WWE Royal Rumble 2012

WWE Royal Rumble 2012WWE Royal Rumble 2012

From January 29, 2012

Keep in mind, the only reason why I put "live" in quotes is because, even though I was in the crowd for The Royal Rumble, I went home, wrote this review down, and am posting it now.

The dark match was Heath Slater vs. Yoshi Tatsu. I missed the finer points of that match because of seating confusion. I'd like to stop and rant for a second here. Everytime I have gone to the Scottrade Center or the Family Arena and gotten handicapped accessible seating. I've had to move because the ushers are insistent that you follow the seating instructions on your ticket, even though a "first come first serve" basis would be a hell of a lot easier, much less bodies moving around at once. ANYWAY....Tatsu got the win here with a crossbody and got a decent pop for his efforts.

The cage match happened next. Daniel Bryan got a MASSIVE heel reaction, Henry got nothing at all, and Show got a big pop. The most alarming part of all was, when they showed the replay of Show injuring AJ from Smackdown, the crowd popped for AJ getting run over (which made me think the crowd was comprised of sociopaths.

Only after the bell rang for the cage match did Bryan get any positive reaction. My section actually started chanting "Sexual Chocolate" which was awesome. The crowd was reasonably into it, especially for that last sequence.

The Rock and Cena video packages were met with silence, probably just people were watching, fantastic packages though.

Of all the people in the divas match, Kelly Kelly was the only person who got a pop, and the diving spot didn't get much reaction either, though I popped for it.

Drew McIntyre has so little heat it's actually depressing. Brodus Clay got a smaller pop than I expected. People marked for his entrance, started a Funkasaurus chant, and then the crowd just kinda died. Good match though, far too short
The Zach/Eve/Ace segment got a little heat, mostly for Johnny,

The crowd for the Cena/Kane match was back and forth, and the people were just as into Kane as they were into Cena. Kane got a big pop for taking out Cena. Funny note, when Cena was trying to beat up Kane after Kane had demolished Ryder, some guy in my friend's section shouted, "HIT 'EM WITH A HORNSWAGGLE!" got a text after the fact about this, but about died laughing when I read it.

The Punk vs. Ziggler match, got the crowd amped up. John Laurenitis has so much heat here it's hilarious. All the guy had to do was SAY HIS NAME and the whole building booed. That friends, is a sign that you're over. While Punk didn't get the biggest pop of the night, it was definetly the most unanimous, the whole building popped The false finishes towards the end had the people yelling, screaming, booing it was fantastic.

The Rumble saw some of the biggest pops of the night. Disappointingly, the pop for Road Dogg was kinda of little. I think the biggest pop of the night HAD to go Jim Duggan! I dunno if this was something the audio /visual really picked up on. But as Duggan was leaving the ring, we all did the thumbs up and "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I'm pretty sure it was unanimous
The crowd was really into the comedy stuff and popped big when Jericho got eliminated.
And that is my review, written at 1:30 AM

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