, Del Rio, Miz, & Tensai.
After a messy finishing sequence, the only two wrestlers left standing are Kane and Sheamus, and the show closes with the two of them having a stare-down.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Jul 31st, '12, 11:31
by cero2k
I like some things, would change some others, but a good read nonetheless. looking forward for the rest

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Jul 31st, '12, 12:18
by Big Red Machine
Smackdown go-home show for Summer Slam:

We get an interview with Goldust live via satellite. Goldust says that Cody still hasn’t returned anyone’s calls, so the match with Heath Slater at Summer Slam is still in question. Slater comes out and mocks Goldust. He then calls Cody Rhodes a coward and says he’ll be waiting for Cody at Summer Slam… but he knows that Cody won’t show.

We get some more general build-up for Summer Slam with guys cutting promos to hype their matches, etc. etc.

Eve cuts a promo sayng that AJ is still the same attention-hungry b*tch she was before, and blasts her for taking up time on Summer Slam with a stupid interview. Eve says that she has been granted a Divas Title match at Summer Slam, but her match has to be on the pre-show because of the interview with AJ and Dragon.

Antonio Cesaro assaults Santino’s good friend Zack Ryder to send a message to him.

The main event is Randy Orton vs. Christian, which Christian wins cleanly. Orton offers a handshake, and Christian accepts.


WWE DIVAS TITLE MATCH: Layla(c) vs. Eve Torres-
Layla wins clean.

Goldust tells us that both he and WWE management still haven’t heard from Cody at all, but they are hoping that he will show up by the end of the night.

1. WWE UNITED STATES TITLE MATCH: Santino Marella(c) vs. Antonio Ceasro-
Santino gets his stuff in, but Cesaro wins cleanly and decisively.

An interviewer asks Christian how he feels about his chance of winning the IC Title tonight. Christian says that he feels pretty confident. He just beat Randy Orton on Smackdown a few nights ago, so he should have no problem beating Tyson Kidd.

2. REY MYSTERIO JR. vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO (w/Ricardo Rodriguez)- this winds up as a wild brawl and ends in a double count-out as both men brawl through the stands before finally being separated by security

3. DAMIEN SANDOW vs. R-TRUTH (w/Kofi Kingston)-
Sandow is just plain vicious here, and wins in about eight minutes.

Heath Slater cuts a backstage promo saying that Cody Rhodes still hasn’t shown up. He says that Cody is a coward, just like the rest of his family.

4. WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Tyson Kidd(c) vs. Christian-
After fifteen minutes of a great back-and-forth match, Tyson wins via roll-up, and Christian once again goes ballistic.

5. CHRIS JERICHO vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero & Jack Swagger)-
They are even in the beginning, but distractions by Swagger and Vickie give Ziggler the advantage. Ziggler has the chance to put the match away, but pulls Jericho’s shoulder off the mat before the three count. Ziggler does his standard show-off stuff, trying to embarrass Jericho, but winds up getting rolled-up. Ziggler and Swagger try for a beatdown, but Jericho manages to escape.

Goldust is interviewed backstage again and he tells us that there has still been no word at all from Cody.

They emphasize Kane’s power and size advantage here, but Sheamus manages to fight valiantly and overcome it, beating Kane cleanly

MICHAEL COLE CONDUCTS AN INTERVIEW, LIVE VIA SATELLITE, WITH AJ & DANIEL BRYAN- This is basically just to put over AJ and Dragon’s new gimmick, which is that they are doing mushy-gushy corny romance stuff. They say that when they come back (which will be soon), they will support each other in achieving their lifelong dreams of becoming WWE & Divas Champions, and they will hold the belts together, and everything wil-SOMEONE JUMPS THE BARRICADE AND CHARGES INTO THE RING. IT’S DEAN AMBROSE!
He rips the microphone out of Cole’s hands and starts cutting another promo on Foley. He fights off some security guards, and the guys in the production truck cut off his mic. He charges at Lillian Garcia to try to steal her mic, but is cut off by security and escorted out of the building.

Cole looks very shaken up as he tries to finish up the interview. He asks AJ about Eve's comments. AJ says that she hasn't seen them, but whatever it is, she will deal with it when she and Dragon get back, which will be this week on Smackdown.

Lillian starts to announce the WWE Title match, but she is interrupted by Heath Slater. Slater says that he is sick and tired of waiting. Cody isn’t going to show up because he is a coward… or maybe he isn’t a coward, and he is just doing the smart thing by not messing with Heath Slater. Heath asks what Cody has to gain by taking this match anyway? Being associated with the Rhodes family? A fat, polka-dot wearing loser, a tugboat captain, and a crazy freak who thinks he is a Hollywood director? Why would anyone want to be associated with drivel like that? Slater starts to insult Dusty some more until Goldust comes out, mic in hand. Goldust says that Cody isn’t here to defend the Rhodes family name, but he is, and Steph said that he could take Cody’s spot in the match tonight.

7. HEATH SLATER vs. GOLDUST- Slater wins in about seven minutes, then just destroys Goldust with a chair, leaving him in a pool of his own blood.

8. WWE TITLE MATCH: CM Punk(c) vs. John Cena vs. Big Show-
Cena and Show spend too much time focused on each other, which allowed Punk to win the match via roll-up on Show.
Randy Orton is on commentary, and after the match, he goes to congratulate Punk. He offers Punk a handshake, but Punk snubs him.

9. BROCK LESNAR (w/Paul Heyman) vs. TRIPLE H (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley)-
Before the match, Heyman walks up to Steph and gives her a white towel. Steph, insulted, throws the towel right back in Heymans’ face. Heyman just laughs and says “don’t throw that away, Steph! You might need it. And even if you don’t, you should give it to your Daddy, because going to need it, too.” The announcer’s wonder what the heck Heyman means in reference to Vince.

The match goes about twenty minutes with Brock dominating about 65% of it. The finish comes when Brock hits Triple H with an F-5 and goes for the cover but pulls him up after two. Brock then locks in the Kimura. Hunter is about to tap…

All of a sudden, Heyman jumps up on the apron, distracting the referee, and the ref doesn’t see Triple H tapping. Brock snaps Hunter’s arm, then releases the hold. Brock starts laughing… then locks the Kimura in on Triple H’s other arm. Hunter is screaming in pain, screaming that he quits, but Heyman is still getting in the ref’s face so he can’t hear Hunter giving up. Brock snaps Hunter’s other arm. Brock looks at Steph and starts laughing, still keeping the hold locked in. Steph can’t take it anymore. She runs into the ring and tries to pry Brock off, but she can’t. She tries to kick him, but he barely responds. Now almost in tears, Steph grabs the towel Heyman had given her earlier, runs into the ring and grabs the referee to get his attention, and throws in the towel.

Summer Slam ends with Triple H being carted off by EMTs, Steph crying, and Heyman and Lesnar standing tall in the middle of the ring.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Jul 31st, '12, 12:28
by Big Red Machine
cero2k wrote:I like some things, would change some others, but a good read nonetheless. looking forward for the rest
It should be interesting, as I'm not totally sure where a lot of this stuff is going. I know where I want some of the characters to wind up, but not how to get the wrestlers attached to those characters there, or who they will be feuding with at all. I actually came up with Brock's match at Mania as I was writing the finish to the match at Summer Slam...
Which itself just came to me right as I was writing the end of that match- I had actually written "The match goes about twenty minutes with Brock dominating about 65% of it. The finish comes when Brock hits Triple H with an F-5" and everything else came to me in that instant before I typed the period.

