BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

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BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by Big Red Machine » Apr 16th, '19, 23:21

Owens cuts a promo in French telling the crowd that this is his personal WrestleMania, then brings out Kofi. Kofi comes out with Xavier, and Byron Saxton immediately pisses me off by telling me that Big E. is “M.I.A.” due to an injury. If we know what happened to him then he’s not M.I.A., you moron!
Kofi comes out and talks about what a special moment he had at WrestleMania and he’s so happy that he got to celebrate with New Day and his family. This is the third show he’s been on since winning the title and this is the third time he’s said that.
Xavier is upset because not having Big E. on his YouTube gaming channel will hurt his channel, and he demands that Tyler Breeze be brought to Smackdown.
1. Why does having a torn meniscus in his knee prevent Big E. from playing video games?
2. Why does he need Breeze to be on the same show with him to play video games together? They’ve been on different shows for the past year and that apparently hasn’t stopped them.
3. Why should we care about this?

Owens notes that Woods and Kofi are scheduled to wrestle Rusev and Nakamura tonight. That’s nice to know. He then says that they are used to being a trio so they will need someone in their corner tonight. Quite the lack of confidence there in a guy Owens told us he respects tremendously just a few minutes ago. Owens pitches himself as a replacement. Dumb sh*t ensues, culminating in Woods being worried that Owens, who has “just returned from an injury” might not be able to gyrate with them. Owens returned from this injury over a month ago, and has wrestled several matches since then. I think he’ll be fine.
New Day agreed to let Owens be an honorary member for tonight, under the moniker “Big O.” More goofy sh*t happened. So not only are New Day already back to being goofs, but Kevin Owens is too.
Rusev and Nakamura were shown watching backstage. They looked extremely bored… and they were nowhere near as bored as I was. When we cut back to them, we were shown Cesaro walking up to them and… I think he was asking to be in their corner tonight, but what he actually said sounded more like he was asking to turn the match into a six-man tag, but Rusev and Nakamura don’t have the power to do that so that doesn’t make sense, which is why I think he was asking to be in their corner.
I’m very confused right now and not just about that. When Cesaro showed up my immediate thought was “so is he on Smackdown now or is he just randomly showing up like he did last week?” Then I realized that this is the show Cesaro is actually supposed to be on. That’s yet another reason not to have guys randomly show up on the other show without explanation. It confuses people.
Someone who did actually switch shows (I think) is Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor, who showed up while Owens and New Day were still celebrating. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this usually considered to be a dick move because you’re “stealing someone’s moment?”

So Andrade pins the IC Champion… and then the champion goes to another show so he’s not going to get a title shot? That’s f*cking dumb.
Speaking of the IC Title, Graves decided to explain to us about the “prestige” of the title. First he called it the “workhorse title.” As opposed to the other belts that you don’t have to work hard to win and keep? If so, then why was winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title the crowning achievement of Kofi’s career when he had already won the prestigious WWE Intercontinental Title four times?
Graves then went on to say that in the WWE locker room, the IC Title is “the most highly-valued championship in all of WWE.” Okay… so then why have all of the wrestlers been making such a big deal about Kofi winning the WWE World Heavyweight Title and Balor’s IC Title win was not only not celebrated by anyone but was such an afterthought that this whole torrent of verbal diarrhea dumbf*ckery of yours started with you telling us it was important to not “forget” that Balor was bringing the IC Title with him to Smackdown, which between the three of you was only mentioned in passing when you were all messing your pants because you were so excited that Finn Balor and his Balor Club were now on Smackdown?
The match was great, but it would have been a lot more enjoyable if the announcing weren’t so bad. There was a post-match show of respect, but Ali still feels like someone they have given up on.

They want him to eat an entire platter of pancakes in five minutes to be initiated into the group. Yeah. New Day are back to being goofs again. Please, G-d, let them take the belt off of Kofi before he replaces it with pancake-themed belt or something equally horrid.

TRUTH & CARMELLA COME OUT TO THE RING AND DANCE- A graphic that wasn’t on the screen for very long identifies Carmella as the winner of the WrestleMania women’s battle royale, which I had already forgotten that she won. The show was nine days ago. We go to a commercial break


TRUTH & CARMELLA ARE STILL DANCING- We are briefly shown the trophy Carmella got for winning the battle royale at WrestleMania. Then we are shown Carmella gyrating and shaking her boobs. R-Truth is barely in the shot. Tom Phillips tells us that Carmella is out here so she can wrestle Charlotte Flair.

