BRM Reviews ROH Dissension

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews ROH Dissension

Post by Big Red Machine » Jan 9th, '11, 01:19

ROH Dissension (1/28/2006)- Cleveland, Ohio
The show starts off with Dave Prazak interviewing Matt Sydal. Prazak asks Sydal if he has reconsidered his decision to team up with AJ Styles to chase the ROH World Tag Team Titles, which are currently held by Sydal’s Generation Next stablemates Austin Aries & Roderick Strong. Sydal’s promo wasn’t very good. The words he said were great, but the way he said them sounded like he was the star of a middle school play.
Sydal tells Prazak that he doesn’t have an answer yet, but he might later. Once Sydal leaves, Prazak tells the cameraman “If you can, keep a camera on him tonight. Maybe we can get an answer without him saying so on a promo.” I absolutely LOVED this little touch. This is the sort of thing that separates good from great. Throughout the show they would show clips from afar of Sydal talking to AJ and to Aries.

Then we got a good backstage segment with the Embassy that set up the dissension (hence the name of the show) between Rave and Shelley.

1. Adam Pearce vs. Jay Fury- 3.75/10. The ringwork in this match was pretty good, but the match was less than four minutes long.

- After the match, Pearce sets up a chair in the ring, and waits for Cornette to come out and make a special announcement.

2. Cornette’s announcement is an apology from him for using bad language at the show last night in an argument with some CZW guys who showed up. Before Cornette is done speaking, Necro Butcher comes to the front of the crowd (ticket in hand). Cornette tells Necro to tell the CZW lockerroom that if any of them ever show up at an ROH show again, he will get entire ROH lockerroom to kick their asses.
Cornette is also angry because one of his teeth was knocked out in last night’s brawl. He tells Necro “I ain’t a wrestler… but you ain’t either! So hop your ass in here, and let’s go!

At this point, Pearce hops up off of his chair and offers to fight Necro on Cornette’s behalf. Pearce and Necro fight (and are evenly matched) until Cornette also takes some shots at Necro, and then a good chunk of the ROH lockerroom joins in, and they throw Necro out of the building.
After this, Cornette and Pearce make peace and shake hands.
3. Jimmy Yang vs. Jay Lethal- 6/10.

4. Low Ki cuts an okay promo saying that the Rotweilers are going to take over ROH this year.

5. The Embassy (Alex Shelley, Abyss, & Jimmy Rave)(w/Prince Nana & Daizee Haze) vs. Tony Mamaluke, Sal Rinauro, & Delirious- 6.75/10. More dissension between Rave and Shelley costs the Embassy a win in a match they were otherwise dominating.
When everyone was chucking toilet paper at Rave & the Embassy, someone threw a stuffed rabbit into the ring. Abyss picked it and ripped its head off.

6. Low Ki vs. Jack Evans- 7.25/10.

7. Anything goes match: Ace Steel & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Nigel McGuinness & Chad Collyer-6/10. Good brawl.

8. AJ and Dragon both cut good promos hyping up tonight’s main event.

9. ROH World Tag Team Title match: Austin Aries & Roderick Strong(c) vs. Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer (w/Lacey)- 7/10. They told the story well and got over the “Jimmy is focusing more on Lacey than on wrestling” angle.
After the match, Whitmer gets pissed and slaps Jimmy, then hits him with a Wrist-Clutch Exploder.

10. Matt Sydal vs. Christopher Daniels (w/Allison Danger)- 8/10.

11. ROH World Title match: Bryan Danielson(c) vs. AJ Styles- 8.5/10. Amazing match. Very well paced, and told a good story.

12. We get a very good backstage segment with Aries and Sydal, where Sydal decides to team with AJ and go for the belts, despite Aries’ objections.

The name of the show definitely fit, with the Dissension within the Embassy, between Jacobs & Whitmer, and between Generation Next. Overall, this is a good show, but not a top tier show. 8/10, but AJ vs. Dragon is worth the price of the show itself.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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