I am actually more exited about this than anything else I have done since the "BRM Gives WWE a Shot in the Arm" thread, and, hopefully, I will be able to either keep pace with real-time WWE or be a bit ahead of them, which I haven't done since I booked that TNA thing way back in the summer of 2009.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 7th, '12, 13:54
by Big Red Machine
Raw: The night after Summer Slam

Raw opens with Steph in the ring. She tries very hard to keep her composure and start crying as she gives us an update about Hunter’s condition: He has to broken arms, plus some other bruising from the beatings Brock gave him in their match. He will be out for a while, but is committed to continuing his duties as the COO of the WWE.
Steph starts to talk about something else, but it interrupted by Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. Heyman says that the WWE might have lost Triple H, but that’s okay because they have gained a much bigger star in Brock Lesnar, who, after having so much fun destroying Triple H, will now be taking on a slightly heavier schedule.
Steph starts screaming at Heyman and Lesnar. Heyman says “Wow! Now I can think of two reasons to call you 'Daddy’s Little Headache.' I can’t take much more of this noise, so I am going to go and see just how many times I can beat the McMahon family this week. And you, Steph… you should get back to doing your job, because Brock Lesnar, nice person that he is, has decided to boost WWE’s ratings for you by competing in a match tonight, and he wants to know who is opponent will be.”
Heyman leaves, and an angry Steph decides to punish Brock by putting him in a match against Tensai.

Brock Lesnar def. Tensai.

After the match, we get a pre-taped very official-sounding message from Christian (like he is reading a prepared statement, rather than cutting a promo). He says that he has been appalled by his own actions recently, especially as involves his poor sportsmanship involving Tyson Kidd and the Intercontinental Title. He has asked for some time off, and has been granted it. He will be taking this week off from WWE competition to clear his head. He apologizes to all of the fans whom he has let down, and apologizes to Tyson Kidd, Bret Hart and WWE management for his poor behavior.

Ryback vs. Jinder Mahal-
During this match, Dean Ambrose jumps the guardrail and this time manages to grab the ring announcer’s mic. He starts ranting about Foley ruining people’s lives and about how he is “telling the truth that must be told… even if WWE management doesn’t want you to hear it.”
Ambrose is once again detain by security and is arrested. Jinder uses the cops arresting Ambrose as a distraction and takes advantage of Ryback’s diverted attention to try to lock in the Sands of Time, but Ryback manages to use his massive strength to break the hold, then proceeds to destroy Mahal in the usual Ryback style.

Steph, looking very frazzled, comes out once again and apologizes for not having come up with a main event for the show until now. It was very unprofessional of her, and she hopes that the fans will forgive her. To make it up to the fans, she announces that tonight’s main event will be Randy Orton vs. John Cena… and the winner will get a shot at the WWE Title at Night of Champions!
Big Show comes out and says that Cena being in the #1 contender’s match and not him is BS. They both lost. Steph replies that Big Show was the one who got pinned, not Cena. Then she tells show “I have had a VERY bad few days, now please get out of my face.” Show reminds Steph about his iron-clad contract and says “what are you going to do, Steph? Fire me?” Steph says that she can’t fire Show… but if he ever wants to be booked in another title match, he had better get out of ring right now. Show storms off, still angry.
Steph tells us that Cody Rhodes finally returned her calls this afternoon. Cody asked for some more time off, and Steph has granted it to him.

A backstage interviewer asks Jericho his feelings on his win at Summer Slam against Dolph Ziggler. Jericho says that it was a tough match, but he won the match. He is done with Ziggler, and is looking ahead to bigger things.

Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio- this once again goes to a no-contest, and the lockerroom empties to pull them apart, and we cut to commercial.

As we come back from commercial, Michael Cole tells us that the person who jumped the guardrail during his interview with AJ and Dragon at Summer Slam is none other than Dean Ambrose, a WWE developmental wrestler who had been slated for the four way NXT showcase match at Raw 1,000 but was removed from the building because of his altercation with Mick Foley. Cole feels that Ambrose obviously has something to say, and the he should be heard. Cole has been talking to WWE management about this most of the day, and during the break he received word from them that, despite having a lot of reservations about the idea, have agreed to grant Cole an interview with Ambrose live on Smackdown this week. Lawler says that he doesn’t agree with this idea at all. WWE management should not be rewarding Ambrose for bad behavior. Cole explains that WWE management is hoping that if they let Ambrose get everything off of his chest, he will stop interrupting shows, stop constantly insulting Foley, and go back to being the promising prospect that they believe him to be.

Big Show & Miz def. Jericho & Sheamus when Show pins Jericho after a chokeslam after Jericho was distracted by Swagger. Show is still angry and goes for another chokeslam on Jericho, but Sheamus stops him, and the two of them have a short brawl. In the ring, Jericho finally gets up and starts to head to the back, but is attacked on the ramp by Swagger and Ziggler. They slam his head into the large WWE logo multiple times. Ziggler stands over Jericho’s body and shouts “IT’S NOT OVER UNTIL I SAY IT’S OVER!”

After a commercial break, CM Punk comes out to the ring. He says that at Summer Slam, he proved that he is not to be ignored. He went into a match in which he didn’t even have to be pinned to lose his title, against two of the biggest stars in WWE history… and he won the match.

In the middle of Punk’s little speech, the camera cuts away from him and we go to a cameraman who is running somewhere backstage (this is also shown on the TitanTron to the live crowd), while Cole tells us that he is sorry that they are interrupting the champ, but they just got word that a major fight has broken out backstage. The cameraman rushes into the catering room and we find tables overturned and chairs everywhere… and in the middle of the mess, we find Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio is bleeding, and part of Rey’s mask has been torn open, exposing his forehead (where Rey, too, is bleeding). Security, other wrestlers, and road agents start quickly showing up and when there are enough of them, they finally manage to separate the two once again. We overhear Arn Anderson shouting for a bunch of guys to bring Rey to his locker room and not let him leave, and Ricky Steamboat ordering Ricardo Rodriguez to drive Del Rio back to his hotel room, and sends a bunch of undercard guys to keep him there.

As is this winding down, we hear Punk’s voice saying “okay? We done yet? Can the we pay attention to the WWE Champion, now?” Punk starts to cut a promo about how Cena and Orton are both great competitors and he would be happy facing either one, but he stops in mid-sentence and says “you know what? Screw it? Why don’t I ignore the big WWE Title match at Night of Champions and see how management likes getting a taste of its own medicine?”

After about twelve minutes, Orton is in control, but we get a ref bump. Orton hits an RKO, but there is no one to make the count. Orton tries to wake the ref up, but it is no use. Cena eventually makes it back to his feet and Orton tries for another RKO, but Cena reverses it. Cena begins to take control back, and they wind up about even. Big Show comes down to the ring and goes to hit the WMD on Cena, but Cena ducks and Show accidentally knocks Orton out. Show goes for the WMD on Cena again, but Cena ducks it and hits Show with an Attitude Adjustment. The ref starts to wake up. Cena sees this, but rather than cover Orton for the win, he does the gentlemanly thing and waits for Randy to get back up… but Orton is out cold. The ref checks him and awards the match to Cena via knockout. It will be Cena challenging CM Punk for the WWE Title in John Cena’s hometown of Boston at Night of Champions.

