TNA Sacrifice 2011

TNA Sacrifice 2011TNA Sacrifice 2011

By Big Red Machine
From May 15, 2011

TNA Sacrifice 2011 (5/15/2011)- Orlando, FL

Are they really calling it the “Impact Wrestling Zone” now? Oh G-d.

INK INC. vs. MEXICAN AMERICA (w/Rosita & Sarita)- 5.5/10

JARRETTS & FOLEY SEGMENT- Mick Foley is a representative of The NETWORK… this is on PPV, not SPIKE! FOLEY SHOULD HAVE NO POWER HERE AT ALL! And are TNA’s doctors really that stupid that they couldn’t realize that the x-ray wasn’t Karen’s… but Foley could? COME ON!
That horrendous lack of logic aside, this was just plain stupid. It was all done to set up Karen wearing some humiliating outfit that the tailor that she abused a few weeks ago made for her. Right. Because the tailor needed to get her heat back.

BRIAN KENDRICK PROMO- Great! Then Taz and Tenay make fun of him, burying Kendrick and making him look like a joke. And if Kendrick looks like a joke, than so does his promo… which was about BRINGING THE X-DIVISION BACK TO PROMINENCE! And Taz & Tenay BURIED IT!
While Kendrick was meditating, Cookie started screaming at him “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU FREAK?!” This was GREAT heel work and great character work by Cookie. But Taz and especially Tenay, being babyfaces, SHOULD NOT BE AGREEING WITH THE HEELS, especially about a babyface’s form of self-expression!

BRIAN KENRICK vs. ROBBIE E. (w/Cookie)-5/10

TNA KNOCKOUTS’ TITLE MATCH: Mickie James(c) vs. Madison Rayne- 4/10 can you say “overbooking”? Why the hell would Tara have any reservations about hitting Madison?
Wow. Madison has improved a lot in one month. She lasted a lot longer than thirty seconds at this PPV.


TNA X-DIVISION TITLE MATCH: Kazarian(c) vs. Max Buck- 7/10


ABYSS vs. CRIMSON- 6.5/10. Good big man match. I am surprised that they are actually doing a competent job of making Crimson look great.

TNA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Beer Money(c) vs. Matt Hardy & Chris Harris- 6.75/10


Apparently this is a No DQ’s match now. I guess no one bothered to tell Christy.

JEFF & KAREN JARRETT vs. KURT ANGLE & CHYNA- 4.l5/10. Was enjoyable at times, but the rules about whether tags were needed were constantly changing! Karen wasn’t legal when she tapped out (because they had established earlier that a tag actually needs to be made!)

TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Sting(c) vs. Rob Van Dam- 7/10 Minimum acceptable for a main event. A lot better than last year though, but it really irked me that they weren’t counted out! They were on the outside for at least five straight minutes.

Overall, this show was okay. Nothing close to being something that you should go out of your way to see, but not too bad, either. For a company that now claims to be "all about wrestling," though, this is very disappointing.

The Slammiversary commercial at the end broke kayfabe, which really annoyed me.

Stupid Announcer Quotes:
1. “You recall that they even questioned the Spanish broadcast team about their heritage, referring t them as ‘sellouts.’ They got physical with Willie Urbina of the Spanish broadcast team”- They didn’t question their heritage at all! They BEAT WILLIE UP (don’t say “got physical” to be fancy- that implies that they shoved him- THEY BEAT ASSAULTED HIM) precisely BECAUSE of his heritage. Because he was Puerto Rican, rather than Mexican. Taz and Tenay once again prove that they don’t know a damn thing about the angles on their own show.

2. Tenay “when would it be more appropriate for Janice to return than against that man who took that weapon and put it in his back”- I don’t know… how about a match where it is ACTUALLY LEGAL!

3. Tenay “Jarrett didn’t seem to concerned there about how his wife was going to land”- I’m pretty sure that a six foot fall is a lot less painful than the alternative, which was getting her ass kicked by Chyna.

4. Taz “if Kurt Angle were to get over there and tag in Chyna, Karen Jarrett would have to compete in this match-up against Chyna”- or the Jarretts would just do what they did EARLIER IN THIS MATCH and have Jeff just not make the tag!

5. Tenay calls Chyna’s Pedigree a “DDT style-move”- Even if you don’t want do say Pedigree… it still isn’t any type of DDT! It’s a Double Underhook Facebuster, “professor.”

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