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by Shogun Rua
Aug 3rd, '14, 11:55
Forum: Wrestling Audio
Topic: Epic Themes
Replies: 7
Views: 20567

Re: Epic Themes

Can't post a video from here, but Goldbergs theme was pretty badass.

Agreed on The Brood as well.
by Shogun Rua
Sep 14th, '13, 09:57
Forum: Wrestling Polls and All Time...
Topic: Dustin Rhodes: Yay or Nay?
Replies: 8
Views: 6763

Re: Dustin Rhodes: Yay or Nay?

Yay! I hated Goldust when I was younger, just because he creeped me out. But looking back, Goldust was a character executed almost to perfection. From the way he moves to the way he speaks, we do not see Dustin Rhodes, just *inhale* Gooooooldusssst. He also has a kickass entrance theme, which always...
by Shogun Rua
Aug 29th, '13, 11:40
Forum: Alternative Wrestling
Topic: Chikara: Is it Really Dead? And if so, Who Killed It?
Replies: 5
Views: 3809

Re: Chikara: Is it Really Dead? And if so, Who Killed It?

Most intricate story ever told in wrestling?
by Shogun Rua
Aug 29th, '13, 11:37
Forum: Alternative Wrestling
Topic: Never Compromise's DVD Cover is something to behold!
Replies: 4
Views: 3479

Re: Never Compromise's DVD Cover is something to behold!

When I was reading up on the current "Death of Chikara" story, I've seen many comparisons made to Watchmen. I've never been a comic reader though.
by Shogun Rua
Aug 28th, '13, 11:20
Forum: RAW
Topic: BRM Reviews the 8/26/2013 Raw (one of the best ever!)
Replies: 17
Views: 9098

Re: BRM Reviews the 8/26/2013 Raw (one of the best ever!)

When HHH was an active wrestler, I dreaded the thought of him holding the title again. Now that he is in this role, it just seems fresh, and I honestly wouldn't mind another title win for him at this point. It fits the character he is trying to portray (the controlling political asshat that we, the ...
by Shogun Rua
Aug 28th, '13, 11:12
Forum: Impact Wrestling
Topic: A Look Back At TNA
Replies: 3
Views: 2988

Re: A Look Back At TNA

Totally forgot about the World X Cup!

And it's a shame about Desmond Wolfe. His debut was pretty good and then he kind of just faded into the background.

I also enjoyed Rellik And Black Reign. Sue me.
by Shogun Rua
Aug 28th, '13, 07:35
Forum: RAW
Topic: BRM Reviews the 8/26/2013 Raw (one of the best ever!)
Replies: 17
Views: 9098

Re: BRM Reviews the 8/26/2013 Raw (one of the best ever!)

I get that, but why even have them align in the first place if Heyman is still bitter (other than the obvious answer of Heyman is a scumbag looking to ride off the fame of Punk)?
by Shogun Rua
Aug 28th, '13, 06:37
Forum: RAW
Topic: BRM Reviews the 8/26/2013 Raw (one of the best ever!)
Replies: 17
Views: 9098

Re: BRM Reviews the 8/26/2013 Raw (one of the best ever!)

I wasn't a fan of the Heyman/Punk segment. I just don't see what could make Heyman hate Punk so much. Sure, Punk doesn't want Heyman to manage him anymore, but does it really make Paul Heyman angry enough to claim that he "martyred" himself? Poor Randy, every new car of his gets painted on...
by Shogun Rua
Aug 28th, '13, 06:12
Forum: Impact Wrestling
Topic: A Look Back At TNA
Replies: 3
Views: 2988

A Look Back At TNA

Hey everybody! As some of you may remember, I was a die hard TNA fan back in the day (y'know, when they had the six sided ring and before Hogan/Bischoff) and today I was watching clips of TNA from the past. It brought back some memories (admittedly, not all of them good). Christians Coalition vs the...
by Shogun Rua
Feb 3rd, '13, 11:17
Forum: User Created Games
Topic: Entrance Theme Tournament #1
Replies: 17
Views: 11078

Re: Entrance Theme Tournament #1

C'mon, Kurt Angles theme is magnificent.
by Shogun Rua
Feb 3rd, '13, 11:13
Forum: 2 Cents
Topic: 2 Cents: Hulk Hogan
Replies: 20
Views: 15231

Re: 2 Cents: Hulk Hogan

Was a huge Hogan fan when I was younger, but over the years my respect for him has depleted. His match with Shawn Micheals at SummerSlam (can't remember the year) was probably one of the best matches he's ever had in his career, but Hogan was being a dick about it and wouldn't lose to HBK EVEN THOUG...
by Shogun Rua
Feb 3rd, '13, 11:04
Forum: Wrestling Polls and All Time...
Topic: Fave 5: Vince McMahon
Replies: 9
Views: 6574

Re: Fave 5: Vince McMahon

^I was going to mention the walk, but there were too many other things.
by Shogun Rua
Feb 2nd, '13, 14:30
Forum: Wrestling Polls and All Time...
Topic: Fave 5: Vince McMahon
Replies: 9
Views: 6574

Re: Fave 5: Vince McMahon

5. Have to agree with the theme song. 4. Vince vs DX. 3. You're FIRRREDD! 2. "Will I face Steve Austin here tonight? Oh hellll yeeaah." (Something along those lines). 1. The elbow he took from Shawn jumping off of a ladder while Vince was on a table. With a garbage can on his head. Or some...
by Shogun Rua
Jan 27th, '13, 11:38
Forum: WWE - World Wrestling Entertainment / Federation
Topic: Who's your pick to win the 2012 Royal Rumble??
Replies: 11
Views: 6783

Re: Who's your pick to win the 2012 Royal Rumble??

It's hard not to pick Cena in any match he's in.
by Shogun Rua
Jan 23rd, '13, 15:52
Forum: Wrestling Audio and Video
Topic: JBL Pisses Charlie Haas Off..
Replies: 4
Views: 3473

Re: JBL Pisses Charlie Haas Off..

by Shogun Rua
Jan 8th, '13, 13:36
Forum: Wrestling Fantasy
Topic: If there were no gimmick names in wrestling...
Replies: 5
Views: 4617

Re: If there were no gimmick names in wrestling...

Dalip vs Dave in a Punjabi Prison.
by Shogun Rua
Aug 14th, '12, 14:30
Forum: Wrestling Polls and All Time...
Topic: All Time...Most Shocking Future Endevoured
Replies: 10
Views: 6636

Re: All Time...Most Shocking Future Endevoured

Kurt Angle. He was an attraction at WWE shows for years, I thought he would have been there forever. Even AWs release was kind of shocking. I understand the joke he made was in bad taste, but it was still just a joke. I bet most people didn't even know what he said until they read it on the interweb...
by Shogun Rua
Jul 2nd, '12, 13:34
Forum: Blogs / Columns / Rants
Topic: Is It Just Me Or...................
Replies: 6
Views: 4372

Re: Is It Just Me Or...................

Like Garrett and Crimson and Gunner. C'mon now! Crimson is alright, and Gunner isn't too bad either. But we can both definitely agree that Garrett is a waste of time and money. TNA just has too many guys on their roster. Off the top of my head, I can name AJ Styles, Gunner, Crimson, D-Von, Bully Ra...
by Shogun Rua
May 29th, '12, 17:13
Forum: Wrestling Polls and All Time...
Topic: TBM: Angle vs Jericho
Replies: 6
Views: 5632

Re: TBM: Angle vs Jericho

Angle, for the same reasons I gave in the post about his face turn.