Finally managed to finalize my card for Night of Champions. The next few shows should be up relatively soon.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 7th, '12, 14:09
by Big Red Machine
On Tuesday morning, announces that both Rey and Del Rio have been suspended for a week, meaning that they will return to WWE TV on next week’s Smackdown.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 7th, '12, 18:55
by Big Red Machine
As the show opens, the announcers note that with Christian and Cody taking time off, Rey and Del Rio suspended, and Jericho injured from the assault last week by Swagger and Ziggler, the roster is a little shorthanded tonight, but the WWE board of directors has decided to turn that negative into a positive: They have requested another NXT showcase match to test the future stars of WWE in front of a worldwide audience. Tonight’s NXT showcase match will feature Seth Rollins, who we saw on Raw 1000 taking on Richie Steamboat, the son of the legendary Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat.

Despite being injured, Jericho is in the building tonight, though, and we will hear from him right now. Jericho comes out challenges Ziggler to a fight. He isn’t 100% right now, but he doesn’t care. He wants revenge on Ziggler. The two have a HUGE brawl, weapons and everything, and Ziggler eventually winds up getting the upper hand. He drags Jericho up to the stage, hits a Zig Zag on the stage, then locks Jericho in the Walls of Jericho. Security tries to break it up, but Jack Swagger starts taking them out. Dolph Ziggler finally releases the hold… then picks Jericho up and tosses him off the stage like a piece of trash.

When we get back from commercial, we get an interview with Steph in her office. She says that Dolph, Vickie, and Swagger have all been sent back to their hotel rooms, and that this will not go unpunished. She also announces that she got a phone call from an “old friend” who has something he needs to say, and Steph has decided to hive him air time to say it.


Cole, Matthews and Booker spend some time hyping things up for tonight’s show (the NXT showcase match, Cole’s interview with Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan & AJ’s return to the ring after their honeymoon, the main event of WWE Champion CM Punk vs. IC Champion Tyson Kidd (non-title), Santino’s return match for the US Title, and speculate about who the “old friend” of Steph that will be showing up tonight might be. Cole then directs us backstage where Matt Striker is standing by with the new #1 contender to the Divas Title: Nattie Neidhart.

Nattie puts Layla over a bit on the mic and says that she is going to win the belt at Night of Champions. As the interview is winding down, Tyson Kidd walks up and gives Nattie a big smooch (need to kayfabe reestablish this relationship). Striker takes advantage of Tyson Kidd’s presence by asking him his thoughts on Christian’s apology and request to take time off. Tyson Kidd says that he has a lot of respect for Christian, and he hopes that the time off will help Christian clear his head of whatever issues he is having.

Daniel Bryan (w/AJ Bryan) def. Sin Cara-
We get a backstage segment with Orton and Cena. Cena apologizes to Orton for the way the match ended. Orton says that there are no hard feelings and offers Cena a handshake. Cena accepts, and they talk about having a rematch somewhere down the line… but with the WWE Title on the line this time.

AJ Bryan (w/Daniel Bryan) def. Alicia Fox.
After the match, AJ gets on the mic and thanks the fans for their support of AJ and Dragon’s relationship. AJ and Dragon then go back and forth with mushy-gushy cheesy romantic complements (like the sort of thing you say when you are making fun of friends who are dating to being to cutesy in public). Eve comes out, interrupting this, and once again calling AJ an attention whore. Here she is, wasting valuable show time on nonsense. AJ and Dragon get angry and they chase Eve backstage.

We cut backstage to an interview with CM Punk. Striker asks Punk what he meant on Raw when he said that he was going “ignore the big WWE Title match at Night of Champions.” Punk replies:
“What I meant, quite simply, was this: I will not talk about that match or hype it up in any way at all. I won’t mention it on the air, via Tout, Twitter, Facebook, or any form of social media at all. If anyone asks me about the match, at any time, whether there is a camera around or not, I won’t even say ‘no comment.’ I’m just going to ignore them, like Cena, Big Show, Rock, Orton, and WWE management have been ignoring me. What I won’t ignore, though, is my match tonight against one of the best up-and-coming stars in WWE right now: Tyson Kidd. He is a hell of a wrestler, and I am looking forward to the match.”

Heath Slater cuts a promo saying that he is slightly annoyed that some people have decided to steal his ideas. Tonight, Dolph Ziggler did to Chris Jericho what Heath has dedicated himself to doing ever since Raw 1000: He put an old, over the hill, legend down. He jokes that he would challenged Dolph to a match to see who would get to put Jericho out of his misery, but Ziggler jumped the gun on him. Now he might just have to challenge Ziggler to a match. Heath then jokes that he would accuse Brock Lesnar of stealing his idea, too, and challenge him to a match, but he is a bit too scared of Brock. He knows Brock would kill him “But at least I wouldn’t go down screaming like a little b*tch the way Triple H did.” Slater then proceeds to make fun of Triple H until Steph shows up on the ramp. She is both furious and in tears all at once. She tells Slater that he has two choices: Leave the ring right now… or face Sheamus one-on-one right now. Slater chooses the match with Sheamus:

Sheamus def. Heath Slater by count-out when Slater runs away after about two minutes.

Up next, we have Michael Cole’s interview with Dean Ambrose. Ambrose thanks Cole for getting him this air time, then starts criticizing WWE management for trying to over up what he has to say. He brings up his Twitter war with Foley and the Wrestlemania weekend confrontation in the hotel that got Ambrose sent home from development, Raw 1000, and everything that has happened since. Ambrose accuses Foley of pushing the bar too high. Young aspiring wrestlers now think that they have to maim themselves or jump off of ledges or roofs… and it is all because of Mick Foley. Mick Foley has ruined the lives of many, many young men and women who hurt themselves in worse ways than they can even realize by doing things that Foley inspired them to do. He cites Edge as an example of this. (You could even have him break the ‘don’t mention people in other promotions’ rule and mentions the Hardys)... “and those are just the ones that people hear about. Before I got here, I spent seven years on the independent circuit and I have seen hundred of people ruining their lives because they want to be like Mick Foley and become a wrestling superstar maiming themselves, both physically and mentally. And don’t let anyone deny it! Ask Daniel Bryan. Ask CM Punk. Ask Tyson Kidd or Evan Bourne. Ask one of night’s NXT showcase stars, Seth Rollins. They’ll all tell you that its true.
And it is all because of Mick Foley. Kane, you think you’re a monster? Well you’re nothing compared to Mick Foley. Mick Foley is a no-talent hack. Mick Foley is a piece of garbage. Mick Foley is-