WE GO BACKSTAGE WHERE OWENS IS FINISHING THE LARGE PLATTER OF PANCAKES- Kofi and Xavier are being extremely annoying. Meanwhile Truth’s music is still paying in the background.

WE CUT BACK TO THE RING TO SEE CARMELLA AND TRUTH STILL DANCING BEFORE CHARLOTTE MAKES HER ENTRANCE- So they make a big deal about doing this battle royale for the women because the men are having one, and because of the Divas’/Women’s R/Evolution we have achieved total equality so the women need to have one, too. They have Carmella win it, then proceed to not make her victory relevant in any way, including not even having her come out with the f*cking trophy when she does her entrance. “Her” entrance consists of her dancing erotically to her male wrestler companion’s entrance music, even when she is the only one of them wrestling the match. HOORAY FOR THE WOMEN’S EVOLUTION!
I mean really! Can Jon Stewart or Maria Menounos some other celebrity wrestling fan please ambush Steph with this question at the next charity thing they’re at together and tape her response? I would love to see how she tries to justify this crap.

Also, apparently the earlier tag match was changed to a six-man tag (despite this seemingly not having been by anyone with the authority to make such changes)… which just makes New Day forcing Owens to eat mounds of pancakes even dumber!
And they can’t figure out why ratings are down and (at least) eleven different wrestlers have asked for the releases or told the company they’re not going to re-sign when their deals are up.

CHARLOTTE FLAIR vs. CARMELLA (w/R-Truth)- 4.5/10
This was more intense than I was expecting such a cold match to be. Charlotte worked the knee and got the win via Figure Eight.

POST-MATCH SEGMENT- negative on principle
Carmella’s knee was injured so Truth had to stay to take care of her, because there are no trainers here, I guess. The point of this was to create a reason for Truth to be in the ring after the match so that he could be in the ring when Lars Sullivan showed up to beat up R-Truth. Yes, the same Lars Sullivan that that they told us last night was exclusive to Raw. This is also the same company that just had Becky stand in the ring after her match while Charly conducted a backstage interview just so Becky could still be in the ring after the interview for Nattie to confront her at the appointed time. Well… maybe this is a sign that they’re actually learning something?
Lars menaced Carmella, but then just let her go. Then he beat Truth up some more. I’m already tired of seeing Lars beat people up. Yes, having him no-sell Truth’s move was cool, but the mere fact that they told me last night that Lars was exclusive to Raw and less than twenty-four hours later they had him show up on Smackdown to do the something he could have done with some other jobber on next week’s Raw makes me rate this as a bag segment on principle.

We’re now an hour into part two of the SuperStar Shake-up, and we have learned of a grand total of ONE person coming from Raw to SD.

