BRM Reviews WWE No Mercy 2002

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews WWE No Mercy 2002

Post by Big Red Machine » Dec 19th, '10, 05:58

WWE No Mercy 10/20/2002- Little Rock, Arkansas
WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Chris Jericho & Christian(c) vs. Booker T & Goldust-6/10. Very good match. Good cheating by the heels, good momentum for the babyfaces. The middle rope broke during this match, but they managed to work around it.

DAWN MARIE vs. TORRIE WILSON- 4/10. Not bad, and a fun comedy spot with the referee trying to break up the cat-fight.

RIC FLAIR vs. ROB VAN DAM- Flair botched his turnbuckle flip, but picked himself right back up with only the dignity that someone who regularly does a Flair Flop can manage. RVD was in control until Flair cut off his offense with a low blow and a chop block. Classic “Dirtiest Player in the Game” stuff.- 6/10. Would have been 6.25/10 but Flair’s shoulder was clearly off the mat, right in front of the camera when the pin was made, I am usually very forgiving of botches, but when it is the finish, and the pin that wins the match clearly should not count, I just can’t ignore it.

WWE CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Jamie Noble(c) (w/Nidia) vs. Tajiri- 6.5/10 Just plain great wrestling, with one really awesome nearfall. I liked the finish a lot, and there was some good comedy aftermath as well.

UNIFICATION MATCH: World Heavyweight Champion Triple H vs. Intercontinental Champion Kane- Told a great story. Hunter and Flair kept cheating, but Kane kept managing to survive all of their cheating. They pulled out every trick in the book before they finally got him. Even eight years later, they still got so much heat from me while watching this match. 7.5/10


WWE WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH: Trish Stratus(c) vs. Victoria- 5/10. Good match, but nothing much else to say about it.

HELL IN A CELL MATCH FOR THE WWE TITLE: Brock Lesnar(c) (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Undertaker- 8.75/10. Great match. Had a real “this is a fight” feel, and certainly felt vicious enough for Hell in a Cell, despite such a short feud. They did some cool stuff that I had never seen before, either.

Overall, an awesome show.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews WWE No Mercy 2002

Post by womenwrestlerfan » Dec 19th, '10, 16:36

I have that on DVD and I LOVE it, including the Unscripted Interviews on there

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