Kofi Kingston’s music plays and he comes out and interrupts Ambrose. Kofi says that Mick Foley is a legend and Ambrose should stop disrespecting him with this BS. Ambrose says that he won’t stop until he gets the truth out. Kofi then offers to “beat the truth out of” Ambrose. Cole quickly leaves the ring and calls for a ref on his mic, and we have match.
Dean Ambrose def. Kofi Kingston- Ambrose holds his own against Kofi and manages to win in about seven minutes with the Midnight Special. After the match, Ambrose grabs a mic and continues his rant. He says that Foley ruins people’s lives in the most insidious way possible: He gives them false hope. He tells them that they can achieve their dreams by following down a path that leads to broken bones, broken homes, and broken lives… and without a dime in their pockets to show for it at the end. Ambrose then goes way over the line: “The best thing that could have possibly happened to pro wrestling would be if Mick Foley had missed those mattress when he jumped off of the roof, and instead cracked his head open and d-“
Ambrose’s is cut off. He tries to grab for other but they are all cut, and security comes for him. He fights them off, but eventually gets restrained. Steph comes out and she is absolutely FURIOUS! “How dare you?! How dare you ever say something like that! We gave you a chance to speak… and THIS is what you do with it? HOW DARE YOU?! DEAN AMBROSE… YOU’RE FIRED!”
Security drags Ambrose away, and Cole, Matthews, and Booker apologize for the terrible things that Ambrose said on WWE air. We go to commercial.

The announcers once again apologize profusely for Ambrose’s comments. The next match is supposed to be the NXT showcase, but we cut backstage, and Steph is apologizing to Rollins and Steamboat, saying that she knows that Dean Ambrose doesn’t represent NXT in any way and she isn’t punishing them for his actions, but she is postponing their match tonight. After Ambrose’s horrible statements, she feels that the people need to hear someone talk about some positive things, and her friend is now going to go out to the ring and do just that. She promises them that if there is any time left after the US Title match and the main event, she will let them have their match.

The “old friend” in question is none other than Kevin Nash:
Earlier tonight, Dolph Ziggler assaulted Chris Jericho and tried to end his career. I don’t support or condone this action in any way at all... but at least I can understand it. Dolph hates Jericho and wanted to hurt him badly. An unfortunate part of wrestling is that feuds sometimes get that heated. Look at Rey and Del Rio: They got themselves suspended because they hate each other and couldn’t stop fighting.
Fortunately, though, one thing that is extremely rare in wrestling is trying to do serious damage to someone for no other reason than because you can, and because you enjoy it… but that is what Brock Lesnar did to Triple H this past Sunday at Summer Slam. One of the great things about the wrestling business is that you make friends for life. Friends who will go to war for you. One of the closest friends I ever made in the wrestling business was Triple H. I know that I am a lot older than Brock and that my knees aren’t great right now. I know that if we fought Brock would kick my ass. But sometimes, fighting is called for. Brock, whenever you want, I’ll teach your ass a lesson!
You want money, Brock? I’ll offer you money for the chance to kick your ass. You’ll probably kill me, but at least I fought a battle that I needed to fight. Just like Hunter fought a battle that he needed to fight.
Some people, though, can’t fight their own battles… and that brings us to Paul Heyman. Steph said it best when she called Heyman “a professional parasite.” Ten years ago, Paul got smart and latched himself on to Brock Lesnar. Now Paul can say and do whatever he wants because Brock will fight all of his battles for him. Brock enjoyed maiming Hunter, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Heyman was the one who called the shot. So Paul, if I ever see you again- anywhere- in a WWE arena, at a convention, at my kid’s high-school football game- doesn’t matter. I’m going to maim you just like you had done to Hunter.

Antonio Cesaro (w/Aksana) def. Santino Marella to retain the US Title.

CM Punk def. Tyson Kidd clean in about twelve minutes, with Kidd looking impressive in defeat… and, surprisingly, there are actually about ten minutes left in the show. Rollins and Steamboat rush out to the ring. As Lillian is doing the intros, we hear Cole shout “WHAT? Why?” Cole then informs us viewers at home that Mr. McMahon is in the arena, and is apparently on his way out to the ring. Rollins and Steamboat wrestle for about 45 seconds before Vince’s music hits.

Vince: Guys, I’m sorry, but your match needs to be cancelled. I know you are disappointed because this was a huge opportunity for you, but some things are more important.

Rollins and Steamboat head to the back as Vince steps into the ring.

Vince: It is with a very heavy heart that I find myself forced… for reasons I’m sure you’ll all hear gloated about soon enough… to make the following announcement:
I am appointing my daughter Stephanie as the permanent General Manager of Smackdown… and removing her from her position as General Manager of Monday Night Raw. And the new General Manager of Monday Night Raw will be… G-d help me… PAUL HEYMAN!

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 14th, '12, 19:08
by Big Red Machine announces that the first main event of the Paul Heyman era of Raw will be John Cena & World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus vs. WWE Champion CM Punk and Christian, who is fresh returning from taking a week of personal time off.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 14th, '12, 20:16
by Big Red Machine
Raw has a new opening montage. Brock Lesnar is heavily featured. Triple H is not seen once. Vince is also absent, aside from the standard “welcome, everyone, to MONDAY NIGHT RAW!”

Heyman comes out to start the show.

Heyman: “Welcome to the Paul Heyman era. Welcome to the new and improved Monday Night Raw… starring Brock Lesnar.
I’m sure you’re all anxious to find out just how I got myself named as the new General Manager of Vince McMahon’s most precious possession, and it’s a good story. Before I tell you, though, I’d like to set the tone for what you can expect from Raw from now on. This is a wrestling show, so tonight, we will start out with some wrestling. This is, however, my show, so we will start with something that I like. Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio Jr, Raven, Rhino, Steve Corino, Justin Credible, Jerry Lynn, the Dudley Boys, Lance Storm, Tommy Dreamer, the Sandman… these men were amazing talents in the world of professional wrestling, but they went unnoticed for years until I gave them the chance to shine in ECW. Now, they are all major stars. When I came to WWE, I continued to find major talent that no one else saw: Brock Lesnar, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin *pause* CM Punk. These were all men who I brought in to the WWE. I have always prided myself on my ability to find the next undiscovered star, and tonight I will pick up right where I left off. Tonight’s opening match will feature two men who, in five years, will be major stars in this industry. In ten years, they will be household names. And yet Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley wouldn’t even think of giving them TV time if not for an emergency of having such an empty card. Tonight’s opening match…

Rollins and Steamboat get about fifteen minutes to prove themselves to the crowd, and they do just that. Rollins goes over. The whole time, Heyman, on commentary, puts over both men. After the match, Heyman gets in the ring and raises both men’s hands. Cut to commercial.

When we come back from the commercial, Heyman is in the ring, with a mic.

Heyman: Now it is time to answer the big question: “Why in the hell would Vince McMahon take control of Monday Night Raw away from his daughter and give it to Paul Heyman?”
The answer is simple: Negotiation. I wasn’t kidding when I called Stephanie “Daddy’s Little Headache.” Do you have any idea how many lawsuits I had outstanding? Multiple lawsuits for assault against both Stephanie and Triple H. Lawsuits against WWE for creating an unsafe work environment for me. The lawsuit on behalf of my client, Brock Lesnar, against WWE for breaching the contract that he had agreed to on April 23, 2012 with former WWE Executive Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis…
Say whatever you want about Vince McMahon, but he is not stupid. He knows when he is beaten, so Vince chose to do what any executive does in this situation: he settled out of court. In exchange for dropping the lawsuits, I was named the new General Manager of Monday Night Raw- with a very strong clause in my contract against any sort of shenanigans to get me fired. The only issue from the lawsuits that I required that Vince rectify would be the rebilling of this program to “WWE Monday Night Raw… starring Brock Lesnar,” as was due to my client in the contract that he made with John Laurinaitis, right here on Raw on April 23rd.