That’s how Tom Phillips hyped this segment up. Why Becky is making an announcement about the Superstar Shake-up and not someone who is actually in charge is a mystery. Also, how important could this announcement about the Superstar Shake-up possibly be if they have waited until three quarters of the way through the thing to make it?
Becky comes out to the ring and starts to pose on the turnbuckles… and of course we have to cut to the same f*cking “Becky beat Ronda in the main event of WrestleMania and won both titles” video package we’ve seen for four straight shows now. Then, for the fourth straight show, Becky talked about the same stuff in the same video package. I’m just tired of seeing the same sh*t over and over again.
Becky said having both titles let her “pick a fight with anyone I want just because I can.” That is NOT babyface behavior. Was that her announcement? Because I’m not really sure how that is relevant to the Superstar Shake-up. In fact, that seems like something that should have been figured out before WWE announced that both brands’ titles would be on the line in the same match.
Becky is interrupted by Ember Moon, who now becomes our second draftee, OVER AN HOUR INTO THE SHOW. Ember is here to make a name for herself by getting in the champ’s face.
Also, Bayley is now on Smackdown and she and Becky proceed to have a segment while Ember stands in the background, already forgotten. Bayley says that the women’s tag titles are special to her, “but now that I’m here on Smackdown Live as a singles competitor, I’ve got my eye on two other titles.” Two other titles? If people on Smackdown can challenge for the Raw title and vice-versa then why not just unify the titles into one belt?
Also, please note that not only has Bayley been drafted to SD, but she also said that she was now a singles competitor. So last night they jobbed out the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions in under two minutes to a team that had never teamed together before… and now they have broken that team up.
Then the IIconics came out. I’m already tired of this segment. The IIconics were extremely annoying, and not in the good heat kind of way. When they finished their promo, Paige came out. She tried to introduce her team but was interrupted by Mandy & Sonya, who think Paige wants to have an Acolyte Protection Paigency reunion, but Paige tells them that this isn’t a reformation of the New Paige Outlaws, but rather she has brought in her new team… of Asuka & Kairi Sane.
Yeah. I’m not even excited for Kairi Sane right now, and it’s not just because I think Vince’s response to hearing “Pirate Princess” will be the exact same response he had when he saw the War Raiders and decided that they needed to become actual Vikings with Viking names and called “the Viking Experience.” Trust me. I breathed a sigh of relief when they didn’t change her name to “Long Jane Silver” or “Bonnie Anne” or something like that.
I’m not excited for Kairi Snae right now because this segment is f*cking terrible. I have heard EIGHT DIFFERENT ENTRANCE MUSICS, making for SEVEN DIFFERENT INTERRUPTIONS, all in a nice and orderly and painfully choreographed fashion, with everyone taking their places in the ring when they were done saying their lines. Ember Moon said that she came out here to get in the champ’s face… and yet once someone interrupted her, she just stood in the background doing nothing the whole time. It’s sh*t like this that makes WWE shows so damn tedious.
The segment isn’t over yet, either. Paige commanded the new and improved Paige of the Fall to attack all of the others. Kairi took a lot longer to get her entrance rope and props off than Asuka did, and Asuka didn’t wait for Kairi before charging, so she slid right into the ring and immediately began getting her butt kicked by Fire & Desire. Kairi slid in and went to help her. Meanwhile, the IIconics have begun brawling with Bayley and Ember for no reason. Becky Lynch, the smack-talking babyface champion who just said she would go around picking fights… shrugged her shoulders and just slid out of the ring, not fighting anyone. The babyfaces cleared the ring, and we went to a commercial. Predictably, when we returned from the commercial break, we were in the middle of…

The match was okay. The Powers of Paige got the win when Kairi pinned Peyton, so your new champs have now lost AGAIN. Also, if the idea of an eight-person tag in which the champions get pinned by a new call-up from NXT sounds familiar to you, that’s because you saw it last night in the men’s tag division on Raw.
And, to pick a nit, who okayed the IIconics’ new gear for tonight? The many-colored lettering completely flies in the face of the established team color-scheme.
On the bright side, now that Paige is once again managing a team, I get to bring back my fun list of names!

Okay, now their graphic says that Lars has come from Raw to SD. I give up.

HARDY BOYZ PROMO- They look about fifteen years younger than the last time we saw them. Then they held up their titles and claimed to be “the greatest tag team all of space and time.” Hypothesis: The Hardy Boyz built or discovered a time machine and traveled far into the future where they were de-aged by advance futuristic science, which is why they now look so young.

MORE NEW DAY GOOFINESS- it’s Owens doing the intro

BUDDY MURPHY IS NOW ON SMACKDOWN- Why did they take 205 Live’s two top stars away from it?
(Also, has anyone noticed that there are two WWE couples who were not put together: Murphy/Bliss and Charlotte/Andrade. I wonder what they did to get enough heat to be put on separate brands.)

KEVIN OWENS & THE NEW DAY (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston) vs. SHINSUKE NAKAMURA, CESARO, & RUSEV (w/Lana)- 6.25/10
Owens pinned Rusev.

Vince is still getting “YOU SCREWED BRET!” chants here in 2019. GET THE F*CK OVER IT, MONTREAL!
It’s the f*cking Drifter. They talk until Roman Reigns comes out and decides to attack The Drifter for no reason. Vince yells at Roman, so Roman hits Vince with a Superman Punch. So yeah. We’re back to playing “how can we trick them into cheering for Roman, even for one week?” and they’re already failing by having Roman act like a total asshole. And if you don’t believe me, after Roman started to leave, he stopped and went back to the ring just to spear The Drifter.

