PWG Head Like A Cole

PWG Head Like A ColePWG Head Like A Cole

From May 19, 2017

This is Adam Cole's final PWG show before he becomes just another guy in Evil Corporate Sports Entertaiment. The DVD menu was his streamer treatment.

Keith Lee vs Trevor Lee - 6/10

Lee Brothers collide! Lee actually got some fans to chant "lay down Keith." Lee outsmarted Lee early enough and had the heat on him for loong while working his upper body. Lee made a comeback and started his super heavyweight moves on Lee. At this point both Lees started going more back and forward, starting to trade their signature spots. While Lee DID have the upper hand for most of the match, I didn't like that Lee was soo weaken by the end. Spot of the match was definitely when Lee hit the deadweight german on the much bigger Lee, the Collision Course, and the Small Package Driver. Finish saw Lee drop Lee with a powerbomb for the win.

Chosen Bros vs reDragon - 7/10

Match started with Cobb overpowering KOR and Riddle outwrestling Fish, so the Dragons have to rely on striking in order to get some offense in. Overall this was back and forward, reDragon mostly worked striking style, and mostly on Riddle. Cobb was definitely the MVP of the match, just tossing people around all the place, but I do have to mention that Fish was awesome, he also got busted open really ugly close to the left eye. Finish was a Rocket Launcher into a Bro-to-Sleep combination by Cobb and Riddle for the win.

"King of Swerve" Shane Strickland vs "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin - 7/10

This was a power vs speed match that Elgin was definitely dominating, until Strickland thought it was a good idea to go Strong style on Elgin, which worked at end just because speed-wise, he was able to get a lot of offense in, and from this point on Strickland had the upper hand for a while. Elgin comeback and then they went back and forward, and ended with Elgin's powerbomb combination to finally kill off Strickland. Good match, but I didn't get too much into it.

Adam Cole vs Sami Callihan - 8.5/10

Callihan's final match before going to WWE was Adam Cole (and it didn't work out for him), and now Callihan is Adam Cole's final match before going to WWE. These guys started going at 100mph from the get go, Adam Cole complete babyface with the fans tonight. Match started with them kicking each other a lot, then Callihan got control and beat the shit out of Cole outside the ring until Cole finally got a superkick in. Cole was hitting all his Reseda greatest hits, except the Suck My Dick spot, you really don't want to risk that spot with Callihan because he'll either cut your dick off or actually suck it.

At one point Callihan brought in chairs and they did some sword fighting, which was ok, but then Callihan just straight up started Pillmanizing Cole's leg infront of the ref. No reason for this unnecessary heat. Cole then made a comeback, hit the Panama sunrise and several Last Shots, but he couldn't put Callihan down. Then they traded some roll ups and Callihan got the win with one of them. Good match, crap finish. Barely noticed that Buggy Nova is on the crowd tonight.

Post-match - One final Adam Cole BAYBAY. Cole offers the hand shake to Callihan, but Callihan spits on his own hand so Cole just walks away.

Mark Haskins vs Lio Rush - 8.5/10

Ugh, can't believe that no selling punk Rush beat Haskins. This was the technical match of the night up to this point, they started with mat based wrestling before Rush's speed made its presence felt. Haskins worked on Rush's shoulder/arm, while Rush worked on Haskins' head, kinda, I mean, he just did his usually unnecessary convoluted kicks. Rush won with a frog splash. Good match.

PWG World Tag Team Championship Match
Lucha Brothers (C) vs The Young Bucks - 9/10

I don't know why Pentagon thought it necessary to make his own intro since it was quite worse than what Angelo would have done. Fenix mask tonight is quite sick. Nick Jackson got the mic and suggested making this match a Texas Tornado Rules match so they can do flips, spots, and superkicks, which you may as well do from the start since all tag matches all over the world do turn into Tornado matches at the end anyway.

The match was as suggested, tons of spots, flips, dives, and superkicks. Match really hit its climax when all four men were falling on their face after so many superkicks, which actually made me think that The Young Bucks' main weapon had always been the superkicks, and now they've met a team that can dish them out as much as them and it seems that this is what is costing them the matches. Finish was an assisted Package Piledriver by Penta for the win and their first defense. Whatever the people may say and think dives are killing the business, this match was awesome and it's what makes money.

PWG World Championship Match
Trent? vs Zack Sabre Jr (C) - 9/10

CHAOS vs Suzuki-Gun newest additions to the heavyweight division. Zack worked on Trent's legs, Trent worked Sabre's head. In addition, while he could, Sabre also worked Trent's arms, because you know, why not? Zack dominate the match for a long while until Trent manages to land a piledriver on the apron and hurt Sabre enough to balance out the match.

We had some nice nearfalls towards the end, some with a really really close roll ups, one with Trent hitting the Gotch Style Piledriver again on Sabre (which won him the title shot to being with), and one after a Crunchy. Awesome finish with Sabre chopping down Trent in the Crunchy position, Sabre starts stomping Trent's knees to the ring and the locks in one of this Octopuses for the submission win. Awesome match.


Awesome show and some good developments between the LDRS v Best Friends feud, and Bucks trying to regain their titles.

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