Now I know that some of you might not approve of the methods with which I acquired control of this show, but if you are honest with yourself, you must admit that it is the best move for this show.
Over the past few weeks, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley had proven that she was incapable of handling this show. The stress of the position was clearly becoming too much for her, and she started to lose control. She made poor decisions and let things happen that should never, ever happen. Under her watch, a brutal backstage brawl broke out between Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio Jr. A brawl so bad that both men needed to be suspended for a week. Under her watch, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger viciously assaulted Chris Jericho, possibly ending his career. Heath Slater has gone around and assaulted legends backstage with no repercussions. She started last week’s Raw without even having a main event in place.

She has also been making extremely poor decisions. She thought it was a good idea to let Kevin Nash come out here, prattle on, and even threaten my livelihood instead of giving you the awesome match we just saw between Seth Rollins and Richie Steamboat. She has let personal feelings get in the way of business when she fired Dean Ambrose just for saying things she didn’t like about Mick Foley. I mean come on! Heath Slater can get away with brutally assaulting legends like Dusty Rhodes and Roddy Piper, but Ambrose gets fired just for badmouthing a legend?
I am in no way validating or agreeing with Mr. Ambrose’s opinion. I am just pointing out the facts.
WWE fans, I promise you this: I will not make those same mistakes. I will not let my personal feelings get in the way of doing what is best for this show and this company. We are now going to take a commercial break, and when we return, it will be back to the action.

AJ & Daniel Bryan def. Layla El & Ted Dibiase Jr.
- Dragon made Dibiase tap out.

Antonio Cesaro cuts a backstage promo saying that he will bring class and prestige to the US Title by making it more European.

Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero come out to address their assault on Chris Jericho last week on Smackdown. Ziggler says “I told you that I would decide when it was over, old man. It’s over. You lost. Now, I move on to bigger and better things. I still hold the Money in the Bank Contract for a shot at the World Heavyweight Title. I won’t make the same mistake that John Cena did. I will-
Jack Swagger runs out with a mic in hand. As he is running down the ramp he says “Sorry I’m late, guys. They didn’t tell me we were scheduled for promo time right now.”

Ziggler: “We” are not. I am. What the hell are you doing out here, Jack?

Swagger: What am I doing out here? We’re a team, bro! Remember? American Perfection, managed by Vickie Guerrero.

Ziggler: Vickie doesn’t manage you anymore. You lost a match to me and were kicked out of her stable a few months ago. Remember. “bro?”

Swagger: Well, yeah, but then we started working together to take out Jericho, and I figured-

Ziggler: We didn’t work together, Jack. All you did was keep security out of my way while I took out Chris Jericho once and for all. You served your purpose, now get your punk-ass out of my face.

Swagger gets angry. He drops his mic and gets right up in Dolph’s face, shouting “get out of your face?! Get out of your face?! How’s this, Dolph?!”

Ziggler drops his mic, too, and the two are nose-to-nose. They start shoving each other.

Paul Heyman’s music plays. Heyman tells them that he doesn’t want any brawls on his first day in office. He says that if they have a problem, they can solve it in the ring next week on Raw. Cut to commercial

When we get back from the commercial, Damien Sandow is in the ring with a mic.

Sandow: “While I respectfully disagree with his comments tonight about the United States of America, I do find myself agreeing with some of my colleague, Mr. Cesaro’s comments from last week about Santino Marella. Santino Marella is a delinquent and a disgrace. Mr. Marella, I would like to challenge you to a proper wrestling match. No shenanigans or sock puppets. Just wrestling.”

Santino comes out and accepts Sandow’s challenge. They wrestle for a bit, with Santino doing his usual stuff, which gets on Sandow’s nerves. When Santino pulls out the cobra, Sandow gets pissed and walks off, taking the count-out loss. Santino celebrates with the fans, then goes backstage. CRACK!
As Santino is on the stage about to go to the back, waving one last goodbye to the fans, Sandow charges out and hits Santino in the back with a steel chair. Sandow delivers another chairshot to the back of the downed Santino, then walks away.

Backstage, The Big Show comes into Heyman’s office. He tells Heyman that he forgot one of Steph’s major bad decisions: Giving Cena a chance to earn a rematch with Punk but not him. Heyman says that he didn’t forget anything. Giving Cena the chance for a rematch was controversial, but Big Show did get pinned by Punk at Summer Slam and Cena didn’t. Big Show starts to get angry, but Heyman tells him not to worry. He has been impressed by Show’s new attitude and feels that he should be rewarded for it. But Show also needs to realize that his actions last week screwed Randy Orton out of a shot at the WWE Title, and if Big Show and Cena deserve another chance, then so does Randy. Also, Randy Orton came in earlier tonight and demanded a match with the Big Show, so later tonight, it will be Big Show vs. Orton… and the winner will challenge Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Title at Night of Champions.

Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya) def. R-Truth (w/Kofi Kingston)
On the mic, Kofi starts to poke fun at R-Truth for the whole Little Jimmy thing, but he also seems to be frustrated with it.

Ryback squashes Tyler Reks

The Big Show def. Randy Orton to become #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title. After the match, Orton offers Show a handshake, but Show doesn’t accept it.

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar come out to the ring. Brock cuts a short promo, accepting Kevin Nash’s challenge to a fight “anywhere, anytime.”

Paul Heyman joins Cole & Lawler on commentary for the main event. He talks all four guys up, but especially praises Punk.
Punk & Christian def. Cena & Sheamus when Christian pins Cena clean.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 27th, '12, 14:53
by Big Red Machine
The hype for Smackdown on revolves around two major points:
1. The returns from suspension of Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio
2. Stephanie McMahon will address the WWE Universe tonight regarding Paul Heyman's criticisms of her.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 27th, '12, 15:37
by Big Red Machine
The show opens with Rey Mysterio's return from his suspension. Rey wrestlers Heath Slater

HEATH SLATER vs. REY MYSTERIO- Heath manages to hang in there with Rey for a few minutes, actually giving Rey a hard test. After a ref bump, Alberto Del Rio comes out and hits Rey in the head with a chair, allowing Slater to hit his finisher and get the pin when the ref recovers.

Christian def. Kofi Kingston clean

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley comes out to the ring and cuts a promo Throughout the entire promo, Steph is very stoic, but at times, she lets some emotion show through.
A few nights ago Paul Heyman came out and criticized many of the decisions that I have made since I was named General Manager of both Raw and Smackdown last month. Looking back on things with a clear head, as much as I hate to admit it, Paul Heyman was right. I let things happen that never should have happened. I wasn't on the ball. Quite frankly, I wasn't doing a very good job. My head was nowhere near the right place. Of course, most of that was due to Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar maliciously and pre-meditatedly maiming my husband... but that is not an excuse. I was put in charge of WWE programing, and I should have done better.