Another underwhelming night of the Superstar Shake-up, and one that completely wore out my patience. Between New Day going back to the goofy pancake crap and Vince/Roman going back tom the “how can we trick them into cheering for Roman?” game. I don't know how you have any faith in this company anymore. After the ratings they’ve gotten on the past two episodes of Raw, I hope it’s clear to this company that a real change in philosophy is needed.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 17th, '19, 00:00

Idek what to say about that Elias thing anymore. He pretty much doesn't actually even wrestle at all anymore but yet he's always in these big time segments and moments. Only to NOT get in the ring. Very boring and counter-productive. He has his moments from time to time...but it never really amounts to anything so...💁
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 17th, '19, 00:01

Also...Asuka is now in a TAG TEAM????

That's it. Officially down even further.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by cero2k » Apr 17th, '19, 08:58

Big Red Machine wrote: Apr 16th, '19, 23:21
Also, Bayley is now on Smackdown and she and Becky proceed to have a segment while Ember stand sin the background, already forgotten. Bayley says that the women’s tag titles are special to her, “but now that I’m here on Smackdown Live as a singles competitor, I’ve got my eye on two others titles.” Two other titles? If people on Smackdown can challenge for the Raw title and visa-versa then why not just unify the titles into one belt?
she's obviously talking about the WWE Championship, Kofi is the champion, Bayley could easily beat him up for the title

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 17th, '19, 09:36

Superstar Graham evidently, told Kingston he REALLY needs to get on steroids big time lmao.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 17th, '19, 09:38

cero2k wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 08:58
Big Red Machine wrote: Apr 16th, '19, 23:21
Also, Bayley is now on Smackdown and she and Becky proceed to have a segment while Ember stand sin the background, already forgotten. Bayley says that the women’s tag titles are special to her, “but now that I’m here on Smackdown Live as a singles competitor, I’ve got my eye on two others titles.” Two other titles? If people on Smackdown can challenge for the Raw title and visa-versa then why not just unify the titles into one belt?
she's obviously talking about the WWE Championship, Kofi is the champion, Bayley could easily beat him up for the title
Can you imagine the Internet pitching a fit about this? They wouldn’t know who to root for, a black man or a woman!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 17th, '19, 09:43

Serujuunin wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 09:38
cero2k wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 08:58
Big Red Machine wrote: Apr 16th, '19, 23:21
Also, Bayley is now on Smackdown and she and Becky proceed to have a segment while Ember stand sin the background, already forgotten. Bayley says that the women’s tag titles are special to her, “but now that I’m here on Smackdown Live as a singles competitor, I’ve got my eye on two others titles.” Two other titles? If people on Smackdown can challenge for the Raw title and visa-versa then why not just unify the titles into one belt?
she's obviously talking about the WWE Championship, Kofi is the champion, Bayley could easily beat him up for the title
Can you imagine the Internet pitching a fit about this? They wouldn’t know who to root for, a black man or a woman!
If she was to someway win..."FINALLY...a black dude wins it ...then loses to A WOMAN????!!!!?!"
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by cero2k » Apr 17th, '19, 09:49


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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 17th, '19, 10:15

So...Kairi Sane and....NOT Io Shirai???

I guess it makes sense somewhat, since Kairi has already been Nxt women's champion and Io hasn't yet. She'll probably be the one to best Baszler, who I imagine will flip out and just hate ALL Asians, kinda like Hank's dad from King Of The Hill...
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 17th, '19, 12:04

"Oh look at the STRENGTH of Lars Sullivan!"-as he lifts R-Truth up for a standard running sit out powerbomb, which we've seen millions of times in 20 years of wrestling.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 17th, '19, 12:28

I get what y'all dudes are saying...I do-he's not Cage, and he's not Ryback, or Test from WWECW, but...he's also not Umaga, or Kozlov, Or Walt....

I'm trying, and that no-sell was kinda alright, and he's showing more personality lately...but idk...
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 17th, '19, 14:14

KILLdozer wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 12:28 I get what y'all dudes are saying...I do-he's not Cage, and he's not Ryback, or Test from WWECW, but...he's also not Umaga, or Kozlov, Or Walt....

I'm trying, and that no-sell was kinda alright, and he's showing more personality lately...but idk...
I’m with you on this one, Dozer. I can’t get behind him at all. There’s nothing special about him to me. He’s strong, sure, but so are a lot of other guys, who also have more technical skill, mic skill or personality on top of that that makes them more interesting.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by Big Red Machine » Apr 17th, '19, 14:21

Serujuunin wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 14:14
KILLdozer wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 12:28 I get what y'all dudes are saying...I do-he's not Cage, and he's not Ryback, or Test from WWECW, but...he's also not Umaga, or Kozlov, Or Walt....

