Your 2012 Wishlist

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Big Red Machine
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Your 2012 Wishlist

Post by Big Red Machine » Dec 26th, '11, 12:35

1. Russo, Hogan & Bischoff gone and replaced with someone competent
2. ROH recovers from their extremely lackluster end to 2011
3. More attention is paid to the WWE Tag Team Division
4. A lengthy World Title reign for Dragon
5. Taker goes 20-0 at Mania, then retires
6. Joe returns to the main event scene in TNA
7. MORE AJ LEE! (including a Diva's Title reign).
8. Tyler Black, Claudio Castagnoli, & Jon Moxley become a real part of WWE's main roster
9. Del Rio retires Rey
10. Steen vs. Generico for the ROH World Title
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: Your 2012 Wishlist

Post by cero2k » Dec 26th, '11, 14:14

1. For ANX to win the ROH Tag Team Titles.
2. For Serena Deeb to return to the ring.
3. For Lagana to take over Impact Wrestling's writing.
4. For Ultramantis to win the Chikara Grand Championship
5. For a KoW reunion in WWE.
6. For a good debut for Ambrose and Rollings.
7. For AA to jump to the TNA World Title scene.
8. For Dolph Ziggler to win a World Title.
9. For Cody Rhodes to win a World Title.
10. For Wade Barret wo win a World Title.

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Re: Your 2012 Wishlist

Post by Rabid619 » Dec 26th, '11, 14:24

1. Sheamus winning the rumble.
2. Rhodes & Ziggler with World titles.
3. KoW on the main roster in the WWE.
4. Moxley & Rollings making strong WWE debuts.
5. Daniel Bryan having a good title run.
6. WWE to actually re-debut Brodus Clay.
7. Cena not holding the title much.
8. TNA to stop being over dramatic, no brawls on each show.
9. Steen to be ROH World Champion.

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Re: Your 2012 Wishlist

Post by Aggro » Dec 26th, '11, 15:55

Big Red Machine wrote:1. Russo, Hogan & Bischoff gone and replaced with someone competent
2. ROH recovers from their extremely lackluster end to 2011
3. More attention is paid to the WWE Tag Team Division
4. A lengthy World Title reign for Dragon
5. Taker goes 20-0 at Mania, then retires
6. Joe returns to the main event scene in TNA
7. MORE AJ LEE! (including a Diva's Title reign).
8. Tyler Black, Claudio Castagnoli, & Jon Moxley become a real part of WWE's main roster
9. Del Rio retires Rey
10. Steen vs. Generico for the ROH World Title

This, or These shall I say. Would like to add Punk vs Dragon headlining a WWE PPV.

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Re: Your 2012 Wishlist

Post by Sassafras » Jan 12th, '12, 09:14

Punk vs. Jericho at WrestleMania
Dolph Ziggler to win the WWE Title

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Re: Your 2012 Wishlist

Post by cero2k » Dec 11th, '12, 18:31

One Year Later
cero2k wrote:1. For ANX to win the ROH Tag Team Titles.................................CHECK!
2. For Serena Deeb to return to the ring.......................................nope
3. For Lagana to take over Impact Wrestling's writing........................................CHECK!
4. For Ultramantis to win the Chikara Grand Championship.......................................nope
5. For a KoW reunion in WWE........................................nope, but there was that match against rollins and punk
6. For a good debut for Ambrose and Rollings........................................CHECK!
7. For AA to jump to the TNA World Title scene........................................CHECK!
8. For Dolph Ziggler to win a World Title........................................if not at TLC, nope
9. For Cody Rhodes to win a World Title........................................nope
10. For Wade Barret wo win a World Title........................................nope

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Big Red Machine
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Re: Your 2012 Wishlist

Post by Big Red Machine » Dec 11th, '12, 19:04

Big Red Machine wrote:1. Russo, Hogan & Bischoff gone and replaced with someone competent... 1/3 gone, although the competence of the replacements is up for debate.
2. ROH recovers from their extremely lackluster end to 2011... check (a few months into 2013 and I think it is fair to say that the turnaround started at Glory By Honor XI when Delirious got the book)
3. More attention is paid to the WWE Tag Team Division... check
4. A lengthy World Title reign for Dragon... check
5. Taker goes 20-0 at Mania, then retires... if Taker doesn't come back again, then check
6. Joe returns to the main event scene in TNA... nope
7. MORE AJ LEE! (including a Diva's Title reign)... I didn't get the title reign, but I did get more AJ... in fact, too much more AJ. Be careful what you wish for.
8. Tyler Black, Claudio Castagnoli, & Jon Moxley become a real part of WWE's main roster... check
9. Del Rio retires Rey... nope
10. Steen vs. Generico for the ROH World Title... check
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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