Some of my decisions were controversial, such as giving John Cena another chance to earn a WWE Title match but not the Big Show, and cancelling a match between two young superstars in order to give Kevin Nash time to speak, but I stand by those decisions. Kevin had some very important things to say, and he has told me that he will be here tonight to address the challenge that Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar made on Raw.

One decision of mine that I would like people to understand better, though, was my decision to fire Dean Ambrose. I didn't just fire Dean Ambrose because he was making wild, horrible, and unfounded accusations at Mick Foley. I fired Dean Ambrose for his own good. We all know that Mick Foley is a very sweet, kind man... but we all also know that there is a monster that lives inside Mick, and when Mick is provoked, the monster comes out. Dean Ambrose might want to make his accusations about Mick Foley, but if he kept going, Dean wouldn't have been dealing with Mick Foley anymore. He would have been dealing with Cactus Jack. Cactus Jack is capable of some very sick things. I fired Dean Ambrose so he wouldn't end up crippled... because Cactus Jack would have come after him, match or not. So Mr. Ambrose, if you are watching this, please take my words to heart. Please do not continue your verbal assault on Mick Foley, because once you let Cactus Jack out, you won't be able to put him away again.

After Steph is done, Booker T, on commentary, goes on a small rant about Paul Heyman is nothing but a weasel and a parasite.

In a good, fifteen minute technical match, Daniel Bryan def. Jack Swagger clean

Matt Striker asks Antonio Cesaro for his thoughts on his upcoming non-title match tonight against Alberto Del Rio
Cesaro: There has been a lot of talk around here lately about good decisions and bad decisions. WWE management made a good decision when they put me against Alberto Del Rio tonight. You see, I am very European. While Mr. Del Rio is still not European, he is a Mexican, which is close enough to being Spanish. It is certainly much better than having to face some pathetic, smelly American.

NATTIE NEIDHART (w/Tyson Kidd) vs. AJ BRYAN (w/Daniel Bryan)
Nattie wins clean. Everyone shakes hands after the match.

Matt Striker asks Dolph ZIggler for comments on his match with Jack Swagger in three days on Raw. Dolph Ziggler says that Swagger is a loser. He lost tonight, and he will lose on Monday.

ANTONIO CESARO vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO (w/Rciardo Rodriguez)-
Ceasro wins by DQ when Rey runs in and hits Del Rio with a chair just two minutes in. Ceasro bails, and Rey and Del Rio, with Rey using the chair to get the better of both Del Rio & Ricardo. When they eventually run off, Rey grabs a mic and challenges Del Rio to a match at Night of Champions.

Kevin Nash comes out to the ring and cuts a short promo, saying if Brock wants a match anywhere, anytime... "I'll see you in three days on Raw."
When Nash leaves, Booker T once again goes on a small rant about Heyman. He calls Heyman a coward who uses Brock Lesnar to fight his battles for him.

ALEX RILEY vs. JEY USO (w/Jimmy Uso)-
Riley wins clean. Riley then grabs a mic and cuts a promo on Cesaro. He says that he is a proud American, born and raised in the nation's capital, and he is sick and tired of hearing Antonio Cesaro disrespect the US. He wants a match with Cesaro so he can beat some respect to the greatest country in the world into him.

Randy Orton, John Cena, & Sheamus def. CM Punk, The Big Show, & Dolph Ziggler (w/Vickie Guerrero) when Orton pinned Ziggler. Punk, Ziggler, and Big Show did not get along at all. At one point during the match, Big Show tried to use a chair, but Punk stopped him. There were various miscommunications between all three as well. The finish came when Jack Swagger distracted Dolph Ziggler, allowing Orton to hit him with an RKO for the pin.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 30th, '12, 18:24
by Big Red Machine runs a story telling us that two challenges made on SMackdown have been accepted: It will be Rey vs. Del Rio at Night of Champions, and Nash vs. Lesnar on Raw! On the other hand, there has been no word from Antonio Cesaro about the challenge made to him by Alex RIley

It is also announced that R-Truth and Kofi will team up to take on the odd pairing of Randy Orton and Christian.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Aug 30th, '12, 19:10
by Big Red Machine
Raw is in Chicago this week, so it opens with CM Punk cutting a promo on how great it is to come back to his home town as the WWE Champion, and vows that the next time the WWE comes to Chicago, he will still be the WWE Champion.
Big Show comes out and blames Punk stopping him from using a chair for their team losing on Smackdown. Punk says “I stopped you from using the chair because that would be cheating… but if you want to use a chair so much, just tell me, and we’ll set up a match where you can.” Paul Heyman says he thinks this is a great idea, so he makes a Punk vs. Big Show tonight in a non-title No DQs match.

Kofi once gain gets frustrated with R-Truth’s little Jimmy based silliness. Orton & Christian win clean when Kofi gets frustrated and doesn’t tag out when he probably should, allowing Christian to take advantage of his weariness and pin him after a Kill-Switch.

They a good back and forth match for about eight minutes. Rey eventually winds up with the advantage and hits Dragon with a 619 but when he goes to the top rope to hit a splash, Del Rio rushes down to the ring. Rey sees him and dives on Del Rio. They brawl, (Rey def. Daniel Bryan by DQ) and once again, it takes the whole lockerroom to break them up. Paul Heyman then orders that if either of them touch either other before their match at Night of Champions, that person will be fired.

The match goes about fifteen minutes, with Rollins playing the babyface in peril, looking tough taking a lot of punishment. The heels eventually win when Titus O’Neil pins Epico after a low blow behind the ref’s back.

Riley wins in ten minutes, but Le’akee gets some offense in.
After the match, Riley grabs a mic:
Riley: “How about it Cesaro? Are you going to be a man and accept my challenge, or are you going to duck me like the European pansy you are?”

Layla wins cleanly.

Tyson Kidd cuts a promo about being a fighting champion, and he says he will let anyone who wants to come out and challenge him tonight. The Miz answers the challenge:
WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Tyson Kidd(c) (w/Nattie Neidhart) vs. The Miz
Kidd wins cleanly.

John Cena promo- Cena says that because Punk won’t hype up their title match at Night of Champions, it looks like it is up to him. Cena then cuts a generic promo hyping the match.

NO DQ’S MATCH: CM Punk vs. The Big Show-
After a long, hard-fought match, Punk manages to work over Show’s neck and makes him tap to a Koji Clutch. When Punk gets backstage, Orton once again offers a handshake, but Punk refuses.

Matt Striker interviews Antonio Cesaro who agrees to give Riley at shot at the US Title

When we come back from commercial, Cole tells us that Paul Heyman has match the Cesaro vs. Riley match for Night Of Champions.

KEVIN NASH vs. BROCK LESNAR (w/Paul Heyman)-
The match goes about fifteen minutes with Brock dominating it by going after Nash’s knees. Whenever Nash gets the advantage, Heyman distracts him, allowing Brock to take Nash down once again. The finish comes when Brock gets Nash on the outside and F-5’s him so that his knee hits the ringpost (like he did to Angle back in 2003), then rolls Nash back into the ring and makes him tap with a knee bar.