I'm trying, and that no-sell was kinda alright, and he's showing more personality lately...but idk...
I’m with you on this one, Dozer. I can’t get behind him at all. There’s nothing special about him to me. He’s strong, sure, but so are a lot of other guys, who also have more technical skill, mic skill or personality on top of that that makes them more interesting.
It's the way he carries himself. The way he gets his character over via his actions in the ring rather than through the standard promo-cutting.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 17th, '19, 14:56

Big Red Machine wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 14:21
Serujuunin wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 14:14
KILLdozer wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 12:28 I get what y'all dudes are saying...I do-he's not Cage, and he's not Ryback, or Test from WWECW, but...he's also not Umaga, or Kozlov, Or Walt....

I'm trying, and that no-sell was kinda alright, and he's showing more personality lately...but idk...
I’m with you on this one, Dozer. I can’t get behind him at all. There’s nothing special about him to me. He’s strong, sure, but so are a lot of other guys, who also have more technical skill, mic skill or personality on top of that that makes them more interesting.
It's the way he carries himself. The way he gets his character over via his actions in the ring rather than through the standard promo-cutting.
Normally I pick that up with characters, but I’m just not into it. I can’t buy him as a scary dude when I would be more scared of Strowman or even McIntyre.

But hey, you’re not always going to like everyone, and that’s part of the appeal of wrestling.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 17th, '19, 18:06

Serujuunin wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 14:56
Big Red Machine wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 14:21
Serujuunin wrote: Apr 17th, '19, 14:14

I’m with you on this one, Dozer. I can’t get behind him at all. There’s nothing special about him to me. He’s strong, sure, but so are a lot of other guys, who also have more technical skill, mic skill or personality on top of that that makes them more interesting.
It's the way he carries himself. The way he gets his character over via his actions in the ring rather than through the standard promo-cutting.
Normally I pick that up with characters, but I’m just not into it. I can’t buy him as a scary dude when I would be more scared of Strowman or even McIntyre.

But hey, you’re not always going to like everyone, and that’s part of the appeal of wrestling.
Bob-O and I have BEEN saying this...WHAT is he doing? I'm just not getting it. Plus...he can't properly slam who gives a fuck?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 20th, '19, 11:53

Evidently they're pushing next SD with "Will Reigns be fired!?!?"...

Great. Immediately the guy gets there and jumps right into a huge push lol.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by Bob-O » Apr 20th, '19, 17:35

KILLdozer wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 11:53 Evidently they're pushing next SD with "Will Reigns be fired!?!?"...

Great. Immediately the guy gets there and jumps right into a huge push lol.
Maybe not... they might fire him instead.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 20th, '19, 21:12

Bob-O wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 17:35
KILLdozer wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 11:53 Evidently they're pushing next SD with "Will Reigns be fired!?!?"...

Great. Immediately the guy gets there and jumps right into a huge push lol.
Maybe not... they might fire him instead.
I can't help but wonder too if this is still illness-related... If he tried too hard too fast and has to take a bit of time off and slow down. This would be a good way to do that.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 20th, '19, 22:08

Serujuunin wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 21:12
Bob-O wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 17:35
KILLdozer wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 11:53 Evidently they're pushing next SD with "Will Reigns be fired!?!?"...

Great. Immediately the guy gets there and jumps right into a huge push lol.
Maybe not... they might fire him instead.
I can't help but wonder too if this is still illness-related... If he tried too hard too fast and has to take a bit of time off and slow down. This would be a good way to do that.
Literally get out of here. He won't be any kind of "fired" lol.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/16/2019 Smackdown Superstar Shake-up: Night 2 (even worse)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 21st, '19, 01:39

KILLdozer wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 22:08
Serujuunin wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 21:12
Bob-O wrote: Apr 20th, '19, 17:35

Maybe not... they might fire him instead.
I can't help but wonder too if this is still illness-related... If he tried too hard too fast and has to take a bit of time off and slow down. This would be a good way to do that.
Literally get out of here. He won't be any kind of "fired" lol.
He could get "fired" and then just rehired again by someone else. That's the thing with having Steph, Shane and Hunter on top of having Vince.

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