Cero Reviews WWE Hell In A Cell 2012

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Cero Reviews WWE Hell In A Cell 2012

Post by cero2k » Oct 28th, '12, 19:53

WWE Hell In A Cell 2012, Atlanta, GA

Alberto del Rio w/ Ricardo Rodriguez vs Randy Orton - 6.5/10
Barely noticed Orton is already a 9 time World Champ. This was a great back and forward match. This really refreshes Del Rio after the marathon feud he had with Sheamus. I loved how JBL kept making a big fuzz about this match being a match of two wrestling families. The double stomp form Del Rio on Orton was great! Great Opener. The RKO, not even with replays i get to understand.

Stuff with Vickie and Paul - I love how they interact, but I hate it when Vickie agrees with the good guys.

WWE Tag Team TItle Match
Team Hell No (C) vs Team Rhodes Scholars - 8.5/10
There was a match I was expecting to be the Match of the Night. This is it. I know there's no special stuff with either team's intros, I still marked out bad, I wish we had another set of titles for both teams. JBL just made a reference to Sinister Dashing. Tag Team Moves!! Stan Hansen reference, I love JBL. Even the shenanigans between Kane and Daniel were ok, but I really hated that it affected the finish.

The Miz promo - good for what it was.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Kofi Kingston (C) vs The Miz - 7/10
Regardless of the public opinion of the IC title and what it means to be related to it now a days, this feud doesn't feel like another mid card match. WWE has made a good job making this match seem a bit more important, even if it's 3rd time we see it this month, I just think WWE shouldn't be afraid on letting this match escalate to a more violent feud. Kofi was particularly good, and that's a lot for me to say. Ok, i'm gonna be honest, this match surprised me how good it was.

Kofi Aftermath promo - amazing, short but that gets you a push. and it makes the title seem important.

Team Hell No Stuff - funny, stupid but funny.

US Title Match
Antonio Cesaro (C) vs Justin Gabriel - 6/10
That opening promo, amazing, I just wish i knew what he said. Nice addition to the card. This match had a lot of near falls that made me think Gabriel was gonna win the title. Justin really needs to learn how to land the moonsault Back DDT, ask Styles for some tips. The match wasn't all that different from their past matches, but just the idea it made the PPV was great.

More Vickie and Paul Stuff - good for what it was.

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs The Prime Time Players - 6.5/10
I'm really glad this match made the show, unfortunately they couldn't work the feud more because of Rey rey's sickness, hopefully this will continue past this show. That mask Sin Cara is using with Rey's design in the back is awesome! Dr. Caronte reference. This match was you typical heels vs faces tag match. I overheard Mysterio talking spanish to Sin Cara, it's not surprising or anything, but I had never heard it before, or at least I hadn't noticed. Holy shit at Sin Cara doing the Asai DDT, even if they sold it as a counter.

World Heavyweight Title Match
Sheamus (C) vs The Big Show - 8/10
So happy they came up with a hoodie for Show, he looks soo more dangerous like this! I loved how this match played out, Show needed to decimate Sheamus in this match regardless of who won the match. The overall wrestling wasn't anything to call home about, but the psychology and the story being told was great. Wow, i wasn't expecting so many great near falls on this match! This match would have legitimized Sheamus' reign, I really can't wait for the rematch and for Sheamus to regain the title.

Eve and Long Stuff - Meh, Zack Ryder took it from meh to bad. It's rare that Santino makes things better, this was one of those rare moments. Simmons the took it back to bad.

Mr. McMahon and Punk stuff - I liked it, It made Vince look like he doesn't care about Punk's actions, but about him proving himself.

Triple Threat Match for the Divas Title
Eve (C) vs Layla vs Kaitlin - 6/10
Kaitling in a PPV title match, i'm happy. Good that it didn't take much for Layla and Kaitlin to stop working together. Kaitlin should consider the Gut Buster as her finisher, it looked great. This was definitely not a bathroom break, great match by the Divas.

Big Show promo - amazing! Big Show is in a point were I don't think there is anyone that could credibly take the title from him.

Hell In A Cell Match for the WWE World Title
CM Punk (C) W/Paul Heyman vs Ryback - 6.5/10
It's the little things that do it for me, Heyman and Punk hugging goodbye before the match was one of those. Punk's face told a million stories. Intelligence vs Brute Force will be the theme of this match. WTF AT THAT SWERVE!!! BRAD MADDOX FOR THE WIN!

AFTERMATH - Holy Shit, I was legit scared for the people inside the cage. YES! People going to the top of the cage!!! I'm Marking out!!! HOLY FUCK!!! The straps are down! Someone feed him something now before he kills someone!

This show was pretty much sold on the fact that Ryback got an out of nowhere push and they gave us a match were not even WWE could think of an intelligent ending to. It turned out to be a show full of amazing wrestling. Worth checking out.

- Apparently Hell in a Cell translates to "Jaula Implacable"....it doesn't.
- All titles got defended tonight. Thank you WWE.
- JBL was gold on the table.

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Re: Cero Reviews WWE Hell In A Cell 2012

Post by Serujuunin » Oct 28th, '12, 21:08


I'm fairly certain this won't be his last one either. My heart was obviously rooting for Justin, but I knew in my head that he wasn't going to win it. I think with Cesaro it has to be a bit of a feud before he drops the belt (which I can already see developing between him and Justin, as they've had three matches in a month, I think). Justin was amazing with the amount of painful looking offence Cesaro got in. I can't wait to see number four. US Title at Survivor Series maybe?

Also, I think Kaitlyn is my new favourite Diva. She's a f***ing TANK.

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Re: Cero Reviews WWE Hell In A Cell 2012

Post by yourcrapsweak » Oct 29th, '12, 17:10

I think I'm gonna check this show out.
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Re: Cero Reviews WWE Hell In A Cell 2012

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 29th, '12, 18:00

Serujuunin wrote:
Also, I think Kaitlyn is my new favourite Diva. She's a f***ing TANK.
Agreed (about the tank part, not the favorite Diva part).
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