As Brock and Heyman celebrate, medical guys come to help Nash. Heyman whispers something to Brock, and Brock chases the medical guys away, then gives Nash three more F-5’s into the ringpost. Raw ends with Brock looking pleased with himself and Heyman laughing as Nash is stretchered away, while the commentators wonder whether Nash will ever be able to walk again.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Sep 5th, '12, 02:23
by Big Red Machine
Smackdown opens with Booker T in the ring. Booker explains to us that he has requested this time for an editorial. The views he is about to express are not necessarily representative of the views of his broadcast partners, Smackdown, WWE, Stephanie McMahon, or anyone else.
Booker first tells us that Kevin Nash is still in the hospital and is recovering from a major knee surgery in an attempt to repair the damage that Lesnar did on Raw. Booker then goes on a rant about the actions of Brock Lesnar after the match on Raw, taken at the urging of his agent, Paul Heyman, were disgusting and despicable. Deliberately attempting to cripple an opponent, and especially after the end of a match, is a disgraceful thing to do. Brock Lesanr and Paul Heyman should be ashamed of themselves... but they aren't... and that is the problem. Only the most heartless of the heartless could possibly find any joy in such appalling actions... and yet Brock and Heyman seemed to revel in it. Booker finishes his promo by calling on the Board of Directors to take harsh action again Heyman and Lesnar.

Throughout the rest of the night, any time Heyman or Lesnar is brought up, Booker T will reiterate his comments from this promo.

Orton & Dragon win clean. The finish comes when Miz hits Dragon with e Skull-Crushing Finale, but Orton runs into the ring and knocks Miz down, then drags Dragon over to his corner for the tag. Orton then hits Miz with an RKO to get the pin.

AJ jumps into the ring to check on her husband. Meanwhile, Orton asks for a mic. Randy starts off by saying that his father always told him that it is never too early to start trying to get yourself in line for a World Title match, so he wants to look past Night of Champions for the time being. Randy says that he has been facing top-level talent since his return from suspension, and he has won most of his matches, with his only losses being due to cheating or interference, aside from his loss to Punk. At Night of Champions it will be Punk vs. Cena for the WWE Title. Randy says that he has beaten both of those guys in the past, and that, if given a shot he will beat them again. He then goes on to say that his recent string of victories, both on TV and on non-televised events should earn him a title shot.

Dragon, now recovered, takes issue with this assertion. He also gets a mic and says that he is on an even hotter streak than Orton. Since his return from his honeymoon, he has only lost one match, and that was by DQ, and was all because of Alberto Del Rio attacking Rey, rather than anything Dragon himself did. Dragon then starts to go on about how he deserves the next WWE Title shot, and how, with each other's moral support, he and AJ will fulfill their dreams together, winning the WWE and Divas titl-

Christian comes out onto the stage, mic in hand. He points out that he is on more of a hot streak than either Dragon or Orton. His only loss in the past four weeks was to Tyson, whom he puts over a being tough (although he seems to be having trouble maintaining his composure while saying it. He then points out that he has beaten names higher caliber names than the other two have including current #1 contender to the WWE Title, John Cena, Kofi Kingston, and even Orton himself.

Steph comes out and says that she will review each man's case and make a decision by the end of the night.

Sandow wins when Del Rio comes out and distracts Rey. After the match, Rey charges at Del Rio to hit him, but Del Rio reminds him that if he does, he will be fired, leaving Rey no choice but to walk to the back, yelling insults at Del Rio the whole way.
Del Rio then cuts a short promo on Rey, telling everyone that he is going to win at Night of Champions

Matt Striker interviews CM Punk, asking him what he thought of Dragon, Orton, and Christian's claims to a shot at the WWE Title. Punk says that he has beaten all of them at one point or another, including beating Orton a few weeks ago and beating Dragon on three straight PPVs back in the spring and early summer. He's sure he'll be able to beat them again. Just like he has beaten everyone else who has challenged him.

Backstage, Ziggler says that he will beat Alex Riley so easily tonight that it will be embarrassing... and at Night of Champions, he will beat Jack Swagger even easier.

Ryback squashes JTG

Big Show cuts a promo about his World Heavyweight Title match against Sheamus at Night of Champions. He runs down the list of his various World Title reigns, saying that the had always won the belt for someone else, whether it was for the Dungeon of Doom, for Paul Heyman, for his father's memory, for the fans, or whatever else... but at Night of Champions, he will do what he should have been doing all along. He will win it for himself, because he doesn't care about anyone else anymore... least of all the fans.

ALEX RILEY vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero)-
Ziggler dominates the match, but his showing off gets him rolled up for the upset.

Backstage, R-Truth and Kofi go to Steph's office. They ask her for a World Tag Team Title match at Night of Champions, saying that they think they think that is what they need to get themselves back on track. Steph grants them their wish, but tells them to make it count, because after this they won't get another chance to win the belts back as long as PTP are champions.

Natalya pins Beth clean.

On commentary, Cole informs us that Steph has added a match to Night of Champions: Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton vs. Christian... and the winner will receive a shot at the WWE Title at Hell in a Cell.

Sheamus & Cena win clean when Cena pins Tensai

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Sep 11th, '12, 12:34
by Big Red Machine
Raw from Montreal opens with Bret Hart in the ring. Bret thanks the fans for supporting him, etc. etc. He then starts talking about CM Punk. He says Punk feels disrespected by management, and he understands that feeling all too well. He also points out that Punk is disrespecting management, and he warns Punk that “no matter how right you are, if management feels that you are disrespecting them too much, it might well end in you getting screwed.”

At this point CM Punk comes out. He tells Bret “you know what, Bret? I used to have a lot of respect for you. The Excellence of Execution. The Hitman. No matter what people like myself or Daniel Bryan or Randy Orton or Dolph Ziggler or anyone else who comes along does by the end of our careers, someone will still be able to make an argument that you are the greatest wrestler of all time.
But since you have come back to the WWE, you have been nothing but a corporate stooge. You are trying to convince me to give in to WWE management’s view of things, where most people on the roster get more respect than the WWE Champion… because if I don’t, I’ll get screwed out of this title? Getting screwed out of this title would just make me even stronger. Not only will everyone acknowledge me as the uncrowned champion, but it will show the world that WWE is so afraid of me that they had to resort the a screwjob to get the belt of off me… because none of their wrestlers could beat me in a fair match.

Furthermore, WWE doesn’t need to screw me for a long time, as I still have a few more years left on my contract, and they know that I’m not interested in going anywhere else because I could have left with the belt last year… but I decided not to. So what this is, my friends, is a ploy by management to manipulate me into not standing up for what I believe in… but unlike Bret Hart, I am not a corporate stooge. I will not give up my crusade… and anyone who doesn’t like it will just have to deal with it.”

Punk drops the mic, leaving Bret alone in the ring.

Tyson Kidd pins Christian. After the match, Christian starts to become extremely angry, almost pulling his hair out, but manages to get himself under control after about thirty seconds.

ZACK RYDER vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO (w/Ricardo Rodriguez)-
Early on in the match Rey gets his revenge for last week by distracting Del Rio, allowing Ryder to roll him up for the pin

Paul Heyman announces that the pre-show match for Night of Champions will be a ten-man battle royale to determine who will face Tyson Kidd later that night for a shot at the Intercontinental Title. Heyman says that he could have made all ten qualifying matches tonight and cut Steph out of the process entirely, but he has decided to only have six tonight, and let Steph have the other four... and he hopes that Steph remembers this courtesy when he and Brock Lesnar show up on Smackdown this week.

QUALIFYING MATCH #1: Seth Rollins def. Mike Dalton

QUALIFYING MATCH #2 Damien Sandow def. Tyler Reks

CM Punk comes out and says that he knows how much Canada loves it's Canadians, so tonight he is going to give a major opportunity to a Hart-trained Canadian wrestler on NXT... Rick Victor.

Punk wins cleanly in about six minutes

QUALIFYING MATCH #3: Hunico (w/Camacho) def. Santino
Hunico wins after a distraction by Camacho allows him to nail Santino with his finisher

Natalya (w/Tyson Kidd) def. Kaitlyn

QUALIFYING MATCH #4: Kassius Ohono def. Richie Steamboat

QUALIFYING MATCH #5: Heath Slater def. Leakee

Dolph Ziggler cuts a promo on Jack Swagger, once again calling him a loser.

QUALIFYING MATCH #6: The Miz def. Epico (w/Rosa Mendes & Primo)

MAIN EVENT: John Cena, Sheamus, Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger, Kane, & Daniel Bryan (w/AJ Bryan)-
Big Show is on commentary for this match. The story of the match is Cena playing the babyface in peril, with Dragon and Swagger working over his arms and legs with vicious submissions, but Cena will not give up. On commentary, Show says that for someone in the position that he and Cena are in (someone with a World Title shot coming up i six days) should be trying to conserve energy and do whatever he can to avoid injury. Show reveals that he was supposed to face Ryback tonight, but instead decided to use one of his contractually obligated "non-wrestling days" tonight, so all he would have to do is commentary. He says that the smart thing for Cena to do would be to just tap out so that he doesn't get injured.
Cena fights valiantly, and eventually is able to tag out. The match ends when Sheamus pins Kane after Brogue Kick.

Re: BRM Books Raw 1,000 and beyond

Posted: Sep 14th, '12, 13:43
by Big Red Machine
Steph opens the show with three major announcements
1. Due to Camacho's distraction on Raw, she has decided to give Santino another chance to qualify for the IC Title Shot battle royale... tonight he will face Camacho

2. Tonight's main event will be a four corners tag team strange bedfellows match: Cena & Big Show vs. Punk & Sheamus vs. Ziggler & Swagger vs. Tyson Kidd & Christian

3. She received a call earlier today from Cody Rhodes. He feels that he has taken all of the time off that he needs and will return to action at Night of Champions. He asked to be included in the battle royale for an IC Title shot, and Steph has granted his request.

Dragon wins clean

We get a backstage segment with Tyson Kidd telling Christian that he is glad that Christian has put his demons behind him and he is honored to be able to tag with a legend like Christian. They shake hands, but Christian still seems a bit uncomfortable.


Antonio Cesaro cuts promo saying that the English-speaking parts of Canada are just as bad as the US. They are nowhere close to being as great as Europe is.

R-Truth & Kofi have the match won, but R-Truth's Little Jimmy-related antics almost cost them the match. They still wind up winning, though.

Matt Striker asks John Cena for comments about the comments that Big Show made about him on Raw while on commentary. Cena says that Big Show is entitled to his opinion, but he is entitled to his as well. In his opinion, it is the fans that make wrestlers into superstars, and so everything he does is for the fans. He would not be where he is today without their support, so he never takes their support for granted and tries to earn it every night that he is out there. When Striker asks Cena what he will do if Show walks away during the main event tonight, Cena says that he will cross that bride when he comes to it.

Alberto Del Rio calls Rey Mysterio out, saying that, although they can't touch each other until Night of Champions, he still has a few things that he wants to say to Rey's face. Rey comes out to the ring, and as Rey starts cutting his promo, Ricardo Rodriguez sneaks out of the crowd and jumps Rey from behind. Ricardo starts laying the boots to Rey as Del Rio makes fun of Rey. Del Rio then hands Ricardo a chair, which he hits Rey in the back with several times while Del Rio stands there and laughs.


Orton pins Kane clean after a fifteen minute match. Orton then cuts a promo saying that he will win his #1 contendership match at Night of Champions, then go on to Hell in a Cell to take the WWE Title from either John Cena or CM Punk.

Matt Striker asks AJ for her thoughts about her former mentor, Natalya's chances at winning the Divas Title at Night of Champions. AJ says that she is so certain that Nattie will win that she has already talked to Nattie about getting the Divas Title shot at Hell in a Cell. Nattie is a great competitor, but she knows that she can beat Nattie for the belt. She also knows that Randy Orton, Christian, John Cena, and CM Punk are all great competitors, but she is certain that Dragon will win his #1 contendership match at Night of Champions and then go on to win the WWE Title at Hell in a Cell so that she and Dragon will be the first husband-wife team of champions since Triple H and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley.

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come out to the ring, and Heyman starts to cut a promo:

For the last few weeks here on Smackdown there have been a series of vicious, malicious assaults on the character of both myself, and of my client, Brock Lesnar. Today, we come here to demand that the man who made those defamatory statements put his money where his mouth is. Booker T... Brock Lesnar is hereby officially CALLING YOU OUT!

Booker says that he is entitled to his own opinion about everyone, Heyman and Lesnar included.

Heyman demands that Booker T face Brock Lesnar in a match at Night of Champions. Booker says that he doesn't wrestle anymore. He is retired. He is an announcer now.

Paul Heyman replies: "Wow. I guess you really don't want to fight Brock Lesnar. You really are retired. But I didn't realize that you had to give up your testicles in order to get your but in that cozy announces chair."

An angry Booker hops out of his seat and says. "Fine. You want it? You got it! Booker T vs. Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions. NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT... SUCKA?!

Heyman: The only thing anyone is going to be digging is your grave, Booker.

IC TITLE BATTLE ROYALE QUALIFYING MATCH #9: Santino Marella def. Camacho (w/Hunico)-

Backstage, we get a segment with R-Truth and Kofi talking. R-Truth is getting psyched for their match at Night of Champions, where they will regain the Tag Team Titles, but Kofi tries to calm him down and cautions him to keep the Little Jimmy stuff under control so it doesn't cost them the match.

FOUR CORNERS STRANGE BEDFELLOWS TAG TEAM MATCH: John Cena & Big Show vs. CM Punk & Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. Tyson Kidd & Christian-
Throughout the match, Swagger and Ziggler try to one up each other. Punk and Sheamus seem to get along, as do Kidd and Christian, but Cena and Show do not. At one point in the match, Show tags out to Cena, then starts to walk up the aisle. Cena climbs to the top ropes and hits Show with a big cross body then rolls him back into the ring, allowing Sheamus to charge in with the Brogue Kick... but Show ducks it, rolls out of the ring on the other side and runs away through the crowd. Cena wrestles the rest of the match on his own.

The finish comes when Swagger has Kidd in the Ankle Lock, but Sheamus hits him with a Brogue Kick and goes for the pin. Ziggler comes in to break the pin up, but then decides not to, and backs off, allowing Sheamus to pick up the win.

Night of Champions will be posted tomorrow night.